inetbet pass me in less than a hour, been paying me like that over a year. phoneinican in minutes. 7 to 10 working days
Doug: Welcome to our Live Casino Support, How may I help you?
bethug: doug, user name is bethug
bethug: the bonus is a stick bonus
bethug: how does a cash out work
Doug: The bonus is non cashable. You may withdrawal up to 10 times the amount of your deposit. Please remember that teh bonus amount will be fremoved from your withdrawal request
bethug: wait
bethug: so the most i can get is 1400
Doug: That is correct.
bethug: so right now i am playing for nothing
bethug: so if i make a full withdrawal you will neteller me 1400 bucks in a few days
bethug: helloo
Doug: All withdrawals take between 7 to 10 business days. We do require you to send to us the authorization form.
bethug: why so long
Doug: You may find the form at
bethug: after that why so long
bethug: when other casinos pay in 3 days or less
bethug: i wwas told i could get paid in 3 days
Doug: Our processing time is 7 to 10 business days. It all depend how may people are in front of you in the line to the cashiers box, So to speak
Doug: Please remember that the bonus amount will be fremoved from your withdrawal request. So request $1400 plus teh bonus amount
bethug: ok thanks, but ted told me three days
bethug: i am looking for the email right now
bethug: 7 to 10 days is to long
ted, does it take that long to send people there money