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Before processing your withdrawal request we have noticed a pattern of bonus abuse in your game sessions. Due to this we have subtracted the bonus money that was given to you and your winnings, processing only your original deposit.
We are truly sorry if there was any misunderstanding but we are obligated to follow the company's policy.
The following is a statement directly from our "Terms of Use":
"The Casino reserves the right to refuse or rescind the bonus for any reason including, but not restricted to, player abuse. In case of abuse, the Casino reserves the right to discontinue player's membership and to prevent the player from accessing the Casino in the future".
caruso said:You broke no rules. YOu played VP and blackjack. This would NOT hold up in a court of law.
Ebru, you know Playtech are headed for the UK stockmarket, right? You need to press hard on this matter in these coming weeks.
caruso said:Ebru, you know Playtech are headed for the UK stockmarket, right? You need to press hard on this matter in these coming weeks.
peanut1313 said:Please post the steps I should take to get the results you did.
Nice. Could you look into peanut 1313's case as well.Graham said:My name is Graham, and I am an a representative of Swiss Casino and Casino Las Vegas which are both casinos of the IOG casino group.
Ebru, you were issued a payment of $2,102.00 to your Neteller account from Casino Las Vegas, and you were issued a payment of $3,777.00 to your Neteller account from Swiss Casino on March 22, 2006. Please check your Neteller account to verify this information. Both Swiss Casino and Casino Las Vegas have paid you in full. You were also sent an email both casinos stating this information on March 12, 2006.
Please feel free to contact me at anytime to discuss this issue at