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dave_r said:I've been playing the sportsbook arbitrage game, and have been more successful with that than online casinos.
More info on how to do this is available on Rob McGarvey's site.
I've been betting against myself on the same exact teams with 2 different sportsbooks, and pocketing the bonus money. Thus far, its been working.
dave_r said:I've been betting against myself on the same exact teams with 2 different sportsbooks, and pocketing the bonus money. Thus far, its been working.
dave_r said:The following article by McGarvey will introduce you to sportsbook betting:
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OK. Now the following newsletter by McGarvey explains how to beat the sportsbooks through arbitrage bonus hunting. Skip WAY down to the part of the article entitled "Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge".
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I sincerely hope Rob doesn't get upset with me for giving out this last link, as this is the type of info that noone wants anyone to know.
Nevertheless, I've been betting against myself on numerous occasions recently, and have been paid every time except twice. The 2 times I didn't I went to the OSGA and was able to finally get my original deposits back.
I did get a vicious phone call from 1 sportsbook manager in Costa Rica that was on to me, and told me not to play him for a sucker. He locked my account.
But everybody else seems to want my action.
Thus far my profits are outstanding and I am not really risking ANYTHING, yet getting substantial bonuses. Although I am a little concerened that if I bet with the wrong guys for too much money, one of 'em will eventually steal my deposit, and get away with it.
So I'm putting my eggs in a lot of different baskets.
Sorry for going out on a tangent ... and now back to the original topic.
I have played this game with UK bookmakers, I have not tried US sportsbooks yet. Can you find enough bonuses to make it work in the long run?dave_r said:I've been playing the sportsbook arbitrage game, and have been more successful with that than online casinos.
More info on how to do this is available on Rob McGarvey's site.
I've been betting against myself on the same exact teams with 2 different sportsbooks, and pocketing the bonus money. Thus far, its been working.