Spam from Casino Rewards affiliates (Phoenician)

Forum Announcements


As of roughly 9:30AM GMT this morning -- Tuesday 11 February -- the Casinomeister Forums have lost two days of user activity including forum registrations, forum posts, PMs, PABs, Tickets, Announcements, etc.
All forum content added after roughly 10:40AM Sunday 9th until 09:30 11th February has been lost.
When we have more info to share we will. Until then please bear with us.
Needless to say we apologise deeply for the frustration and inconvenience this will have caused.


Keep winning this amount.
Mar 10, 2005
Why does this site format/theme look so familiar? :mad:

It seems the group that was sponging off of CPays and others has now moved to Casino Rewards.

I think they deserve each other.
jeee- and what a phantastic name: the999casino :D
i gave my brain or at least half of it, if i only once would be able to create such a beautiful, clear and shining name!
I get so many of these a day it's sad. I complained to Phoenician and the customer service agent said that the site "the999casino" has no part of Phoenician Casino.

It was also said (by the agent) that my information is incorrect and there is no connection between the two. Yeah right. :-|
I get so many of these a day it's sad. I complained to Phoenician and the customer service agent said that the site "the999casino" has no part of Phoenician Casino.

It was also said (by the agent) that my information is incorrect and there is no connection between the two. Yeah right. :-|

I'm in contact with

I'll keep this thread updated.

The site is not part of Phoenician, BUT they are an affiliate that's spamming it. Don't they understand that? :lolup:
I also got a lot of spam that contained a URL of the form, which redirected to, which redirected to with some affiliate code, which was a copy of and every link pointed to the Ruby Fortune installer.

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