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getting at least 2 an hour blocking sender but they just keep coming
They may as well remove the blocking feature for all the good it does. These resourceful bastards will just keep on spamming but with different addresses, like with a bunch of random letters for example. It can go on for ever.....
Seems to be an overzealous 'affilliate' at work. Kinda reminds me of another casino recently that couldn't keep its affiliates in check....
Thanks for pointing this out mimi26, we have received complaints about this during the weekend as well and have been addressing the senders.
It's terrible, and even 2 every hour?
If any of you continue to receive more spam please send us an email to partner(at) (and please forward the whole email if you can). If you’ve gotten any other than the email above please send it forward. Our affiliate guy has also joined CM now (webber02) and will help out if there's any issues with spammers.
Thanks again and apologise for any inconvenience.
Kind regards,