SoV creating their own laws after the first excuses don't hold up

Could the OP please respond to this?

Is it true that you only started playing at Slots of Vegas after this dispute started, as the manager claims? Did you not make your deposit and redeem the coupon at Slots of Vegas?


The last time I played at Prism before I made the deposit at SoV 15-03 was 28-02, so I don't know why Chris even MAKES that kind of accusations, because HE can see that in my account and I have screenshots of it... (by the way, I lost)

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And hey, Chris CLAIMS that the "No Dutch people are allowed" rule was only effective since the first of MARCH so why would I even have HAD a dispute the 28 of FEBRUARI!!!

Man, I'm getting sooooo g*dd*mn sick of this sh*t, he just makes stuff like this up without ANY prove whatsoever and AGAIN I'M the one who has to prove he's just plain lying...

And hey Chris, it was YOU personally who claimed that you recognised all the Dutch bonus abusers, that group that as you claim I'm part of, by the bonuscode they all used and I then even SHOWED you I used another one, but hey, that's strange...
...You mention al types of bogus info (what do I have to do with bigmouthing players in your chat?!) but THAT was a part you did't even go into!

And first you mention I'm just plain lying about getting the bonus manually because it's just impossible, but just one sentence later you tell that even IF it happend, I should have followed the rules myself?!

And then you still dare to point out the rules?
The rules weren't even effective when the bonus was given! You're own employees in the chat confirmed that (just read the d*mn chatlogs!!!), google cache confirms it, and even the guy who checked when I opened this topic confirmed it!
But wait, the whole world is against you including your own employees and a wallstreet giant like google is just manipulating the facts about your little casino so I can fool the people at casinomeister... Yeah right!

And last but not least, PLEASE, just PLEASE(!!!) get to know your own software before you make ridiculous accusations about me not getting the bonus given manualy!!!
Wait, I'll explain to you how claiming a bonus in YOUR SoV casino works:
- You FIRST request a bonus by using the bonuscode
- You deposit
- You get the bonus automaticly redeemned DIRECTLY!!! NOT 8 MINUTES LATER!!!!

So NO, you DON'T first deposit and then request and redeem it as you claim!
So why does it show up like that in my account? And why 8 minutes later?

Ah, someone sent me a screenshot to prove my claims! Many Thanks!
B.t.w. Because he's afraid of getting his winnings voided with the same bogus reasons they scr*wed me with, the sender would like to stay anonymous...

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You're making my job easier

Martin (or should I say Mariet?),

You just made my job a lot easier. After looking into your account, based on the information that you provided, and seeing that nothing you showed matched what was in your account (why are the images cut off?). So, I did a search for similar players. Guess what I found? Anther account that you opened with Slots of Vegas back in January!

Guess what else? Both account were opened from the same computer, same IP address... but the info doesn't quite match up. Let me show everyone here the correct information. I am sure no one will appreciate being misled here...

Slots of Vegas Acct:

Acct Name: marietbl
Name: Mariet B***huis
Street Address: De Imker 8
Email: letsplay@****.nl

Old Attachment (Invalid)

Prism Acct: martinbl (this is the account we are refunding)
Name: Martin B***huis
Street Address: De Iemker 8
Email: martinbl@****.nl

Old Attachment (Invalid)

I apologize for the line through the second attachement there. I had to match up screen shots in paint... that is why there is that slight gap in the line starting with 3/15/2007 6:05:49 PM. Sorry, it's the best I can do :(

I would like all of you to look at the correct shots of his account info above. If you look back at his, it is obviously missing a large amount of information. And mismatching information from two different accounts (those small changes are what make it possible to open multiple accounts, by the way), that was pretty clever, huh? The incorrect account information that he provided is what made me miss the multiple accounts. I am a little embarrassed, actually. I should have caught that.

I would also like to point out that in the first screen shot above... Do you see where it says "Player Class Changed" ? That is where he was blocked from taking bonuses on his Slots of Vegas account on 3/22/2007 6:07:26 PM. You will notice that the other account has the same message on 3/22/2007 6:05:32 PM. That is our computer automatically changing the player class of players from his country so that they cannot redeem bonus coupons. I told Brian I was setting that up, and that is your proof. Unfortunately, it only runs once an hour. So, if a player signs up from one of these countries, downloads, deposits and redeems a coupon all within a 1hr period, we may still miss them. We are making an effort to avoid these problems in the future though. You will also notice that the deposit, and bonus, we are discussing was made on 3/15/2007 6:05:49 PM. Not in February like this player claims.

Do you wonder why his screenshot doesn't show all of the information that is in his account history? Why it is cut off at the edges? You still trust him? Please assist me in shutting this issue down. There are a lot of good players on this forum, I know there are. Let's not let a few bad players tarnish the reputations of good casinos. It hurts us, but it hurts you too. You may miss out on some great experiences with some good casinos. These forums should not be a haven for bonus abusers and cheaters. That is the first thing we hear when we catch someone breaking casino rules... "I'm going to casinomeister!" I hope that we can all work together to resolve these issues correctly, and that we as casinos are given the opportunity to be listened to. There are a lot of you out there that know we pay and have had good experiences with us. How about a little help here??? lol :)

lojo - Thanks for stepping up. That took guts! :notworthy

Anyway, is this over now?

VIP Lounge, Prism and Slots of Vegas Manager

Last thing, you will probably notice that he was just approved yesterday. I had already refunded all of the Netherlands players, I thought. I looked into his account yesterday again when we were going over this dispute and noticed that he hadn't even ever requested his withdrawal. That is why I thought it was already refunded. I have been refunded so many of these players... Anyway, I approved the refund and will be sending it to him today. Just in case you were wondering.
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No what are you talking about Chris?!

Wow, my sister played at your casino also after I told her about you guys...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wtf is wrong with that?!
Ok, from what I know now about your tricks, it's kinda ironic so after all this cr*p and false accusations people might think I hate my sister, but what's your fucking point? As far as I know she never even played at your casino, I'm not here babysitter!

And why do you KEEP LYING about my account?!?!

So you looked at my posted screenshots and concluded that it was from a different account?
As I quote "After looking into your account, based on the information that you provided, and seeing that nothing you showed matched what was in your account (why are the images cut off?)."

Just quit the b*llsh*t you liar!

Wait, let's take all those screenshots:

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And now the complete shot of my account without the cut "images" (why the hell would it even mather if I cut of how you ripped my 750?!) but hey, here you go!

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Whoops, now how can that be Chris, all the screenshots I posted before, they all match my account!!! Now isn't that a surprise, you've been cought on yet another lie! :eek:

So for F*CKS sake, quit the bullshit, quit bothering me with your wining stories about complete strangers you meet in the that, quit bothering me with other peoples accounts, but just ANSWER to the lies you've been caught at.

Talking about that wining chat conversations; knowing your tricks you probably just made that shit up so you can act as the poor casino manager...

But hey, I'll make it easy on you, I'll just sum it all up:
- Why did your own employee in the chat admit on March 16th that it's stated nowhere on your SoV site that people from the Netherlands couldn't play bonusses?
- How is it possible that google cache also states that you're claim, that it was on your site from March 1st, is just plain lying.
- You first state thatALL the users from the group bonusabusers used 475HIGH. I used 310RJ1 so that would mean I'm not part of that group now wouldn't it.
- Why don't you know your own casino's bonus policy? (first requesting, then depositing and THEN the bonus is redeemed)
- How can you claim it's impossible that I got my bonus manually although I have screenshots that prove otherwise?

And last but not least:

HOW BY GODS NAME can you claim that I'm a bonus abuser when I never even won a thing?!?!
Oh, by the way, knowing your tricks by now about simply denying and lying about my account information: I'm willing to give my username and password to casinomeister so he can check for himself :D

But wait Chris, let me guess... If casinomeister confirms that ALL I said is true, you will simply say he's also lying, maybe mention all casino accounts the neighbour of his girlfriends uncle had in 1994 had and you will start wining again about how everyone is plotting against you guys :(
Booohooo Chris, it's not honest!

But you know what Chris, the only one caught lying numerous times is YOU!
And the only one who has a right to wine is ME!
Because not only am I the one who got screwed for $750

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(Oooooh, it doesn't show the "images"!!! It's a trick! A lie I tell you!

...but also I am the one who keeps getting accused with no prove or arguments whatsoever
Oh, by the way, knowing your tricks by now about simply denying and lying about my account information: I'm willing to give my username and password to casinomeister so he can check for himself

A few days ago, I have asked Casinomiester to jump in and help straighten this mess out. It seems as if he wants to remain neutral.
Maybe if you ask him and give him your info, he may then jump in and settle all this bull.
All this thread is doing is getting longer and no where fast.
Keep us up. :thumbsup:

Also, I don't give a fat rats ass what anyone says about The Virtual Group regarding "giving them a chance". They've had MORE than enough time to turn that leaf over and get on the right track.


Nah, burning them to the ground was not even my intention..

That I raise my voice now & then is in this topic, is because this is really frustrating... People who know me in real life KNOW that I never lie, so if I'm accused of lying almost everytime Chris posted I can get kinda angry...

What he simply doesn't understand is that 850 is a lot of money for me cause it's not that I'm real lucky at this casino stuff... Even the 100 dollar which I had to deposit to play the bonus is a lot of money...
And that's what I don't understand.. I can understand that casino's don't want people who rip them off or abuse them by hacks or something...

But I'm not a big player, I didn't have ANY problems before with casino's (probably because I lose more then I win ;) ) so I don't have a bad rep or something like that..
I never even won at their casino :what:

So that's what's real mindboggling to me... Why accuse me of being a casinoabuser if I never even one untill this time :(
I mean, I never one so I never got problems like this, but just that time that I have winnings, there's all kinds of problems and I get accused of all sorts of stuff...
Originally Posted by lanidar


I didn't mean it literally. But, just once in a while when my temper get hot...
Welllllll.... then, I say... "BURN 'EM TO THE GROUND"!

What he simply doesn't understand is that 850 is a lot of money for me cause it's not that I'm real lucky at this casino stuff... Even the 100 dollar which I had to deposit to play the bonus is a lot of money...

You and many, many others are the perfect target. You enjoy a game from time to time... you expect to get paid if you should happen to be lucky enough to win... and you don't have alot of money to waste. All you are hoping for is a win and some fun.
Then comes along a group like Virtual. They target the little guy then work him over with a ten pound sledge hammer.
Now, if this site was This Casino Sucks, I'd lay out a few choice four letter words to TRULY let these people know what I think of them.

I'm with ya martinbl... we may lose the battle but, we're going to win the war! :thumbsup:
Admin note: chill out

Just an admin note for everyone to take a chill pill and calm down; it's no use flipping out over this. You guys can carry on at the sucks board with the burning the house down flaming swords stick it up your ass rampage - try to be mellow here. You've pretty much blown any chance of the casino reconsidering their position.

I thought it was common knowledge throughout Casinomeisterland that I was on vacation for the past two weeks up until today? When I have a chance, I'll review this thread to see if it's worth getting involved. Please note: if you choose to participate with these casinos, you are on your own. Most of you are smart enough to understand this. Also, I expect seasoned players to understand this and not bother me with PABs concerning these operations.
Just an admin note for everyone to take a chill pill and calm down; it's no use flipping out over this. You guys can carry on at the sucks board with the burning the house down flaming swords stick it up your ass rampage - try to be mellow here. You've pretty much blown any chance of the casino reconsidering their position.

I think you know from past issues, any past issues, that I am a flamboyant, descriptive poster.
I believe that strong, solid pictures sometimes can best describe personal feeling better than words.
I'm not looking to start any form of an argument with is your board to run as you deem fit.

But, I doubt very, very much that "You've pretty much blown any chance of the casino reconsidering their position". More than once, Chris was extremely adamant regarding the fact that he was not going to pay martinbl come hell or high water. After following this thread very closely, I truly tend to believe that martinbl is not part this so called group from The Netherlands and that all he wants is his just due.
"I thought it was common knowledge throughout Casinomeisterland that I was on vacation for the past two weeks up until today?"

I wasn't sure....figured you were though.
What a way to come back from a vacation.
Nothing but aggravation.
Sorry about that. :o
Customer Support

:) I have reciently had lots of problems with Customer Support with Prism Casino. Specifically with Samantha! I didn't have a problem with their bonus--Just Samantha who kept lying and saying that I was scheduled to be paid. The Casino would end Chats-- and never did I get to speak to the Manager. This went on for a few weeks or a month. However, after I posted how I was being treated and NOT BEING PAID they did eventually pay me. But--sent the money Western Union and charged me the $18.00.:eek:

Did you read the e-mail that the computer generates that says...Your withdraw will be processed between 2-4 days?? Can remember specifically. There was also some conflicting information regarding the bonus monies. Real Crap. I would have kept all of the documents if I would have realize what type of organization that I was dealing with. :mad:

Well since that dispute...Virtual keeps messing me around with my withdraw. It is really sad that as a relatively new player I have to learn the hard way. :eek:
I just discoverd this thread and must say I am quite shocked :eek:
Why? Well
1) I am from the netherlands to
2) I played Slots of Vegas on March 15th
3) Requested 4 bonus coupons after a long chat session (I DO have the screenshots of this)
4) I lost all 4 coupons for a total loss of $400

Now I don't bother losing $400 in this casino. I took a few bonuses they offered and asked about the terms in the livechat.
The thing I DO bother about is what if I had won on one of those deposits.
In the live chat I had with their Operator Danielle I asked almost everything about the bonuses they offered. NOT ONCE did she mentioned I wasn't allowed to take a bonus. She only explained all the bonuses to me. I made very clear I was intending to make a deposit and request a coupon and she only encouraged me. NOW WHY IS THAT??? If I read everything Chris says I am not eglible since march 1st. Then why on March 15th (there was also nothing about Netherlands in their T&C) they explain bonus rules to me. Why not say 1 thing: sorry you are not eglible...:what:

The thing is... I lost $400 real money, but had I won I would have won only monopoly money I could only spend in their casino I guess.
Chris I do not want to give your casino a bad name but this is really strange.
It was probaly okay to take my money and deposit but appearantly I never had a chance of cashing out more then my deposit.

I post here because I want this sorted out. I am curious... would I have been called a bonusabuser to if I won? Toi bad I didnt win... I would at least got my deposit back :o
That's great Geforce, PLEAAAAAASE tell me you saved those screenshots!
Because if you have screenshots of the chat AFTER 1 march were they promiss you a bonus although you are from Holland, then I have yet more prove that the bonus WERE given to people from the Netherlans!

And if you can show that it was also possible to really REDEEM the bonus, then the story from Chris that it was impossible is also proven wrong.

So PLEASE, if you still have them, post them!
Chris I do not want to give your casino a bad name but this is really strange.
It was probaly okay to take my money and deposit but appearantly I never had a chance of cashing out more then my deposit.

I post here because I want this sorted out. I am curious... would I have been called a bonusabuser to if I won? Toi bad I didnt win... I would at least got my deposit back :o

The precident has been set repeatedly on this forum that it is OK for casinos to freeroll their customers. To clarify, if a casino awards a bonus and later denies a cashout based on information that the casino had when the bonus was awarded, that is just fine. The average ploppy who posts on this site is very scornful of advantage players. I'm not sure if these feelings stem from jealousy, or ignorance, but they are clearly present. Then there are the affiliates who actually have a good reason to dislike APs, since most affiliate deals pay a percentage of net losses.

So to summarize, yes, your cashout would have been denied. No, nobody with any clout here would have cared in the least.
Martin, Here are the screens as requested. The cashier part shows clearly that I have succesfully redeemed the bonuses.
Good luck in getting your money!
The precident has been set repeatedly on this forum that it is OK for casinos to freeroll their customers. To clarify, if a casino awards a bonus and later denies a cashout based on information that the casino had when the bonus was awarded, that is just fine. The average ploppy who posts on this site is very scornful of advantage players. I'm not sure if these feelings stem from jealousy, or ignorance, but they are clearly present. Then there are the affiliates who actually have a good reason to dislike APs, since most affiliate deals pay a percentage of net losses.

So to summarize, yes, your cashout would have been denied. No, nobody with any clout here would have cared in the least.

I think I'm the only ploppist that has seemed scornful of 'advantage players'.

If bonuses weren't 'abused', the terms and conditions would be so simple that sorting out the good casinos from the bad would be so easy that anyone deft enough to deposit and withdraw wouldn't need to be here.
if bonuses weren't abused, they still would be. the players themselves don't abuse bonuses unless they gnome or otherwise claim the same bonus multiple times. anything else is just the casino calling something abuse, be it a bunch of sign ups from a single nation, a player that comes out ahead after wagering and cashes out rather than pump it all back into the casino's coffers, a player that doesn't deposit between taking bonuses, etc etc.

if a store puts things on sale super cheap and two vans full of people come and buy that item, the store could call abuse that the customers only came there to score the low price. but what is wrong with what they did? of course if they attempt to buy more than any imposed limit, then indeed it is the shopper's fault and thus abusive. but taking a good deal offered to you and cashing out after you meet your obligation thereto is not abuse. until the casino wishes it to be.
if bonuses weren't abused, they still would be. the players themselves don't abuse bonuses unless they gnome or otherwise claim the same bonus multiple times. anything else is just the casino calling something abuse, be it a bunch of sign ups from a single nation, a player that comes out ahead after wagering and cashes out rather than pump it all back into the casino's coffers, a player that doesn't deposit between taking bonuses, etc etc.

if a store puts things on sale super cheap and two vans full of people come and buy that item, the store could call abuse that the customers only came there to score the low price. but what is wrong with what they did? of course if they attempt to buy more than any imposed limit, then indeed it is the shopper's fault and thus abusive. but taking a good deal offered to you and cashing out after you meet your obligation thereto is not abuse. until the casino wishes it to be.

I hear ya Happy. And indeed in the big picture and final analysis it is the casino's and the store's responsibility to protect themselves from exploitive foolery. But if I cut into the store's profits, they aren't going to 'eat it' they are going to 'pass my savings on to you' or the next guy who comes along, and if I have to sign a contract that is longer than my arm to get twenty cents off a loaf of bread just to pay the price I would have anyway without the vanful of coupon shoppers raising the prices and complicating the simplest of transactions, well... that's just my take.

Hope we aren't too far off topic here, but how can we help it? Many of the cases are in mediation so neither side can speak out wisely. Maybe we should start another thread to discuss the salient points we think are in contention? I dunno.

There has to be a long term profit potential in bonuses or they wouldn't be offered for sign-ups. The 'loss-leader' concept of a grocery store is... "I'll get you in the door with a loss on this product hoping you will buy enough of my other stuff that I can make a profit and keep my doors open. If I can build some brand loyalty in the process, I'm willing to take a hit beyond your coupon shopping today. Thanks for shopping at lojo's ya'll come back, ya hear?"

I doubt the total picture here is so black and white.
I'm dropping out of this thread me thinks. (yeah, I've said it before)

Best to all:thumbsup:
I think I'm the only ploppist that has seemed scornful of 'advantage players'.

No Lojo, you can add me to the ploppy list as well, whatever that term means. I'm certainly not defending the casino in this case, just making a general statement about advantage players.

Gambling is meant to be fun, and it's meant to be entertainment, IMO. It's not meant to be a way to make money, again just my opinion. A bonus to me adds to my playtime, nothing more. If I get lucky and hit something decent, great. If I don't, hey, I got to play a bit more than I would have on a straight deposit.

The way I see it, there are two possible solutions to all the bonus complaints that arise. One, the casinos can just stop offering any bonuses, period. I doubt that will happen. Two, they can offer bonuses but put some ridiculous wagering requirements like 50X playthrough on them, and make them for slots play only.

I know that most here think I'm crazy, but sorry I don't look at playing at a casino as a way to make money. It's my form of entertainment...the same way that someone else may go to a movie, or a play, or out to dinner, or whatever. Nothing more.

Again, I'm not saying these people don't deserve to get paid, just stating my opinion. Honestly, I haven't read this thread THAT closely to offer an opinion on it. But I am somewhat offended by bpb's "ploppy" comment.
:D I have no idea what was meant either, just took 'ploppy' to be disparaging and decided to pwned the term by making it 'ploppist'.

If nobody else gets around to it maybe I'll start a poll/thread to discuss bonus issues in general. It seems taking the discussion out of emotionally charged threads might be more productive. I have mixed feelings and thoughts about bonuses and other advantage play and it would be great to have a discussion on more level ground. Come to think of it, I'm not really sure which thread I'm on right now...
Martin, Here are the screens as requested. The cashier part shows clearly that I have succesfully redeemed the bonuses.
Good luck in getting your money!

Nah, this clearly states that Chris' statement that the bonusses couldn't be redeemned after March 1st.
And not only that, it also shows that the statement about me not getting the bonus added manualy is simply false.. And that from the casino manager himself :confused:

Nah, there's two options now I think, of Geforce get's his all his deposits voided because he wasn't even allowed to play there with bonuses since he's from the Netherlands so all deposits were under false terms.
Or the casino should just payout my winnings.

Hell, it was even encouraged by the chat representatives from the casino...

What Chris is stating now is:
Player from the Netherlands: Hi, I would like to play at your casino :)
*player loses*
Chris: Hahaha, tough shit sucker, you lose all your money!

Another player from the Netherlands: Hi, I would like to play at your casino :)
*player wins*
Chris: Hahaha, you lie, cheat and abuse so you don't get shit!

To sum it up: according to Chris, If you lose, you're a great player and they give you even more bonusses and if you win you're a lying casinoabuser who should f*ck off...

Not only morally wrong, but as I presume also fraudulent and illegal...
Well here I am again and have to give a compliment to Chris.
I got an email today from him in which he says I wasn't supposed to get any bonus. In an effort to 'undo' this error he decided to give me my deposits back. I am very happy with this and want to give him credit for solving this. It shows he is willing to take a look into cases and solve if possible. Thank you very much. :thumbsup:

@Martin, I hope you get your problem solved to.
Well here I am again and have to give a compliment to Chris.
I got an email today from him in which he says I wasn't supposed to get any bonus. In an effort to 'undo' this error he decided to give me my deposits back. I am very happy with this and want to give him credit for solving this. It shows he is willing to take a look into cases and solve if possible. Thank you very much. :thumbsup:

@Martin, I hope you get your problem solved to.

You can't be serious.
He only gave you back what was yours to begin with.
And this so called "ERROR" was his not yours.
This is just a bullsh*t ploy to get some good PR.
This must be a joke!
You can't be serious.
He only gave you back what was yours to begin with.
And this so called "ERROR" was his not yours.
This is just a bullsh*t ploy to get some good PR.
This must be a joke!

I understand your reaction. I even agree with you, but the fact is that I got a bonus and played with it. I lost it and never expected to see the money again. The fact that I get my deposits back shows that they do not only void winnings and take losing deposits. I still not agree with the voiding of martin's winnings as far as I know the facts, since it appears players from the netherlands COULD receive bonuses ( I don't believe I was the only one). I posted this because they are at least consistent in their policy. A lot of casino's would not return deposits to losing players but just keep them. I still don't think this is very good PR for them, with all this going on. Just want to add as much as I can to this story. Positive and negative.
As I said many times before, we are all entitled to our opinion.
I've been on The Virtual Groups ass for a very, very long time.
They change personnel/managers as often as I change underwear.
The upper echelon at Virtual is searching for the perfect con man.
But, their continuous search is in vain.
For some reason or other the scape goat aka manager, seems to disappear after they fail.
Who knows....who cares, it doesn't make a difference what becomes of them.
The point remains that Virtual continues to succeed in sucking in players that do not know better and keeps the poor players money.
Why do you think Casinomeister has them on the "Not Recommended" list?

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