Non-Bonus Complaint Smart Live Casino don't pay me 5098 euros


Newbie member
Jan 11, 2016

Had used Smart Live Casino for the last 2-3 months. My username there is: spyrosc2

Though that since they are regulated from UK Gambling Commission and MGA, my money are more secure there than a Russian or Curacao based company. My account was verified and no bonus received.

At first, my balance with them was in red, had made 3-4 deposits of a total 1200 euro. After i cover some losses and withdraw 400 euros at 23/06/2016. According to their terms and conditions:

''''5.9 You may withdraw your money at any time. Money withdrawn will always be returned to the source of the funds where possible. All withdrawals must be completed within 3-5 working days from the date requested.''

My account was already verified and indeed, money were in my account the same day (or next day, can't remember actually).

After a good run, i turn my balance to 5098 euros. Withdraw 1500 euros 13/07/2016. After a week i haven't seen any money, so i got afraid and withdraw another 3000 euros at 19/07/2016, followed by a last withdrawal of 598 euros at 26/07/2016 (see picture attached for proof). Still receive nothing from them and i am desperate as i don't believe they have the money to pay.

I contact them via chat, at first i was told that weekends are not included in the 3-5 working days timeframe to execute withdrawals.Said ok, not a big problem. After about 10 days i decided to contact them via mail. Tried it many times. They always reply, giving different reasons, but never a certain time frame when my withdrawals will be executed.

One day they say they are in need of more time due to technical reasons:

''We are writing in regards to your withdraw query.
Please be advised that the respective department is currently handling your case and once it has been processed you will be notified vie e-mail.
Please note that there will be a slight delay in processing your request as it would require some technical time, however you may rest assured that your withdraw will be processed accordingly.
Please be informed that in order to avoid providing any misleading information I can not inform you of a certain time frame that will be required for this to be completed , however I can assure you that we are doing our best and will inform you as soon as we have''

Another time they say they need more time due to their regulator requirements, suggesting also to avoid contacting any third party after i told them that i contacted IBAS:
''We are writing in regards to your withdraw query.
Please refrain from third party information and only refer to Smart Live Gaming's customer service,and note that Smart Live Gaming is functioning as a proper gambling company.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this delay may have caused you and assure you that your request will be processed as soon as possible, however the processes that need to be followed in order to comply with all requirements of our regulator require more time than usual and we sincerely apologize for this delay.''

Would be thankful if anyone knows what to do to receive my money. Had seen over a dozen of no payments in askgamblers last days and seriously i can't see how they can pay all those requests. Had contacted MGA but can't help as they license only their Casino and not the Sportbook. Had contacted IBAS at 26/06/2016 but no reply yet from them. Will contact UK Gambling Commision and Neteller as well (i know neteller can't do something but at least they should block deposits to Smartlive to protect more people from loosing their money)

Thx, wish i had seen the topic you mentioned earlier :)

Will fill a PAB asap, hope Casinomeister can help. Thx!

Welcome, hope too that you will get paid. That is a good chunk of money. :D

Please in future do your research before you register and deposit at a casino. Having a UK/MGA license is no guarantee that they are a solid operation.

Best is to chose only from the CM accredited list, the higher the rating the better they are and the faster they pay, the top ones in minutes-hours after submitting your withdrawal: Link Outdated / Removed .... when you open the link you see the list on the right, click on 'Rating' and it will display the top scored casinos first.
Welcome, hope too that you will get paid. That is a good chunk of money. :D

Please in future do your research before you register and deposit at a casino. Having a UK/MGA license is no guarantee that they are a solid operation.

Best is to chose only from the CM accredited list, the higher the rating the better they are and the faster they pay, the top ones in minutes-hours after submitting your withdrawal: Link Outdated / Removed .... when you open the link you see the list on the right, click on 'Rating' and it will display the top scored casinos first.

Will do mate, thx
It makes me sad when I see posts like these

I hope you get your winnings sir

It is sad indeed.

Had used the most obscure bookies in the planet, most of them limited me pretty fast but all of them paid winnings. Smartlive got absolutely no reason for not paying winnings. Hadn't accepted any bonus, i am not an arber, never hit odds that were obvious error and in general have many years of experience to understand when i am acting fair or not.

Smartlive were able to execute the small withdrawal when i was still in loss with them, but suddenly they need more time for technical reasons after i won, their regulatory body now have more requirements and blah blah..It is sad cause they could limit my account after 1000 euro profit for example and low their exposure like most small bookies do, but they prefer to let you bet hoping you will loose balance and if you win they find many reasons to avoid payment.

Will let you know the end of this story, hopefully will get my money but with all those open complaints against them, i think it is just matter of time to have their license suspended.
Spyrosc, I am sorry to hear of your problems.

Please do not jeopardize the status of your PAB by posting further about your issue with SmartLive. It's a condition to NOT talk about it on the forums while the PAB is ongoing.

I hope you receive your winnings. But I wouldn't make plans for your money just yet unfortunately.
Spyrosc, I am sorry to hear of your problems.

Please do not jeopardize the status of your PAB by posting further about your issue with SmartLive. It's a condition to NOT talk about it on the forums while the PAB is ongoing.

I hope you receive your winnings. But I wouldn't make plans for your money just yet unfortunately.

Ok thanks for letting me know. Appreciated.
At least 20 open complaints elsewhere about this casino, ranging from several hundred Euros to tens of thousands.

Over the past three months something is definitely up at Smart Live whether it be financial issues or just straight forward they don't wanna pay.

I hope you receive each of your withdrawals as soon as possible :)
At least 20 open complaints elsewhere about this casino, ranging from several hundred Euros to tens of thousands.

Over the past three months something is definitely up at Smart Live whether it be financial issues or just straight forward they don't wanna pay.

I hope you receive each of your withdrawals as soon as possible :)

That doesn't sound very promising for the OP, especially since his withdrawals exceed 5K, quite high in total.

Well, according to Max they promised to improve and discuss player issues, lets hope they stick to their word this time.
Well, according to Max they promised to improve and discuss player issues, lets hope they stick to their word this time.

Unfortunately their promises have (so far) turned out to be little more than a hopeful twinkle in the new rep's eye. In fact almost nothing has been done to deal with the outstanding player issues and this includes them having made statements to justify depriving a player of £32,000 but completely failing to provide evidence to support those claims when specifically and repeatedly asked to do so. FWIW their history of shoddy behaviour has been supported by reports I've received from industry colleagues unconnected to the case(s) we've been working on.

IMO the jury is very much out on Smartlive's fate at CM. If the case in question is not properly resolved and they fail to demonstrate an ongoing commitment to clean up their act then my recommendation to Bryan will be that we renew the Warning, update their Pit listing with this recent fiasco and forget about them.

@ spyrosc200 : please ensure that you have you read and understood the PAB FAQ (see
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) The FAQ tells you the scope of our service, what you can expect from us and -- also very important -- what we expect from you. If you don't understand and/or cooperate with the PAB process -- in your case FAQ item 3.12 is of particular importance -- then your PAB will very likely fail. So please ensure you have read the FAQ. Thank you for your cooperation.
Unfortunately their promises have (so far) turned out to be little more than a hopeful twinkle in the new rep's eye. In fact almost nothing has been done to deal with the outstanding player issues and this includes making statements to justify depriving a player of £32,000 but failing to provide evidence to support those claims when specifically asked to do so. FWIW their history of shoddy behaviour has been supported by reports I've received from industry colleagues unconnected to the case(s) we've been working on.

IMO the jury is very much out on Smartlive's fate at CM. If the case in question is not properly resolved then my recommendation to Bryan will be that we renew the Warning, update their Pit listing with this recent fiasco and forget about them.

@ spyrosc200 : please ensure that you have you read and understood the PAB FAQ (see
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) The FAQ tells you the scope of our service, what you can expect from us and -- also very important -- what we expect from you. If you don't understand and/or cooperate with the PAB process -- in your case FAQ item 3.12 is of particular importance -- then your PAB will very likely fail. So please ensure you have read the FAQ. Thank you for your cooperation.

Geez Max, 32K is helluva lot of dough. :eek: I suppose a wolf was, is and will remain a wolf even when wearing a sheepskin. :rolleyes:
Geez Max, 32K is helluva lot of dough. :eek: I suppose a wolf was, is and will remain a wolf even when wearing a sheepskin. :rolleyes:

Yeah, well, unfortunately it's a fair bit more than that if you add up all the cases I've recently heard about from other sources. What makes my particular investigation of acute interest to me is that they've so far claimed that the player's winnings were denied on the grounds of Terms that did not exist before the player's win, apparently came into being the very day of the win, and inexplicably disappeared again shortly thereafter. They've offered nothing to explain this remarkably unusual set of circumstances.
Yeah, well, unfortunately it's a fair bit more than that if you add up all the cases I've recently heard about from other sources. What makes my particular investigation of acute interest to me is that they've so far claimed that the player's winnings were denied on the grounds of Terms that did not exist before the player's win, apparently came into being the very day of the win, and inexplicably disappeared again shortly thereafter. They've offered nothing to explain this remarkably unusual set of circumstances.

I think personally that that is tantamount to criminal fraud. UKGC/IBAS surely?
I think personally that that is tantamount to criminal fraud. UKGC/IBAS surely?

The issue is three years old, came to us now because of the OP seeing our announcement that Smartlive wanted out of the doghouse. At the time the casino was MGA licensed so they -- the MGA -- have requested that the player file there. That's where things currently stand, so basically a work-in-progress.
For what it's worth, my previously responsive reps at Smart Live are now an email black hole with many emails going in and nothing coming back out. I've just closed another term related case that certainly looks very questionable because their basic support - the only people I could get to respond to anything - have stated that they will never discuss any account with a third party. Interestingly, they clearly weren't even briefed to refer complaints to their ADR - I had to fill in that information myself.

I've read in a few private forums that this company is about to go under. One person has reported that a load of staff have just been made redundant with immediate effect (apparently told to them by a friend who was working there), another person has reported quoting inside knowledge that they are in financial trouble and pondering a loan deal.

Judging by the amount of emails I'm currently receiving from this company offering 100% bonuses (on a daily basis) I would be inclined to say that what I've heard is true.

I am aware that people are being paid as well, although they're concentrating on smaller balances first rather than a chronological order of withdrawals. Not sure whether they are genuinely trying to stay open / stay in business without obtaining a loan or whether they're attempting a smash and grab with these deposit bonuses, paying a few small balances out before disappearing!
FWIW it appears that they have stopped responding to player complaints, complaints which are piling up I should add.

This does not look good: players interested in Smartlive are advised to proceed with extreme caution.
Since they no longer reply to player complaints, any suggestion of what my futures actions should be guys? Had contacted IBAS and UKGC but unfortunately got no response from them yet. I am very disappointed from IBAS, more than 10 days and still no response from them.

The only response i got so far was from neteller. At least neteller is willing to investigate their behavior.

Hiring a lawyer generally helps in such cases? Don't mind hiring one, on the other hand i don't have the experience to know if my chances getting paid are actually increased if i hire a lawyer. Don't want to end up paying a lawyer and still don't get paid from Smartlive.

As for Smartlive, had stopped my email communication with them as i only got general responses. In their last emails they just stated that payments will take several more weeks to be executed, that their actions are in full compliance with UKGB, and that i will violate their rules if i post my case in forums.

''We realize our failure to deliver on the time frame, presented in our conditions, however this may take several more weeks to process. It may also not take this much time, however you are kindly requested to bear with us, while we are working on resolving your request.

Please be advised that any and all procedures applied to any of our customer accounts, including yours, in this case, are in full compliance with the requirements, applied by the UK Gambling Commission as a regulatory body.

Please be further advised that as per the terms and conditions you have agreed with upon registration under 4.9 you are not entitled to make untrue and/or malicious and/or damaging comments with regard to the Companies' operation in any media or forum. Any violation of this policy may result in the suspension of your use of the services and/or such other action as may be reasonably required by us to ensure compliance.''
They had their license suspended, meaning not completely revoked and the UKGC has given them a set period of time to sort out their problems or lose their license.

SLC has according to their T&C's "basic" player funds protection. You can read here what that means :

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So there is a some chance you will see at least a part of your money, although the basic level is not much of an assurance.
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Wow, they had their licence suspended and they still claim that their actions are under compliance with the requirements applied by the UK Gambling Commission as a regulatory body lol.

It seems will need a miracle to take my money from them.

Always hurts loosing money this way, especially 5000+ euros, but it is not the end of the world.

Had written money off and in case a miracle happens i will consider money as gift from god :)

Anw, thanks a lot for your help guys, at least i found i nice place to spent my time and learn industry news.
Wow, they had their licence suspended and they still claim that their actions are under compliance with the requirements applied by the UK Gambling Commission as a regulatory body lol.

It seems will need a miracle to take my money from them.

Always hurts loosing money this way, especially 5000+ euros, but it is not the end of the world.

Had written money off and in case a miracle happens i will consider money as gift from god :)

Anw, thanks a lot for your help guys, at least i found i nice place to spent my time and learn industry news.

You're welcome, although on this occasion we do not have a happy ending yet.

If they are really interested to stay in the UK market, which i assume they are, they will have to pay out ALL outstanding player bets/balances/winnings. The UKGC will not remove the suspension if they don't, hence it depends what effort they will make to stay active in the UK and how substantial their financial issues are.

The only good thing is that you would get your winnings in that case.
... i will violate their rules if i post my case in forums.

"... you are not entitled to make untrue and/or malicious and/or damaging comments with regard to the Companies' operation in any media or forum.''

That looks highly dubious to me and I'd like to see them defend that one in court. My guess is that in any case other than blatant defamation they'd be told to get stuffed.

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