Small glitch on RTG


Dormant account
Apr 17, 2005
Remeber early RTG days when Cleopatras gold had the little pause, and that how you knew you were going to get the free spins. Well this is similar.

I was trying out the new games for fun at inetbet and was playing outta this world. Now according the paytable these are rules below.
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Now when the screen appears like this and you get the black hole on reel 2 it makes that annoying DUH sound to try to get your blood pumping. You know O maybe I might get the feature.
When the screen appears like this, it doesnt....
Notice the black hole appears on reel 2 and 3, but it is susposed to make the DUH noise on reel 2. So basically they know you arent going to get the feature before the spin result is over!
So basically let me sum it all up. I was in a hurry posting so nobody interupted me. On rtg everyone knows if the scatter or feature triggers come they make that annoying sound. But it alerts you and gets your attention.

Know on Outta this world if a black hole appears on reel 2, then it makes that sound.
Blackhole=Scatter they appear on all reels but only trigger a bonus if they appear on reels 2 and 4.

So the first screen shot is a normal screenshot of the game. It has the black hole appearing on reel 2. It make that sound like it should.

In the second screenshot 2 black holes appear. One is on reel 2 and ones on reel 3. Now the blackhole should trigger that annoying sound to tell you that the feature has a possibility that its coming. And it didnt!!!!!!!!!!! I thought it was me at first. But it happened multiple times.

So what does this all mean????
That means that the slot knows the outcome of the spin before the spin happens.
Just a little add here. Go test it out yourself. I believe this is a glitch and there is probally more then this......

EDIT: It does the same thing with the last reel too. This glitch doesnt seem like a big deal, but it could be.:D
liquidsoap said:
Just a little add here. Go test it out yourself. I believe this is a glitch and there is probally more then this......

EDIT: It does the same thing with the last reel too. This glitch doesnt seem like a big deal, but it could be.:D

So your saying that if you get the blackhole on the second reel and also on the third that you don't get the "bonk" sound when you hit the first blackhole meaning no chance of a free spin coming? I'll have to check it out, but I'm not too crazy about that slot game to begin with.:D I've tried it serveral times and have never gotten a free spin.:confused:
lovetogamble said:
So your saying that if you get the blackhole on the second reel and also on the third that you don't get the "bonk" sound when you hit the first blackhole meaning no chance of a free spin coming? I'll have to check it out, but I'm not too crazy about that slot game to begin with.:D I've tried it serveral times and have never gotten a free spin.:confused:
Exactly if you get the blackhole on the second reel, ands its going to appear in the third or fifth reel, there will be no bonk sound.
Is the bonk sound actually caused by the black hole appearing on the 2nd reel? or is that from the RTG employee manually flipping on your win switch at that instant?
I noticed this a few weeks ago too but didn't think too much of it.

In fact, a lot of the scatter bonuses in RTG have similar flaws. If you ever play Tiger Treasure, the bonus is activated by 3 consecutive scatters either left-to-right or right-to-left.

So if is no scatter comes in on reel 1, your only option is to get it from right-to-left (either reels 3,4,5 or 2,3,4,5).

When you see no scatter on reel 1 and reel 2 drops in with a scatter but with no sound, you aren't going to get the bonus. Yet if on that same spin, a scatter appears on reel 3, you will hear the sound and the reels will pause a bit... the problem is, since there was already a scatter on reel 2 you can't possibly get the 3,4,5 combo - you could only get the 2,3,4,5 combo. And if you were going to get the 2,3,4,5 combo, then the sound would have been made when reel 2 stopped spinning, and it would have paused before reel 3 showed itself. But it will still try to make you think you have a chance if a scatter drops in on reel 3.

I hope this makes sense? It's basically the same thing, but with a slightly different setup.

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