Slots of Vegas vs drelackey - dispute regarding max WD on a bonus


Newbie member
Feb 22, 2022
Kansas City, MO
I am alleging that SoV has tampered with my transaction history in order to satisfy paying out only $30K (max) and still owes me the remander of my winnings (approx $43K). here were MANY transactions on my bank statement that are now not showing on my Slots of Vegas transaction history. I have confirmed and have proof that all of the missing deposits were in fact deposited, successfully funded, and played with on my casino account. I can confirm that these are not fradulent transactionsTAt first, i had an issue with delayed payment. I finally had this somewhat resolved and received only $30k of my winnings, as Tawni with SoV said that the majority of my winnings was due to a certain coupon code with a $30K max. Therefore, I am also alleging that is not true that "majority" of my winnings, were due to a deposit with said coupon and restrictions.
If they're willing to go to these lengths to avoid paying 13k, why wouldn't they have just claimed they owed you 0 in the first place?

I'm not saying you're lying or anything, but if I didn't want to pay you, I wouldn't pay out 70% and then stop, I'd just not pay out anything at all.
To be clear, there is STILL a difference of 43K....not 13K
Ok sorry I misunderstood, I still don't get why they would go through the trouble of messing with your transaction history only after having paid out nearly half, and especially if they claim a coupon code term was breached.
no i have emailed Tawni miultiple times. The first request she responded with transaction history only back to August 18. The second time she apologized for misunderstanding my request and sent me entire trans history...however, when I opened the attachment, it did not contain my entire history. I asked AGAIN for all trans from 2021. She has not responded.
@TawniVirtualAce : please update us on where this issue is at? Are you able to help this player? RSVP.
Just to update, I've sent everything requested to the OP and I've copied Max with everything. There was no tampering, whatsoever with the player's transaction history. The player used a coupon which carried a $30,000 max cashout and this is exactly what was paid to her.

I do want to point out that this issue came to me via AskGamblers, back in November of last year. After issuing the $30,000 in payments and providing AskGamblers management with the coupon and evidence, the case was closed as 'resolved.' I sincerely hope that the same will be true, once Max reviews all of the player's history.
I cant believe people are still playing at Virtual casinos. If you really want to play there, at most deposit only $50. Yes, Tawni is a responsible rep but the whole group isnt.
Ok, I'm a little slow to get to this one but I've seen the transaction records from the casino:
  • It's not at all suspicious looking, meaning no evidence of tampering that I can see.
  • There very much was a bonus coupon in play. Thus the max WD cap seems perfectly justified.
@drelackey , if you've got evidence to the contrary I'll need to see it ASAP. Otherwise it would seem an apology is called for here.

Thread title changed to level the playing field. The original was "Slots of Vegas - Transaction History Tampering / ~$43K".
43K huh? I bet that hurts like hell. 4K more and you could of purchased a new 2022 Tesla Model 3.

I hope the lesson has been learned to avoid deposit bonuses at all costs unless you know the T&C of said bonus
being used like the back of your hand.

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