Withdrawn: SkyKings Casino: refusal to discuss player issues


Forum & Complaints Team Leader
Staff member
Jan 20, 2004
[withdrawn]A recent player complaint concerning a forced bonus/no-pay situation at SkyKings Casino has revealed that SkyKings will not discuss player issues with outside parties under bogus claims that to do so would violate international protection of information laws.

They say the players must file official consent forms with them, in writing, before they will discuss the player's case. Of course this is both unnecessary and would take a considerable amount of time during which the player is left without aid or assistance. They repeatedly state that Customer Service is there to help any players that need it, but players wouldn't come to us in the first place if CS was doing it's job.

In my experience this technique is used by casinos that do not want outside involvement in their player complaints, they wish to block third-party attempts to intervene on the player's behalf.

Warning: SkyKings Casino is avoiding dealing with player issues by pretending it is legally bound to not discuss them. Proceed with extreme caution: you're on your own if there are problems.[/withdrawn]
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A little further digging reveals that WHG International Limited (formerly William (Gibraltar) Ltd, also associated with WHG Trading Limited) is the owner of Sky Kings. This is a list of their (known) properties:

Later: the body of this post has been relocated to it's own Warning: see General Warning: Beware of casinos in the WHG group
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It is my understanding that the WHG group has taken a specific interest in this case and is in the process of resolving it with the player. I've seen the proposed resolution and feel that it is fair and appropriate to this case. Once the player confirms that they have been paid as specified in this proposal I will mark this Warning as "Withdrawn".

For those of you with concerns regarding the "protection of information" aspects of this issue please see the Beware of casinos in the WHG group Warning for details.

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