In regards with Mr. Adkins gaming account at the Show Down online Casino:
<,Said they checked and no credits were missing, <,said they checked with their bank also.(Why <,would they look there?) ?And that my wife has an <,account with the lucky nugget and ?<,maybe she <,played the credits. And they do not like the <,TONE <,of my posting here.
We contacted our e-cash company (NOT BANK)and asked them to provide any further information concerning OUTSTANDING BALANCES which could be owed to Mr. Adkins. At no time did we point out to Mr. Adkins that anyone related to him uses 'x' casino. Since we use an e-cash company, their services to the casino is to administer conversion of real cash to e-cash, fraud and so forth. At the same time our e-cash company provides the same services to various other internet related companies. They just informed us that there was another person residing at the same address as Mr. Adkins who uses one of our e-cash company's e-cash merchants, which is a Microgaming client as well, that their credit cards were mapped to Mr. Adkins. At the same time we discovered that Mr. Adkins runs casinos down when things have not been running all that smooth for him.
On our gaming software, we have a feature just by checking it our software will recall the passwords last saved. If one were to play on line, assuming you are using the 'remember password' feature and played a few games then logged off and closed the gaming software. Now lets just say for argument's sake that some kid got onto your computer and discovered your casino software, loaded it up. The person using the workstation would not have to enter the password thus the password save feature was enable. Over and over again we inform our clients to be cautious when using this facility as accidents can happen and these types of accidents are rather expensive.
<,Screw you Showdown, not only are you saying that <,I am a liar, but now my wife played those <,credits.
At no time did we say that Mr. Adkins's wife used his Show Down casino gaming account, we said on our audit that we provided him there was continues play after 80 credits went 'missing'. What could of happened is that someone could of used his gaming account (if he uses the password save) not Realising that they were playing with REAL money. When the credits finally ran out, only at the end 'this' person realized that this was a REAL gaming account. At no time what so ever did we point a finger!
I have no objection publishing Mr. Adkins's gaming audit onto this newsgroup, but then I would be violating his privacy. I don't know Mr. Adkins runs down the Show Down Casino considering that his account has been very active to present
Show Down Online Casino