Shadowbet leaving UK market - Today!


Meister Member
Jan 8, 2019
Screenshot 2020-05-04 at 15.46.46.webp

Found it a little unusual there was no warning. Normally a bit of notice from casinos in my experience.
Who are they going to warn? They fell asleep at the wheel. They were Accredited, but couldn't be bothered to maintain a rep here. Lots of lip service wanting to support the community - all hat, no cattle.
Oh dear, another GiG company gone, what a shame.

Forgetting about my view on GiG for a moment, who would have thought opening dozens of almost identical casinos, in an already saturated marketplace, might be a fail.

Unless you are offering something special then theres no reason for people to play elsewhere. Videoslots got so many customers as they offered the reel races before anyone else. Rizk because of the wheel etc, L&L have cashback which is different. If you don't offer something, then you won't get the customers.
Had to quickly go and check as had a few Withdrawals waiting, thankfully they paid them. Could've been a decent site, liked the fact they had demo play, and at one time had good offers, but were quite slow-paying and didn't have many games even though they had plenty of providers, and games would often get removed.

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