Rubbish: you have to state you have gambling problems


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2017
Too bad nobody took part in my herogaming post in this discussion, cause this hits exactly why there are so many complaints/ threads about SE. So I started a new thread and removed this from there.

It seems to be the tendency, as I found out last copple of months, you should ‘explicitly state to a casino you have problems with gambling, if you had financial damage by closing/ reopening accounts.

This is exactly the biggest problem on this subject, cause nowhere in law or governmental policy is stated you should say those words, at least MGA, don’t know British. Some terms do state this, but then they are not compliant to nowadays law.

Today everybody who has financial damage due to closing or reopening an account has most of the time a right on financial compensation.
These are pure facts if you look at ruling. If casino’s or regulation don’t want this, the law should be changed on this point.

Don’t say you have no case if you did not stated clearly you have gambling problems! Cause this is simply not true based on nowadays law.

It’s quite simple: apply rules! That means apply rules to EVERY CLOSURE! Mine is based on art 43 MGA, but probably British has clear rules too?

1) if a customer wants the account closed, no matter what reason, provide immediate service to implement that on your licensed casino’s, or a self service to do that.
2) do not let a customer open an account on the same license, when he has a closed account somewhere else on the license. When customer wants that apply 7 days
3) do not reopen an account immediately, but apply 7 days waiting time.

When applied conform ruling there is less discussion!! But do not forget: some casino’s create this mess themselves not the (troubled) customer....

1) some casino’s let you write up on the same license
2) reopen your account immediately and don’t apply 7 waiting days.
3) some casino’s don’t close your account immediately/ provide no self doing system
4) decide for you you don’t have a gambling problem when you ask for permanent closure, but like stated this is irrelevant cause it applies to EVERY CLOSURE. Some say casino’s can’t read your mind, but the problem is they don’t need to read at all!

If casino’s stick to the law, customer did not felt badly treated. If casino’s don’t want this law, suggest changing at your authorities. Then it would be fair!

But for now legally EVERY GAMBLER has a right when those rules are not applied of a financial compensation. And nobody has the right to call those people refundseekers or stuff like that, cause the rules made it possible!

Rubbish: state to a casino you have gambling problems. Ofcourse say it when needed for yourself, but it is no fair claim of not paying you compensation.

Unfortunately this is practise, based on nothing, for as far I can see. As a customer you get a thick brick wall at some casino’s. That is the frustrating part.

If you don’t want this rule, just implement it in law, there would be less SE discussion!

By the word casino I don’t mean all, to be clear on that, a lot do a great job on many occasions, like HEROGAMING.

I think the reason for it is casino’s saw more and more customers trying to look for refund, but hey... THEY CAN! And they should get it based upon nowadays law. If you want it different, the law should be different.

Can somebody tell me why those casino’s have more rights, then you, a vulnerable customer? Cause in my opinion this is a rule of not paying a customer the entitled compensation.

Can somebody tell me who created this non official rule, which provides less protection of problemgamblers, and why it is applied to your claim by ADR’s as well, as I have understood?

We are talking on this forum about fair play. Is this fair play? Are my remarks about this matter not fair?
Honest but friendly post...

Only my humble opinion but I've lost count of how many of these or similar threads you've started since joining CM.

I think your shopping around for casinos and then looking for loopholes once you've lost even more money.

Happily proven wrong of course but I really do think you need to get some professional help and get your gambling problems sorted once and for all, I wish you seriously the very best of luck in doing this.

Bryan has moved your account to the quit gambling section but on this occasion more is needed. I think you need to steer well away from anything even remotely gambling related altogether.

Best of luck.
Agree with Jono.

Can one of the mods ask him to limit everything to one thread? He's gonna slander every casino available unless they bow down to his reasoning of it otherwise.
What financial compensation? Closing and re-opening accounts is not indicative of a gambling it's only right to explicitly state 'I have a gambling problem' and not expect them to telepathically read your mind, surely.

With thousands/ millions of players to preside over it seems only fair to at least make your intentions clear, not cry foul and whip out the begging bowl asking for recompense. If this sort of attitude became widespread we can expect casinos to be even more suspicious of players and think it's not worth the bother :confused:
Why play a guessing game?

If you have a gambling problem and want to quit. Say so. Dont expect casino's to read between the lines. People get emotional and if they are pissed off and say close my account, ok so close it. But for a casino to take drastic measures and take it upon themselves to self exclude you from all their brands because of it, is bad business and not really how the world works.

A break is a break. Meant for people who have lost too much or arent having fun at the time and need to walk away and come back fresh.

Self exclusion is someone with a gambling problem who have self control issues.
Honest but friendly post...

Only my humble opinion but I've lost count of how many of these or similar threads you've started since joining CM.

I think your shopping around for casinos and then looking for loopholes once you've lost even more money.

Happily proven wrong of course but I really do think you need to get some professional help and get your gambling problems sorted once and for all, I wish you seriously the very best of luck in doing this.

Bryan has moved your account to the quit gambling section but on this occasion more is needed. I think you need to steer well away from anything even remotely gambling related altogether.

Best of luck.

Thx for replaying. I do understand your opinion, but I feel different about it. I think a lot of non troubled players have your opinion, untill the disease gets you too! Trust me, most get it, perhaps it takes 20 years to develop into real severeness, only a few % will never get it.

Once you get the disease you will have it for life even under control, there will be moments of weakness, just like alcoholism or drugs and then the ‘dealer’ wants its profit, some more immoral, others are more genuine and understand they do not need to squeeze you out for the profits.

What is shopping for loop holes????? Cause I think you don’t shop for loopholes when you ask to apply rules. They do it as well to you with their terms. It is quite simple, you make an agreement, then stick to the rules. If I find they don’t stick to that, I am entitled to ‘shop for the loopholes’ as you say. If I lost fair and square, I accept. But sorry not when you ask for permanent closure for 4 times, and in a sec get an account reopend, or when you ask for a week of shutting account down cause of problems and nobody shuts it. Not when tou applied a limit and they don’t work at all.

I have the right of trying for a refund, cause its simply the rules, they need to stick too.

Even more cause there is almost no protection for customers on this subject, cause its so easy to get hooked. All the responsible gaming policies are most of the time bogus, cause mostly they don’t act on it. It’s just justifying behaviour for themselves, like if they really want to help a troubled one???

If you don’t have problems with gambling, you are not the person they make the most money out of... I am jealous you can control it, I could not. Perhaps you get a turning point as well, cause I played for many years without troubles, then you remember this. I’ll hope the disease won’t catch you. Ofcourse it starts with me and my own responsibilities, but you get really lured to this severely. Spamming, not able to close your account for good, easy reopening in a sec etc.

But even when you don’t have severe troubles, like you, there will be a point of not fair treatment even by a licensed one, cause some don’t apply law.

If you have read most of my threads its about justice, and justice you don’t get, that’s Why I post here to be heard.

The only point of me banned to this section is I can’t participate on the fora, but still can read. Quit Gambling forum only has it’s effect if people are willingly put here.
I do not believe in help from professionals, once you don’t realize the only person who can help you is Yourself!!!! But I get really mad if you think you helped yourself controlling it and rules are not applied to help you control it.

The only thing which helps is no internet at all, unfortunately-;)

Sorry if you feel I post too much on the subject, that’s because I feel I walk into brick walls, which are not build on fair gaming.
Agree with Jono.

Can one of the mods ask him to limit everything to one thread? He's gonna slander every casino available unless they bow down to his reasoning of it otherwise.

Hi Maltese player,
1) you are not a player if you work for a casino.....

2) why bother???
3) I am not slendering down every casino, only the ones who do not
apply law
What financial compensation? Closing and re-opening accounts is not indicative of a gambling it's only right to explicitly state 'I have a gambling problem' and not expect them to telepathically read your mind, surely.

With thousands/ millions of players to preside over it seems only fair to at least make your intentions clear, not cry foul and whip out the begging bowl asking for recompense. If this sort of attitude became widespread we can expect casinos to be even more suspicious of players and think it's not worth the bother :confused:


I am not talking about about indications of a gambling problem! Thats just the point... based upon law you don’t need too, but they ask you too...
Thx for replaying. I do understand your opinion, but I feel different about it. I think a lot of non troubled players have your opinion, untill the disease gets you too! Trust me, most get it, perhaps it takes 20 years to develop into real severeness, only a few % will never get it.

Once you get the disease you will have it for life even under control, there will be moments of weakness, just like alcoholism or drugs and then the ‘dealer’ wants its profit, some more immoral, others are more genuine and understand they do not need to squeeze you out for the profits.

What is shopping for loop holes????? Cause I think you don’t shop for loopholes when you ask to apply rules. They do it as well to you with their terms. It is quite simple, you make an agreement, then stick to the rules. If I find they don’t stick to that, I am entitled to ‘shop for the loopholes’ as you say. If I lost fair and square, I accept. But sorry not when you ask for permanent closure for 4 times, and in a sec get an account reopend, or when you ask for a week of shutting account down cause of problems and nobody shuts it. Not when tou applied a limit and they don’t work at all.

I have the right of trying for a refund, cause its simply the rules, they need to stick too.

Even more cause there is almost no protection for customers on this subject, cause its so easy to get hooked. All the responsible gaming policies are most of the time bogus, cause mostly they don’t act on it. It’s just justifying behaviour for themselves, like if they really want to help a troubled one???

If you don’t have problems with gambling, you are not the person they make the most money out of... I am jealous you can control it, I could not. Perhaps you get a turning point as well, cause I played for many years without troubles, then you remember this. I’ll hope the disease won’t catch you. Ofcourse it starts with me and my own responsibilities, but you get really lured to this severely. Spamming, not able to close your account for good, easy reopening in a sec etc.

But even when you don’t have severe troubles, like you, there will be a point of not fair treatment even by a licensed one, cause some don’t apply law.

If you have read most of my threads its about justice, and justice you don’t get, that’s Why I post here to be heard.

The only point of me banned to this section is I can’t participate on the fora, but still can read. Quit Gambling forum only has it’s effect if people are willingly put here.
I do not believe in help from professionals, once you don’t realize the only person who can help you is Yourself!!!! But I get really mad if you think you helped yourself controlling it and rules are not applied to help you control it.

The only thing which helps is no internet at all, unfortunately-;)

Sorry if you feel I post too much on the subject, that’s because I feel I walk into brick walls, which are not build on fair gaming.

This is basically communist thinking. You are saying humans are too weak and people need to decide things for others. Do you like freedom of speech, do you like having an alcoholic beverage, do you like having salt on your steak? All of these things can be dangerous if you cant control yourself. Humans were not built to be weak and reckless who wander around like zombies. They were built with decision making skills and the brain is programmed to tell us when we are doing something dangerous. These skills grow with age and education. Hence why there is a legal age that is required when it comes to these types of things because the persons brain and skills are developed enough to make rational decisions or at least be weary of their surroundings.

Are there factors that increase the likelihood of addiction? Sure. Are there tactics? Sure. But the majority of the population have proper decision making skills and this is what the gaming commission rely on when stating their policies. Casino's would not be in business if had to meet requirement like you suggest.
Why play a guessing game?

If you have a gambling problem and want to quit. Say so. Dont expect casino's to read between the lines. People get emotional and if they are pissed off and say close my account, ok so close it. But for a casino to take drastic measures and take it upon themselves to self exclude you from all their brands because of it, is bad business and not really how the world works.

A break is a break. Meant for people who have lost too much or arent having fun at the time and need to walk away and come back fresh.

Self exclusion is someone with a gambling problem who have self control issues.

Hi!thx for responding.

I stated that argument in my message: they cant read minds! Thats just the point they don’t need too if they stick to the law!!

Does nobody gets this??????
This is basically communist thinking. You are saying humans are too weak and people need to decide things for others. Do you like freedom of speech, do you like having an alcoholic beverage, do you like having salt on your steak? All of these things can be dangerous if you cant control yourself. Humans were not built to be weak and reckless who wander around like zombies. They were built with decision making skills and the brain is programmed to tell us when we are doing something dangerous. These skills grow with age and education. Hence why there is a legal age that is required when it comes to these types of things because the persons brain and skills are developed enough to make rational decisions or at least be weary of their surroundings.

Are there factors that increase the likelihood of addiction? Sure. Are there tactics? Sure. But the majority of the population have proper decision making skills and this is what the gaming commission rely on when stating their policies. Casino's would not be in business if had to meet requirement like you suggest.


Communists don’t have a democratic law system-;) no I am actually not talking about that....
Thx for replaying. I do understand your opinion, but I feel different about it. I think a lot of non troubled players have your opinion, untill the disease gets you too! Trust me, most get it, perhaps it takes 20 years to develop into real severeness, only a few % will never get it.

I'm immune, Been gambling since I was 18 (now 45) think if I was going to contract it, I would have done by now.

Crossing fingers but also very confident It will never control me, To be honest it bores me now and also a bust no longer bothers me for more than 2-3 minutes, if that, seriously! - I also much prefer to do other things these days

What is shopping for loop holes?????

Playing at a new casino, if you win, you win/withdraw/whatever, If you lose you create a new thread on Casinomeister ;)

I have the right of trying for a refund, cause its simply the rules, they need to stick too.

Nope, not really. SE "law" will change soon to stop you and others doing this btw :thumbsup:

If you don’t have problems with gambling, you are not the person they make the most money out of... I am jealous you can control it, I could not. Perhaps you get a turning point as well, cause I played for many years without troubles, then you remember this. I’ll hope the disease won’t catch you. Of course it starts with me and my own responsibilities, but you get really lured to this severely. Spamming, not able to close your account for good, easy reopening in a sec etc.

Indeed it does and you really need to take action now (this is the best advice I will ever give you)

If you have read most of my threads its about justice, and justice you don’t get, that’s Why I post here to be heard.

I have read a good few but there is only much rewording of the same underlying issue I can reply to, more so when I feel they are wasted posts and no advice is been taken even remotely.

The only thing which helps is no internet at all, unfortunately-;)

This may be your only solution if your gambling problem is as severe as I and others think it to be. It is not as drastic as you may think if it solves your problem. That been said there is so much free WiFi about these days..........Where there is a will, there is a way :thumbsup:
. Casino's would not be in business if had to meet requirement like you suggest.

Hi lockinlove!

See what you are saying:
I am talking exactly about the requirements of art 43 MGA, which are not applied properly most of the time!
They would not be out of business, why would they upon requirements?
Hi lockinlove!

See what you are saying:
I am talking exactly about the requirements of art 43 MGA, which are not applied properly most of the time!
They would not be out of business, why would they upon requirements?

I think the more important topic is that jono is 45. I always thought he was in his early 20's
I'm immune, Been gambling since I was 18 (now 45) think if I was going to contract it, I would have done by now.

Crossing fingers but also very confident It will never control me, To be honest it bores me now and also a bust no longer bothers me for more than 2-3 minutes, if that, seriously! - I also much prefer to do other things these days

What is shopping for loop holes?????

Playing at a new casino, if you win, you win/withdraw/whatever, If you lose you create a new thread on Casinomeister ;)

I have the right of trying for a refund, cause its simply the rules, they need to stick too.

Nope, not really. SE "law" will change soon to stop you and others doing this btw :thumbsup:

If you don’t have problems with gambling, you are not the person they make the most money out of... I am jealous you can control it, I could not. Perhaps you get a turning point as well, cause I played for many years without troubles, then you remember this. I’ll hope the disease won’t catch you. Of course it starts with me and my own responsibilities, but you get really lured to this severely. Spamming, not able to close your account for good, easy reopening in a sec etc.

Indeed it does and you really need to take action now (this is the best advice I will ever give you)

If you have read most of my threads its about justice, and justice you don’t get, that’s Why I post here to be heard.

I have read a good few but there is only much rewording of the same underlying issue I can reply to, more so when I feel they are wasted posts and no advice is been taken even remotely.

The only thing which helps is no internet at all, unfortunately-;)

This may be your only solution if your gambling problem is as severe as I and others think it to be. It is not as drastic as you may think if it solves your problem. That been said there is so much free WiFi about these days..........Where there is a will, there is a way :thumbsup:

Hi thx for replying!

SE "law" will change soon to stop you and others doing this btw

There is no ‘SE law’. That was the point of this thread. We create rules in society by law, my only point is, some don’t stick to rules. Funny to see all the reaction on it.
I said if rules should be different, they need to apply it on the new gaming law in the hope casino’s stick too it.

Why need I and others be stopped while having legitimate Reasons?? Now that seems weird.....
you don’t believe in democracy then...

And you might have missed reading: I think the reason of all this, is caused by casino’s themselves, who are not applying rules, upon which they agreed on with the license.
They are not the ‘victims’ of people who rightfully claim, they earned a lot over real sick peoples back. Why defend immoral behavior of not closing accounts etc?
Last edited:
I think the more important topic is that jono is 45. I always thought he was in his early 20's

Shit, rumbled, please keep thinking this sweetie pie :p

To be fair to myself (rare occasion lol) I'm mentally about 25, physically about 35 and super FIT! :rolleyes: (I'll get back in my box now :o )

Hi thx for replying!

SE "law" will change soon to stop you and others doing this btw

There is no ‘SE law’. That was the point of this thread. We create rules in society by law, my only point is, some don’t stick to rules. Funny to see all the reaction on it.
I said if rules should be different, they need to apply it on the new gaming law in the hope casino’s stick too it.

Why need I and others be stopped while having legitimate Reasons?? Now that seems weird.....
you don’t believe in democracy then...

Nope I know hence the "____" - Trying to avoid a rather length post (and failed :p) what I mean is casinos individual take on SE and their reflective and associated terms. More so for UK players but eventually for all, there will be SE Law* (no quotations this time)

* Probably a better word for this but I mean a criteria and set of generalised guidelines which casinos HAVE to adhere to in order to keep their licence.
Shit, rumbled, please keep thinking this sweetie pie :p

To be fair to myself (rare occasion lol) I'm mentally about 25, physically about 35 and super FIT! :rolleyes: (I'll get back in my box now :o )

Nope I know hence the "____" - Trying to avoid a rather length post (and failed :p) what I mean is casinos individual take on SE and their reflective and associated terms. More so for UK players but eventually for all, there will be SE Law* (no quotations this time)

* Probably a better word for this but I mean a criteria and set of generalised guidelines which casinos HAVE to adhere to in order to keep their licence.

Hope there comes a SE database
Shit, rumbled, please keep thinking this sweetie pie :p

To be fair to myself (rare occasion lol) I'm mentally about 25, physically about 35 and super FIT! :rolleyes: (I'll get back in my box now :o )

Nope I know hence the "____" - Trying to avoid a rather length post (and failed :p) what I mean is casinos individual take on SE and their reflective and associated terms. More so for UK players but eventually for all, there will be SE Law (no quotations this time)

keep calling me sweet pie Ill start thinking you are a grampa

Your posting style is def that of a 20 year old hormone raging guy. I always thought of you as the kid of the forum who had the hots for goatwack. And thats not a knock on you or anything.

Shit, rumbled, please keep thinking this sweetie pie :p

To be fair to myself (rare occasion lol) I'm mentally about 25, physically about 35 and super FIT! :rolleyes: (I'll get back in my box now :o )

Nope I know hence the "____" - Trying to avoid a rather length post (and failed :p) what I mean is casinos individual take on SE and their reflective and associated terms. More so for UK players but eventually for all, there will be SE Law* (no quotations this time)

* Probably a better word for this but I mean a criteria and set of generalised guidelines which casinos HAVE to adhere to in order to keep their licence.

Picture proof of you being physically 35-;)
But anyway, is there someone like me, who also has a legal background, who would like to comment on my ‘not interesting posts’ without emotional arguments on the subject, but only facts?
The site here is for fair play, and fair play is fair rules and fair rules are put in law and we all agreed on sticking to that...but it seems like a few of you don’t care... too bad unfortunately.
Casinos provide tools to help the problem gambler. If the problem gambler doesn't want to be helped then there is no helping him.

Harsh but it is the truth.

OP, stay away from forums, gambling, gambling videos, the job lot. Seek professional help.
* Probably a better word for this but I mean a criteria and set of generalised guidelines which casinos HAVE to adhere to in order to keep their licence.

Well, on MGA that already exists for EVERYBODY not only the troubled ones, that was just my whole point of my ‘stupid, not interesting’ threads, but some of them don’t apply...
Casinos provide tools to help the problem gambler. If the problem gambler doesn't want to be helped then there is no helping him.

Harsh but it is the truth.

OP, stay away from forums, gambling, gambling videos, the job lot. Seek professional help.


That is so true! Unfortunately some still don’t have proper tools and applied the rules properly.

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