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This is how this ended:
Top game is the vendor - in other words they provide not only the software, but the customer support, payment processing, and the security which included player fraud reports.
The chat shift supervisor was reprimanded - I feel that he should be drawn and quartered - and it's a travesty that this chat session could have happened at ANY Top Game casino that uses their support (Gold Vegas does NOT use Top Game's support BTW). I've seen a chat session from another TG casino that (as I was warned) would "make your eyebrows fall out".So to point the finger at Rome Casino for this entire is a little off target. So I've changed the thread title from "ROME CASINO - as rogue as it gets?" to "ROME Casino - Top Game Support disaster"
Rome Casino's operator misspoke in a serious way when he accused the player of multiple charge backs. He was relying on the information given to him by Top Game. At the moment, there may be "one" charge back in question, but even this cannot be confirmed by me. Lesson learned - never publicly accuse a player of charge backs/fraud unless you are 110% sure.
So it's Top Game that should be held responsible for the most part. They've been placed into the Bumbling Blunders and Negligence section of the rogue pit.
I hope this serves as a wake-up call and they are able to claw their way out before they slip further into the abyss.
This seems to leave nothing for the actual owners/operators to do, other than count their money.
This is on the homepage of the TopGame software I was looking at...
Link Removed ( Old/Invalid)
Games that have already been developed are classic slots, video slots, video poker, roulette, single hand and multihand blackjack, keno and they are continually developing more. Upcoming releases include baccarat and casino war as well as more video slots.
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Since when did a SOFTWARE VENDOR become an affiliate. Worse, this is favouratism, they are ranking operators in a decending list of what could be interpreted as credibility, and leaving the majority of the Top Game casinos out in the cold.
Top Game have been promising to put up a website for ages, and all they have managed is what can only be described as a "banner farm" - even if it is only text and links.
To me, it looks like Top Game run the entire show, and are not mere vendors, but acting as owner/operators of at least these brands listed.
Microgaming list casinos using the software, but do NOT rank them, make claims about current offers, etc. Last time I looked, it was a simple list in alphabetical order, with links to the various casino websites - all done in an impartial manner.
If there really ARE Top Game casinos that merely license the software, but have their own support, payments, etc and have not yet made this known, they had better speak up now.
I find it VERY worrying how WRONG their so called security checks were. It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE for a player to appeal against the results of these checks when they flag fraud, and often they are not even told anything like as much as was volunteered by the Rome operator. Since the Rome operator indicated they were using outsourced agencies and "tools", there could well be other players who are victim to being wrongly flagged by these so called "100% accurate" fraudulent player detection systems, and who have unjustly lost thousands without ever having had the chance of a fair hearing.
I await an explanation from the Rome rep as to how first indications of "several chargebacks" could have been so wide of the mark, when only ONE seems to have been found, and even this is not certain.