Rogue Casino


Dormant account
Dec 10, 2002
Lady Luck Casino screws people!!!!!!!!Don't deposit any money here!!! I deposited $50.00 of my money into this casino and they gave me a $10.00 bonus, I played nickel slots until I was down to 77 nickels, then they would not allow me to bet anymore unless I deposited more funds into my account! They said 95% of your bet must come from your money, but correct me if I am wrong, $50.00 does way out weigh $10.00 doesn't it?, so now i am stuck with 77 nickels in my account and nothing to do with them!!!!!!!!! Bet your butt they aren't getting anymore of my money, and I hope whoever reads this doesn't give them any either!!! I hope they get added to casinomeister's "Rogue List" real soon!!!!!!!!!

Christi Raitz
I am visiting for the first time and would like to ask the following please: As a Canadian residant how may I establish an account with a reputable Casino using my CDN Master Card?

Friepay and NetTeller refuse it due it NOT being issued from a U.S.A. bank. Any help would be appreciated.
Usually, there is no problem using a CDN Master Card. There is mainly 2 solutions.

1. Register and use your credit card once you have opened a real account with the casino.

2. Make a deposit using your MC into your NetTeller account. Then go inside your casino account and make a deposit using NetTeller. At this time your money will be transfered into your casino account from your NetTeller account right away.

Hint: It is better to keep your credit card limit as low as possible. Because it is so easy and funny to gamble online!!! ;)
I beleive I posted here my experience with Intercasino. I looked but I couldn't find it.
Any way...Made an $80 Dep Oct 3rd got my $80 Bonus..played the D+B 8 X and won $280.00
The pin came in the mail Oct 15th..cashed in at the casino and was paid Oct 16th.
I have no complaints with these guys at all. :proud:
u must be an employee there then. They are so rigged everyone claiming they are fair must be brainswashed.Then again I have emailed complaints to them and will hill which may mean they just cheat me and no one else.
I even contacted the opa twice. These two casinos are nothing but crooks. They ignore emails violating code of ethics. Dealer don't check for bj if is a restored game which is cheating. They still owe me 4 dollars.I dont recommend either of these two to anyone.Ommni just raised their table min. at the 2 dollar table to 5. REal smart tony blair great way to lose business, you clown.Take claude levy's advice crytologic casinos suck!!
They brainwash me with the excellent monthly bonuses, decent games, and fast payouts when I win or break even there (which is more than 50% of the time).
I must say that I am a skeptic of all casinos even Intercasino. The thing is I hit the Jackpot on the Video slot with the darts. I swear this is I do not work for them. I only won a 1/5 of the Jackpot b/c I didn't play max bet. Anyways it was over 10k and I got paid, quickly. This was last year but after winning and getting paid what can I say....I still play there and other sites and believe me I have many a nights where I'm like "what", no way, but it happens in Vegas too. Just thought I would drop my opinion.

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