RIP ColinSunderland

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Colin and I, never saw eye to eye,.
We came from things from 2 entirely different stances.
But he had a stance. And he was smart, clever, and backed up his position.
He was well-read, well informed and very, very articulate.

He loved this site. He was one of THE most prolific posters.
He suported CM and the philosphy and took anyone to task without hesitation.
We were not friends. But, I respected him.
He was well liked, and very well loved.

The forum is lessened by his absence
RIP Colin
I had the utmost respect for @colinsunderland.

I only knew him - and of him - through his posts here on CM, but I agree wholeheartedly with what Dion has said:
"...he had a stance. And he was smart, clever, and backed up his position. He was well-read, well informed and very, very articulate."

When he went MIA for his own reasons, I for one was very sad, as I feel the CM site suffered from his absence. And now that absence is permanent....

God speed, Colin, and RIP.
Yes, this is a shocker and very sad indeed. He was a fantastic member to have around, a great help to not only newbies, but to folks like me who sometimes need advice. He told me some time ago that he was taking a break from the forum, and I was a little puzzled why he would want to do so. I texted him a number of times asking what was up. but he never replied. Now I'm seeing a bigger picture

My condolences to his friends and his family. He was already missed from this forum, and as we start to realize his absence is permanent, it really stunning and jarring. We will truly miss him.
He may have been on a break as of late.( we now probably know why ?) but the fact we all still speak of him so highly goes to show how well respected he was.
I don't always take the appropriate amount to time to appreciate those around me and moments like this remind me it is important to.

Very knowledgeable man from horse racing to slots to t&Cs one and all.
He will be missed.

Condolences to those close to him and that knew him best.
RIP Colin - someone never afraid to call a spade a spade and call out anybody digressing from the rules whether operators, affiliates or members. Somebody concerned with the integrity of the industry and its treatment of players. Like many here I was concerned by his sudden departure from the CM forum and sadly now we know the reason for this.

Best wishes to his family, he will be sorely missed.
Colinsunderland was a top, top forum stalwart, we disagreed on a few attic style topics but never with animosity, he struck me as a man of honour and principle, but also never without the patience and compassion required to help many folk in need of good advice to solve their casino/gambling problems that were causing them stress.

The forum won't be the same, that's testament to him. All my condolences go to his family. Rest in peace Colin.
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RIP colinsunderland

He was a pleasure to have around and he always seemed to be the first person to help someone out, including me. A strong family man who adored his granddaughter and my condolences go out to his family at such a sad time.

A private man, though active on the forum, bowed out at a time of need, I will definitely miss him and his posts on the forum.
As forthright and honest a poster you'll ever see, it was great to see him in full swing, calling out dodgy casino terms and defending players. He'd always fight the corner of newbies, and more often than not set the record straight, nothing ever got past him.

A much needed voice of reason, his views were unwavering, and always worth reading. Truly saddening to hear of his passing, and how he'd withdrawn himself, but for personal reasons of his own, because he was a fiercely private man, but that I completely respect.

So as with anyone that you spend a lot of time with over the years, whether having met them in person or not, his loss feels profound, and the void he leaves behind great. I offer my sympathies to his family, and know CM will have lost a tremendous advocate, and friend to many.

R.I.P Colin
RIP Colin. Sincere condolences to his family and friends. He was a solid guy, knowledgeable and his moral compass always pointed in the correct direction.

A sad loss for the forum.

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