Reputation points


Ex-Bonus Whore
Sep 3, 2003
I can see in my account that I have 11 reputation points.What these points actually mean?Thanks
Good question since this is something I have switched "on" but haven't messed with too much yet.

The User Reputation system allows board members to leave comments about one anothers' posts, and thereby contribute to their overall 'reputation'.

On everyone's post, you will see a little "scale" icon. Click this and you can approve or disapprove with another persons post. You can leave a comment on this as well. You may view these comments (one's made towards you) in your user CP.

There are titles for a variety of reputation levels, and users are given a reputation title when they reach a certain reputation level. Most everyone starts off at 10 - I have increased the numbers on some of the oldtimers by the way :D

This is something that I belive will enhance the quality of the postings and I trust it will not be abused with "you suck" and these sort of comments. Unless of course the person really sucks :D
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Man, this was an old thread that was "stuck" here for too long. People should rate other users posts more often; I guess I need to give people an incentive to do this like give money away or something :rolleyes:
casinomeister said:
Man, this was an old thread that was "stuck" here for too long. People should rate other users posts more often; I guess I need to give people an incentive to do this like give money away or something :rolleyes:
When I try to do it, I usually get the message that I should spread some more reputation around before giving it again to X, even when I have probably given reputation points to a dozen other people in the meanwhile.
GrandMaster said:
When I try to do it, I usually get the message that I should spread some more reputation around before giving it again to X, even when I have probably given reputation points to a dozen other people in the meanwhile.
Hmmm, odd. Guess it's time to check the ol' admin section... :D
Okay - gotcha. It was set at "20" users you must shell out reputation points to before giving rep points to the same user - now I've reset it to 10. And you have to have 15 posts minimum in order to give reputation points to anyone.
casinomeister said:
Most everyone starts off at 10

I guess someone here decided one of my postings really sucked... :p
I have 9 points and am listed as an "unknown quantity at this point". LOL

casinomeister said:
...give people an incentive to do this like give money away...

An extra 100 casino credits would be nice, hint hint... :thumbsup:
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gfkostas said:
I have 21 points for over a year now and am not impressed :machinegu
If you start using them - others will in return (hopefully). If anyone has a brilliant idea for a contest, I'm all ears.
Yeahhhhh :thumbsup: I got 31 points now.I don't know who credited me but thx anyway :D
Here's the deal on user reputation points:

The reputation level new users receive upon registration: 10

Administrators and moderators (Spearmaster, Vortran, and I) can give or take away 15 points. :D

For every 90 of days, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.

For every 200 posts, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.

For every 200 points of reputation, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.

Minimum Post Count:
You must have a minimum of 15 posts before your reputation hits count on others.

Minimum Reputation Count
How much reputation must a user have before his reputation hits count on others? 10

Daily Reputation Clicks Limit
How many reputation clicks can a user give over each 24 hour period? 15

How many different users must you give reputation to before you can hit the same person again? 5

I clicked on approve and also put in comments. Maybe bugs still need to be worked out. LOL
No bugs. It may have been when you tried to give rep points, your Reputation Power was set at zero (since you're relatively new). It's now "1" so you can now make a difference :D
jamiester said:
that Casinomeister's, Jetset, and Spearmaster have all had their repuatation go down recently. Is that as a result of the new parameters you have set?

Yes, that is correct. When I converted the forum from Discus to vBulletin a couple of years ago, the reputation points was a new thing. I thought people would use them more than they have been (until recently). So for most of the oldtimers, I gave them points that I thought they would have accumulated over the years prior - which actually turned out to be somewhat unrealistic. So I brought them down a few notches (to include myself) and the new parameters have an effect as well.

I noticed that everyone had either maximum rep or minimum rep with no in between. I gave out a few reps but nobody seemed to notice, which was a real surprise because when this type of forum came out at Wheresgeorge? in June, everyone went crazy with them. It has only been a few months and already some people have over 10,000 rep points!! It would be nice to find a medium where the points aren't abused and traded among cliques.

It came to my attention that new comers reputation green bar says that they are on a distinguished road while an old timer like me is on a distinguished road as well.I feel short changed and not been given the recognition that I deserve :( .I expect to be compensated:axeman: .
Bugs definetely need to be worked out:p


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