Hi, I'm new here. Found this site while searching for some sites with info. about online casinos.
After reading through some of the posts on this site it appears that a large number of casino's are cheating us out of our deposits, I for one don't want that to happen to me. Most seem to use the "abuse" excuse as the reason for not paying up which is total BS. Everytime I've read the section on "abuse" it's written so absract that it makes no sense whatsoever.
Due to this nature of online casinos stiffing us I think we should start a list of casinos that we've personally had good luck with reguarding bonus payouts. I'll start it off.
Starluck and Planetluck casinos have been good with paying out their bonuses. They have 100% up the $100 and the WR is $1600.
After reading through some of the posts on this site it appears that a large number of casino's are cheating us out of our deposits, I for one don't want that to happen to me. Most seem to use the "abuse" excuse as the reason for not paying up which is total BS. Everytime I've read the section on "abuse" it's written so absract that it makes no sense whatsoever.
Due to this nature of online casinos stiffing us I think we should start a list of casinos that we've personally had good luck with reguarding bonus payouts. I'll start it off.
Starluck and Planetluck casinos have been good with paying out their bonuses. They have 100% up the $100 and the WR is $1600.