Problem with Pokertime account


Dormant account
Nov 21, 2011
I post here, because I think, I have similiar problem with Pokertime, what I read here, in this thread.
I didnt understand everything in this thread, because my english is pretty bad (translate program help me).
I think, my post will be full of errors, but I hope, You will understand, what I want to say.
I registered to Pokertime in August for my friends invitation. I deposited 70$, but I didnt start to play this day.
Next day (or after 2-3 days, Im not sure), I try to play, but my account was frozen (I got no any email from PT). I find online support, who told me, that they need my documents, because my details are shared with some other player, but he didnt want to tell me whats the problem. I sent my documents and wait for reply, but nothing. Next TWO MONTHS (!) I contacted live support many times (8-10), but always same answere: "we are waiting for documents from other players". I always ask, why they dont want to open MY account and close other players account, who didnt send documents, but they dont want to do this.
One day (I think in end of September or in October) I talk with my friend who invited me to PT, and I told him, whats happened. Next day, he told me, that his account is frozen too and he got no any email too. After few days he talk with live support too, and sent his documents. But my account was still frozen. and same answere: "we are waiting for documents from other players and we cant give any information to You" :( :(
I check many times again my account and contacted live support, but nothing. After another few contact, I got info from live support. He asked for my name. I told him my name, but he told me thats NOT my name!!?? He asked if I know somebody with name Attila. Of course I know, he invited me. He told me, that I gave HIS name in field "my name" at registration. I cant believe it, but maybe its true. I got email from PT at invitation, where they said to me, that I must sign at registration who invited me. Maybe I really made a mistake at registration and I put his name in wrong field, but I think Im not so stupid, but as I said, my english is bad, and if there was not so unequivocal, what field is for what, maybe I really made this mistake. But I sent my documents to PT, and they dont want to open my account, and live support last time told me, that they will never open my account. :( :(
I think, this is more then stupid move, but ok. If they dont want to I play there, I will not. After I ask them to send back my money, but again no any answere from them.
Last time when I chat with support, he told me, that they will not send back MY MONEY because its CONFISCATED!!! What that mean?? Maybe I made an error at registration, but I didnt even play at Pokertime. I only deposit, and I ask for back my money. Im SHOCKED! Please help me to get back MY money. ThankYou

PS I hope, You can understand my "english" :)
Pokertime is part of the Microgaming poker network, which allows rogue operators to open poker rooms, collect deposits, shut down, and steal the players money. Google Tusk and Eurolinx scandals.

I wouldn't advise anyone to play at any Microgaming poker room.
Is there a rep for Pokertime here perhaps? I am not familiar with the Poker mgrs or th reps on CM but maybe another member has a link or a rep name to PM. Good luck with that.
Pokertime is part of the Microgaming poker network, which allows rogue operators to open poker rooms, collect deposits, shut down, and steal the players money. Google Tusk and Eurolinx scandals.

I wouldn't advise anyone to play at any Microgaming poker room.
That was pretty uncool. So you are lumping 32red, Fortune Lounge, and any other MGS brand into the same rogue basket? Defies logic and you're being rude to a fellow member.

Is there a rep for Pokertime here perhaps? I am not familiar with the Poker mgrs or th reps on CM but maybe another member has a link or a rep name to PM. Good luck with that.
Yes, it's Fortune Lounge - Wim has been notified, but we are on the cusp of a weekend. :D
And he's already gotten back to me. He's looking into this - contacting the player - and hopefully will have something on Monday.
And he's already gotten back to me. He's looking into this - contacting the player - and hopefully will have something on Monday.

I am currently looking into this matter and as soon as I have a full reply I will post in the forum

VP Operations
Fortune Lounge Group

Mozsi's account was by locked by Central Fraud Control because he registered mutiple aliases which is in contravention of not only our Terms and Conditions but those of MicroGaming as well.

In order to have his account unlocked, he needs to supply us with verification documents for himself.


VP Operations
Fortune Lounge Group
Hi mozsi,

So what's up with what Wim says? :what:

Have you opened more than one account?

Mozsi's account was by locked by Central Fraud Control because he registered mutiple aliases which is in contravention of not only our Terms and Conditions but those of MicroGaming as well.

In order to have his account unlocked, he needs to supply us with verification documents for himself.


VP Operations
Fortune Lounge Group

What?? I registered to Pokertime only in MY name. And I never played at other Microgaming room.
As I wrote in my first post, support told me, that I put my referrers name in my name field. I still cant believe it, but maybe its true. But I registered ONLY THIS TIME. After I contacted live support, I sent my documents to Pokertime. ID card and utility bill too.
What?? I registered to Pokertime only in MY name. And I never played at other Microgaming room.
As I wrote in my first post, support told me, that I put my referrers name in my name field. I still cant believe it, but maybe its true. But I registered ONLY THIS TIME. After I contacted live support, I sent my documents to Pokertime. ID card and utility bill too.

Well, maybe it will all work out. Wim said, "he needs to supply us with verification documents for himself." So perhaps you didn't send the right stuff in. Check either with Wim or their support. Thanks.
Well, maybe it will all work out. Wim said, "he needs to supply us with verification documents for himself." So perhaps you didn't send the right stuff in. Check either with Wim or their support. Thanks.

Where can I send my document? My english is bad, I dont understand Your post. I sent my document to and to I got this adresses from Pokertime live support. I sent those emails from 25-28 of August. They have some problems with recieving emails and I sent couple blank emails too within time, when I chat with live support, to see if they can got my emails. Finally, live suport told me, that they got my documents, and its ok, but they must wait for other players documents too.
Where can I send my document? My english is bad, I dont understand Your post. I sent my document to and to I got this adresses from Pokertime live support. I sent those emails from 25-28 of August. They have some problems with recieving emails and I sent couple blank emails too within time, when I chat with live support, to see if they can got my emails. Finally, live suport told me, that they got my documents, and its ok, but they must wait for other players documents too.


Firstly, we do not have a problem receiving mails. All our communications systems are checked constantly.

Yes, we did receive the documentation you sent but you sent us the documentation belonging to your "friend" or "referrer". We have since asked you several times to send us the documentation belonging to you. You and this person share the same e-mail address and you both use the same purchasing account.

Whilst I can understand that you may have had a communication misunderstanding with our support agent, we would not have told you to insert your friend's name in the account holder field. I have also checked our communication system and there is no record of you having had any contact with our support agents until your account was locked the day after registration.

Please submit your own verification documents and we will assess the situation again. As the situation stands right now, to us, it seems you and your "friend" / "referrer" are the same person for reasons mentioned above.

VP Operations
Fortune Lounge Group

Firstly, we do not have a problem receiving mails. All our communications systems are checked constantly.

Yes, we did receive the documentation you sent but you sent us the documentation belonging to your "friend" or "referrer". We have since asked you several times to send us the documentation belonging to you. You and this person share the same e-mail address and you both use the same purchasing account.

Whilst I can understand that you may have had a communication misunderstanding with our support agent, we would not have told you to insert your friend's name in the account holder field. I have also checked our communication system and there is no record of you having had any contact with our support agents until your account was locked the day after registration.

Please submit your own verification documents and we will assess the situation again. As the situation stands right now, to us, it seems you and your "friend" / "referrer" are the same person for reasons mentioned above.

VP Operations
Fortune Lounge Group

What a surprise :rolleyes:

Firstly, we do not have a problem receiving mails. All our communications systems are checked constantly.

Yes, we did receive the documentation you sent but you sent us the documentation belonging to your "friend" or "referrer". We have since asked you several times to send us the documentation belonging to you. You and this person share the same e-mail address and you both use the same purchasing account.

Whilst I can understand that you may have had a communication misunderstanding with our support agent, we would not have told you to insert your friend's name in the account holder field. I have also checked our communication system and there is no record of you having had any contact with our support agents until your account was locked the day after registration.

Please submit your own verification documents and we will assess the situation again. As the situation stands right now, to us, it seems you and your "friend" / "referrer" are the same person for reasons mentioned above.

VP Operations
Fortune Lounge Group

This is not looking good.

If the OP simply misunderstood how referral worked, and entered the wrong name, it would NOT lead to a sharing of a purchasing account, and even a sharing of email seems highly unlikely even among friends.

Given this is POKER, there is the further complication that allowing this could enable player(s) to cheat by sharing hole cards at the same table.

As the system locked the accounts, there was no opportunity for such cheating, thus it has to be assumed that there was some mischievous intent behind this, even though nothing was done other than enter the wrong name, and share so much kit.

The failure to provide documents in his name leads the operator to think that this is ONE person caught red handed trying to operate TWO accounts, the second being in a completely made up set of ID details, hence no documents.

The OP can easily disprove this theory by sending in documents as asked for in their name, which will prove there really are two individuals involved.

Communication issues can be tested for by using the assistance of a trusted third party, usually this comes as part of the PAB service.

I also happen to know that with Fortune Lounge, it is possible to upload documents via the lobby of one of their casinos, which cuts out email altogether. If this does not extend to the poker client, the OP could open a casino account and ask the rep to set it to request documents via the lobby. The OP can then upload the documents that are causing so much trouble via email. The OP should NOT play on this casino account at this stage, it is a suggestion purely for sending documents via means independent of email, which the OP seems to be having trouble with.
This is not looking good.

I also happen to know that with Fortune Lounge, it is possible to upload documents via the lobby of one of their casinos, which cuts out email altogether. If this does not extend to the poker client, the OP could open a casino account and ask the rep to set it to request documents via the lobby. The OP can then upload the documents that are causing so much trouble via email. The OP should NOT play on this casino account at this stage, it is a suggestion purely for sending documents via means independent of email, which the OP seems to be having trouble with.

I would suggest not providing your personal info. via email but if their site and software is https: and encrypted the upload should be fine.

Understand for around $150.00 online anyone can get access to your email account, from a hacker website, this will allow access to the personal information your sending to I gaming sites for your verification. :thumbsup:
I would suggest not providing your personal info. via email but if their site and software is https: and encrypted the upload should be fine.

Understand for around $150.00 online anyone can get access to your email account, from a hacker website, this will allow access to the personal information your sending to I gaming sites for your verification. :thumbsup:

I doubt $150 could allow you to hack ANY email address.

It would surely depend on password strength and ISP server security.

Do you have any evidence of what you claim? I'm sure its a good selling point for your services but it just seems a bit too easy to be true.

Firstly, we do not have a problem receiving mails. All our communications systems are checked constantly.

Yes, we did receive the documentation you sent but you sent us the documentation belonging to your "friend" or "referrer". We have since asked you several times to send us the documentation belonging to you. You and this person share the same e-mail address and you both use the same purchasing account.

Whilst I can understand that you may have had a communication misunderstanding with our support agent, we would not have told you to insert your friend's name in the account holder field. I have also checked our communication system and there is no record of you having had any contact with our support agents until your account was locked the day after registration.

Please submit your own verification documents and we will assess the situation again. As the situation stands right now, to us, it seems you and your "friend" / "referrer" are the same person for reasons mentioned above.

VP Operations
Fortune Lounge Group

Its very hard to me, to understand everything, what did You write, but I try...
If I understand well, what did You write, then You are absolutelly WRONG.
I will try on simply way write whats happened (on my simply english). I will use now names, because I just cant understand what are You talking about. Please use the names too, when You will reply.

1. Im am Mozes!
2. Attila invited me to Pokertime. I recieved an email from Pokertime about this, where write, I must give my friends (refferers) name at registration.
3. I registered to PT and maybe (just MAYBE) I put Attilas name to wrong field. Maybe that was the field, where I should put MY name (Mozes).
4. I deposited from MY Moneybookers account. NOBODY else use my MB account. Its IMPOSSIBLE, that somebody else deposited from MY MB account anywhere. I would see this.
5. I sent MY documents (Mozes) to Pokertime from MY email (gmail). NOBODY else use my email. Live support told me couple times, that they didnt got my email. Finally I try to send documents from my other email (freemail), because I though, maybe gmail doesnt work for You. But this other email (freemail) is same ONLY MY email. And NOBODY else use this.
6. I asked Attila, who is NOT ME!!, and he told me, he sent HIS documents too for PT. He sent it from HIS email. He CANT USE my email, and I cant use his email.
7. Maybe I really made a mistake, and put his name in MY NAME field, but that was only MISTAKE. Check my other details, address, born date, ..

I really dont know, what the PT doing, but I just have a feeling, that the PT want to steal my money.

Attila and me (Mozes), we BOTH sent the documents to PT. We HAVNT same email and we HAVNT same payment account. And Im really frustrated. :( :( :(
I doubt $150 could allow you to hack ANY email address.

It would surely depend on password strength and ISP server security.

Do you have any evidence of what you claim? I'm sure its a good selling point for your services but it just seems a bit too easy to be true.

Sending PM.. :)

We have paid your purchase back to your MB account.

Please open an account in YOUR name.

VP Operations
Fortune Lounge

Thank You for contribution. Im waiting for money (I didnt got it till now). When I get back the money, can I open account? I will have no problems? (same address, email, ...)
Hi Mozsi

When you open a new account you need to input your own details, own e-mail address, etc.


VP Operations
Fortune Lounge

I got the money to my MB account today. Thank You.
Two more question:
1. Is now my account with error DELETED? I ask, because if its not deleted from Your database, I will have problem at registration, because my post address and email will be an exist data in Your database.
2. I will be entitled for RF bonus at new registration?
Hi Mozsi

You will have to register a new account from a different PC and the account has to be in your name.

You will only receive the RF bonus if you select the "refer-a-friend" tag in the software (in the registration page). You will neeed to insert your referrer's details there and NOT in the registration of your account.


VP Operations
Fortune Lounge
Hi Mozsi

You will have to register a new account from a different PC and the account has to be in your name.

You will only receive the RF bonus if you select the "refer-a-friend" tag in the software (in the registration page). You will neeed to insert your referrer's details there and NOT in the registration of your account.


VP Operations
Fortune Lounge

Have you encountered this kind of player error before with players trying to make sure they enter their referrer's details during registration?

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