Hi y'all, just an update on my dealings with Prism Casino and/or the payservice>,s<, they use.
Logged into my checking account yesterday, I check it everyday. There were 3 charges from eztp.net already 'settled', these NEVER even showed up as a pre-auth, anyway, the account that was debited with these unauthorized charges is the same account I got hit with over $1100.00 worth of unauthorized charges this last June. I had my card "hot carded", and a new one issued to me. This new card has NEVER been used online, local stores only. So I went into my bank to find out how these online debits got there.
Well, guess what? Either Prism or eztp.net has done this and there are 17 more charges waiting against my account (before card was 'hot carded') as pre-auths and to have them put through my on certain dates. Said they were put there this last June, and waiting to hit my account this month as debits >,deposits<, I made in June. As soon as Prism/eztp.net says to go ahead with them.
More theft here. I went through every one of my snap shots of all casino's History accounts and and these deposits does not show up on any of them. I went through all this in June when filling out fraud papers at bank when this began in June.
What this casino and/or this payservice does, so 'Beware" people, is set up for phony deposits to hit your credit card (checking account) every so often after having used them at one time and they have all your information.
So Wanda5, your bank just may not be in the wrong with your charges, the casino and/or pay service has set up deposits you NEVER made to keep hitting your card (checking account), even 2 to 3 months apart.
I had to open a brand new checking account and let the one being fraudulantly charged remain open but not for use til these charges stop hitting it. Then my bank said they would credit every penny back to me, phony debits and bank charges, (including all of the last ones a couple months ago) and they will go after this casino and/or payservice.
[1] No, I do not play there, not since middle of June.
[2] And No, these are not legit charges made by me just taking a while to go through, FOR, every single time I use my card, locally or online, I pull up my checking account and the charges/online deposits are already there posted as a 'pre-auth'.
[3] Every time I play at a casino and make a deposit at time, I ALWAYS go into the History and check it and take a snap shot of it and my deposits I just made with them are already showing in the History there of.
This is nothing more than THEFT. But whether it be Prism, or the payservice, They'll be dealing with a federal institution this time.
I have PROOF with all the pre-cautions that is possible to take when using charge/debit cards online that from June and continuing as of date that this is THEFT!!
Just an update .. not asking for help or anything else. I tend to handle things on my own, just wanted to 'warn', 'advise' people to keep watch on your statements, for 2 or 3 months down the road, they'll hit you with deposits never made, again!!
Wanda5, If I were you, I wouldn't keep putting it off, go to your bank, file the papers and get it going.
Logged into my checking account yesterday, I check it everyday. There were 3 charges from eztp.net already 'settled', these NEVER even showed up as a pre-auth, anyway, the account that was debited with these unauthorized charges is the same account I got hit with over $1100.00 worth of unauthorized charges this last June. I had my card "hot carded", and a new one issued to me. This new card has NEVER been used online, local stores only. So I went into my bank to find out how these online debits got there.
Well, guess what? Either Prism or eztp.net has done this and there are 17 more charges waiting against my account (before card was 'hot carded') as pre-auths and to have them put through my on certain dates. Said they were put there this last June, and waiting to hit my account this month as debits >,deposits<, I made in June. As soon as Prism/eztp.net says to go ahead with them.
More theft here. I went through every one of my snap shots of all casino's History accounts and and these deposits does not show up on any of them. I went through all this in June when filling out fraud papers at bank when this began in June.
What this casino and/or this payservice does, so 'Beware" people, is set up for phony deposits to hit your credit card (checking account) every so often after having used them at one time and they have all your information.
So Wanda5, your bank just may not be in the wrong with your charges, the casino and/or pay service has set up deposits you NEVER made to keep hitting your card (checking account), even 2 to 3 months apart.
I had to open a brand new checking account and let the one being fraudulantly charged remain open but not for use til these charges stop hitting it. Then my bank said they would credit every penny back to me, phony debits and bank charges, (including all of the last ones a couple months ago) and they will go after this casino and/or payservice.
[1] No, I do not play there, not since middle of June.
[2] And No, these are not legit charges made by me just taking a while to go through, FOR, every single time I use my card, locally or online, I pull up my checking account and the charges/online deposits are already there posted as a 'pre-auth'.
[3] Every time I play at a casino and make a deposit at time, I ALWAYS go into the History and check it and take a snap shot of it and my deposits I just made with them are already showing in the History there of.
This is nothing more than THEFT. But whether it be Prism, or the payservice, They'll be dealing with a federal institution this time.
I have PROOF with all the pre-cautions that is possible to take when using charge/debit cards online that from June and continuing as of date that this is THEFT!!
Just an update .. not asking for help or anything else. I tend to handle things on my own, just wanted to 'warn', 'advise' people to keep watch on your statements, for 2 or 3 months down the road, they'll hit you with deposits never made, again!!
Wanda5, If I were you, I wouldn't keep putting it off, go to your bank, file the papers and get it going.