POSTERS: A Note About Thread Titles


Paleo Meister (means really, really old)
May 29, 2004
I'm sure the Meister won't mind me stickying this but just thought I'd say something to posters and readers of this forum

We understand you may feel that you have a complaint against a casino quite possibly for legitimate reasons. However, please think carefully how you title your thread and bear in mind:

a) it's the Meister's forum and he is ultimately reflected by what you say
b) think of how a thread title is going to reflect on yourself
c) everyone will see a thread title without necessarily seeing the reasoning
d) slanderous comments could attract unwanted attention
e) the wrong turn of phrase can have a negative effect on the resolution of a dispute

Therefore i would suggest that you keep personal "key words" reflecting your opinion and/or mood to within the post and out of the thread title. For example, words like "stealing", "thieves", "stinks", "rogue" etc are not appropriate for titles.

[Full Posting Rules]

If you are new to this, please bear in mind that the title of a thread is not necessarily an accurate reflection on a casino, and that thread titles do sometimes reflect a personal opinion.


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mgibson99 said:
Did something in particular prompt this?

Not one specific thing mg. Just a general impression that some "personalised" thread titles in recent times pre-empted a full understanding of the situation, thats all.

I'm also a believer that a complaint can be leveraged more effectively with a level of diplomacy applied.


Simmo, I agree with you wholeheartedly!! Someone posting "THIS CASINO SUCKS", or "SUCH AND SUCH CASINO ARE CROOKS" right off the bat tends to put everyone's back up. I don't really think it's conducive to making a casino want to be co-operative, or open-minded. That old saying about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar still holds true in my books. That's something it took me awhile to learn though, lol.
Also, with the weight of Casinomeister you can get decent Google hits. So if your thread is entiled "Screwed by motherf***ers" you are passing up on a definite opportunity. :)

Names and facts only.
Very true

People come to the site and read the titles on the threads...

I never thought about this and will make the best effort that any future thread I start will be as straight to the point and not offending or making personal comments about the site.

I believe that any complain should be based on facts and not opinions, if I haven't done this in the past I apologize and will do from now on.


I'm sure the Meister won't mind me stickying this but just thought I'd say something to posters and readers of this forum

We understand you may feel that you have a complaint against a casino quite possibly for legitimate reasons. However, please think carefully how you title your thread and bear in mind:

a) it's the Meister's forum and he is ultimately reflected by what you say
b) think of how a thread title is going to reflect on yourself
c) everyone will see a thread title without necessarily seeing the reasoning
d) slanderous comments could attract unwanted attention
e) the wrong turn of phrase can have a negative effect on the resolution of a dispute

Therefore i would suggest that you keep personal "key words" reflecting your opinion and/or mood to within the post and out of the thread title. For example, words like "stealing", "thieves", "stinks", "rogue" etc are not appropriate for titles.

[Link Outdated / Removed]

If you are new to this, please bear in mind that the title of a thread is not necessarily an accurate reflection on a casino, and that thread titles do sometimes reflect a personal opinion.



I've been guilty of this,and will steer clear of it from now on !!
It is, but I didn't look at the date...I just thanked Simmo from 3 years ago:lolup::lolup::lolup:
This was a good post regardless of date...Perhaps someone should revisit this thread evewry 6 months or so and "bring to top" . I would like to nominate the top poster at the end of December 09 :-)
Agree with the review part

This was a good post regardless of date...Perhaps someone should revisit this thread evewry 6 months or so and "bring to top" . I would like to nominate the top poster at the end of December 09 :-)

Even though I don't post a lot I think this is applicable to not just this forum but to others. I don't know about you all but when I read a title that has something to the effect of "LIARS! STOLE! THIEVES!" (you get my drift) I'm really not too interested in reading too much, or too much into it.

Sidetrack: I really do wish it was easy for US players (former in my case) to get back into the online gambling bit; it was definitely recreational for me. I haven''t been posting because I haven't played since the Neteller debacle for US players.
And all this time I've been trying to figure out if you're suppose to title every post but I guess that's not the case. I'm an 'oldie but goodie' too LOL so it takes me longer to figure these things out. :o
Simmo, I agree with you wholeheartedly!! Someone posting "THIS CASINO SUCKS", or "SUCH AND SUCH CASINO ARE CROOKS" right off the bat tends to put everyone's back up. I don't really think it's conducive to making a casino want to be co-operative, or open-minded. That old saying about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar still holds true in my books. That's something it took me awhile to learn though, lol.

I used to clean out an old white glue system with vinegar and in the end I would end up with a 5 gallon mixture of about 5% white glue and 95% vinegar. The next morning there were always flies in the bucket. I've never tried catching them with honey though. Maybe there would be more. :)

Anyway... I agree with the titles of the threads. If you're pissed at a specific casino just put the casino name in the title and save the cursing and insults for the post. At the very least it keeps the thread list cleaner. And besides, there's way more room for cursing in the actual post than there is in the title anyway.
Why on earth?

Simmo, I agree with you wholeheartedly!! Someone posting "THIS CASINO SUCKS", or "SUCH AND SUCH CASINO ARE CROOKS" right off the bat tends to put everyone's back up. I don't really think it's conducive to making a casino want to be co-operative, or open-minded. That old saying about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar still holds true in my books. That's something it took me awhile to learn though, lol.

Why on earth do you need to catch a bunch of flies?:p
why on Earth do you need to dig up a 4 year old thread? :P

Pick one of the following reasons;

1. It's my first day
2. I'm slow
c) The neighbours' dog told me to

and nobody has told me what you would do with a bunch of flies yet.
Actually, just liked the topic, and thought it was very relevant..
half of the titles give you no idea what the thread is about.:thumbsup:
Wait...did someone say I'm slow??

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