WOW THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HAD AHPPENED TO ME AS WELL. We here have 3 accounts approved by pokerstars. Suddlenly after 1 1/2 years, thye stoped out accounts and said that unless we can prove these ar eours they will aloow us to play. They claim we have 5 accounts lol. That is impossible! They have id's for the 3 appreved for and say that unless we can provide for the other 2 they will kee out accounts frozen. I have told them we knbow nothing about the other 2 accounts and are not ours and to just delete them. They are PERSISTANT for us to send id's for them honestly can they NOT LISTEN!! NOT REASON??? This has been on for 2 weeks now with about 15 emails back amd forth. I have heard of this happenign before as when someone wins big and is on aroll, on the site they make an excuse to freeze the account. It is just rediculous. This use to be a good site but now had realy gone down hill , it freezes u for over 5 hours sometimes and also I once had a virus from it so my avg says but they say "dont worry about it".........whats with that?
I would NOT recomment POKERSTARS for no money!!!
I would NOT recomment POKERSTARS for no money!!!