PAB Full year summary 2011

$200k paid out - sweet :thumbsup:

Well done Max/Bryan - great must be a frustrating job especially dealing with players who turn out to be fraudsters. Gid88 a case in point!

I liked Bryans 2011 "award" for bonuses and the crap they help pile on the industry. I'd love to know how many PABs involved a bonus! bet it's a high proportion.
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Thanks everyone, much appreciated. I'll say a few words about this year's PABs on my forum blog and post a link to that here.
I've totaled the bonus complaint averages - it comes to 62%

And that's based on my numbers which are particularly conservative when it comes to bonuses. If it's not crystal clear that a bonus was involved then I don't include it as a bonus-related issue. Makes me think we should ask that specifically, I expect it would bump the numbers up a bit, I'm guessing to an average of around 70%.

Later: okay, here's that blog post: Link Outdated / Removed
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Only SIX PABs against Top Game for the whole year? That surprises me a bit.

No, no! You've got to read the fine print at the bottom:
excludes cases that could not be processed or involved player fraud.

The actual number of TopGame cases was almost three times the published number, but it's not fair to include cases where (a) the complainant was a dead-beat, or (b) the complainant was AWOL, or ... you get the idea. All those numbers are trimmed for public consumption.
By Casino

The full year's summary for the PABs has been posted here:

Kudos for Max on a job well done! :thumbsup:

I have been trying to figure out how to narrow down my search for PAB's against certain casinos but I cannot find how to do this. PAB's are listed by monthly and I sure would like to see where it lists them by casinos to make it simpler to just go to that link and click on it to see how many were placed against them ....and resolved...monthly reports are great but couldn't you add to the reports by "Casino" name??? I went through 2 years of monthly reports (I know, that was only 24 links) and still couldn't find what I was looking for but it sure was an eye opener which made me think of offerring this suggestion....

In the PAB section....list the Casinos and amount of PAB's against them just as you do now but naming them in total PAB's and the resolved/unresolved per casino..(I think I am rambling here) I love the way it is just to glance at but searching it is very hard and tedious..thanks for listening....hopefully you will consider it..

Thank you for all the info too!


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