We understand that it's a big deal but this is exactly where troubleshooting helps us to pinpoint the issue.
GeoComply had some maintenance, which was the original cause of the issues earlier this week. But such a maintenance, or even change to their service, can break things from our end. All the bits of information can help us to identify and fix the possible issues.
Customer support's clear your cookies and cache, also, may sound just a repeating thing, but it do have a real purpose. Cookies contains your session information, and if something has changed in the service during your session, it may not be any longer compatible with the new system. Same goes with cache, it contains copy of commonly loaded pages, as well scripts, apps and other stuff that can become obsolete, and not compatible with new service. When this happens, it can break things.
Obviously, the issue can also be in our system. But then it's equally important to find out what has changed, and when issue is encountered, so that our customer support, as well as us, can provide the information to our developers, who will then try to figure out what is wrong. Each bit of information, is a piece in a larger puzzle.
Sometimes, it may seem to customer that they did nothing and everything just started to work again. But in reality, there was likely lots of people involved to fix the issue in the background.
We truly appreciate all the feedback and information from our customers to make things work like they should.
If you are still experiencing issues, please do let us know.
Kind regards,
Team Videoslots