Withdrawn: NoIQ Poker: slo-pay, stalled 'investigations'


Forum & Complaints Team Leader
Staff member
Jan 20, 2004
We've have a few complaints against NoIQ Poker on the books for a while now. NoIQ claims that they are investigating every single such case with the Canadian Fraud police .. but unfortunately those police are on vacation and never seem to return from vacation long enough for NoIQ to make any progress with the cases. Furthermore these are all moderately high-value cases totaling well over $30,000. All parties concerned have a right to expect some action on these issues and thus far there has been precisely none.

Whether this is a lack of will on NoIQ's part or a terrible circumstance they find themselves in the bottom line is that players aren't getting paid and their cases are stalled with no hopeful sign of forward movement. So, ...

Warning: NoIQ is withholding payments pending 'investigation' but those investigations never seem to go anywhere. Proceed with extreme caution.
I've just heard from Ian at NoIQ Poker (aka NoiQian) that they have decided to proceed with payouts to the unresolved PAB cases that prompted the Warning.

Once we have confirmed with the players involved that they have received payment I expect to withdraw the Warning.
I have been asked with some urgency to withdraw this Warning on the grounds that payments to all players are being processed.

My reply: "... given the situation and your obvious concerns here I will withdraw the Warning now on the understanding that if any of the players report any problems or delays with their payouts I will immediately repost the Warning."

Under these circumstances I'll now withdraw this Warning.

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