Well, it ain't going to be smooth sailing for DOJ. Hopefully any action by spooked sportsbooks/casinos will be short-lived.
Doolittle Flip Flop

Here's the reasons for one Representative changing his vote to support the Goodlatte Bill this time around. I wonder how many other votes were genuinely motivated by a desire to protect the American people from themselves:

From The

Doolittle supports anti-Web gambling bill

'Flip flop' vote criticized by Democratic challenger Brown

By Josh Singer,
July 20, 2006

Rep. John Doolittle voted to support an anti-Internet gambling bill last week after voting against a similar measure in 2000. The bill passed the House by a 317-93 margin.

Doolittle's vote is a "flip-flop," said Todd Stenhouse, spokesperson for Democratic challenger Charlie Brown, who was campaigning in Plumas County Wednesday.

"The difference between 2000 and 2006 is Jack Abramoff lobbying," Stenhouse said, referring to the former lobbyist with close connections to Doolittle.

Doolittle's Washington, D.C., spokesperson Laura Blackann said that six years ago, "members of Congress were concerned that ambiguities in the bill would actually cause online gambling to be expanded." Democratic congressmen also changed their vote on the bill, she said.

Doolittle's political record on gambling has drawn the ire of "watchdog" groups, such as the Washington, D.C., nonprofit, Democracy 21.

Fred Wertheimer, Democracy 21 president, earlier this month asked the House Ethics Committee to investigate Doolittle's actions on behalf of two Indian tribes that were Abramoff's clients, citing reports published in the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call.

Doolittle sent letters on behalf of the Sac and Fox of the Mississippi in Iowa in June 2003 and the Wampanaog of Massachusetts in October 2003, according to the Department of the Interior.

The congressman sent the letters while Doolittle's wife, Julie Doolittle, was receiving payments through her company from Abramoff's law firm, Blackann said. Abramoff pleaded guilty to charges of fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to bribe public officials in January. Julie Doolittle earns a commission on campaign funds she raises for her husband, some of which they share for personal use.

Blackann denied any wrongdoing by the congressman, who has hired lawyer David Barger, who specializes in white-collar crime and public corruption.

Doolittle intervened in matters outside of California's 4th Congressional District because the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which handles matters such as allowing tribes to open casinos, is "very bureaucratic," Blackann said, and Doolittle wanted to expedite the process.

Wertheimer quoted the Ethics Manual for Members of the U.S. House of Representatives in his letter requesting an investigation.

"A member, officer, or employee of the House of Representatives shall receive no compensation nor shall he permit any compensation to accrue to his beneficial interest from any source, the receipt of which would occur by virtue of influence improperly exerted from his position in Congress," states the Ethics Manual.
Doesn't it seem just a wee bit arrogant for the FBI to go down there expecting to have their way? :rolleyes:
That struck me as well - normally an inter-government action like this would be diplomatically prepped in advance? Maybe it was, but the FBI jetted down there anyway....
Hi Jet:

Since when do Storm Troppers need to be prepped? Just look at the way the Feds put the heat on Allegiant Air when BoDog wanted to pay Allegiant Air $6,000.000.00 to have BoDog's graphics put on the fuselages of Allegiant Air aircraft and the Feds advised Allegiant Air that it would not be a good idea to do that. Now that's racketeering.

Have a good one.
Since when do Storm Troppers need to be prepped?
Ever since the US police (both local and fed) started shaving their heads, wearing ski masks (or dark sun glasses) and black leather gloves... I figgured they were just another gang, maybe with better manners, a little better armed and financed than the rest, but still just another gang.

Where I live you can expect a call from the local police about once a month asking for a 'donation' to the police retirement fund... I also pay the local west side gang, so my property does not get screwed up or my house burned down...
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lots0 said:
Ever since the US police (both local and fed) started shaving their heads, wearing ski masks (or dark sun glasses) and black leather gloves... I figgured they were just another gang, maybe with better manners, a little better armed and financed than the rest, but still just another gang.

Where I live you can expect a call from the local police about once a month asking for a 'donation' to the police retirement fund... I also pay the local west side gang, so my property does not get screwed up or my house burned down...

Hi Lots0:


Have a good one.

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