My VOTE will count come NOV. 7th

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As of roughly 9:30AM GMT this morning -- Tuesday 11 February -- the Casinomeister Forums have lost two days of user activity including forum registrations, forum posts, PMs, PABs, Tickets, Announcements, etc.
All forum content added after roughly 10:40AM Sunday 9th until 09:30 11th February has been lost.
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Needless to say we apologise deeply for the frustration and inconvenience this will have caused.

Cipher -

Did you make this?

I'd like to add something to this - it's beautiful!


Wager Witch
Hi Luckymeki:

Yes, I did and feel free to add whatever you like.

Have a good one.

Very nice :D

PS: If you want them to get it *before* election day, you need to email it. With all the anthrax, etc screening they do for mail (from the public) coming into the white house, they won't get it for a month or two.
Clean and to the point. Nice one, Cipher!:thumbsup:

PS: Hope you don't mind - I've emailed it to a couple of friends in the media.
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Oh yeah, just waiting for voting day to come round.

I was googling the other day to locate my rep's email address to tell him there will be no Republican canditates checkmarked on my ballot this year. I was more than irked when I wrote him requesting he vote no on the Internet Gambling Ban and got an email back full of the usual references to the boogymen that you get anymore when you write them (read that as Homeland Security and Terrorists) and American Family Values, which is why he was in full support of the bill

And didn't I find a website called BeyondDeLay with the top 20 most corrupt congressional politician's of the year listed and surprise surprise his name is on there. I thought my head was going to burst into flame.


If you have a big ego, make sure you are deserving of it - there is nothing worse than someone who is a legand in their own mind

This is great!
I would like to use it in our letters to congress.

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Everyone keep coming up with new creative things and we will spread the word in our weekly video newsletter.
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We would like to have as many of you involved as possible!
Anyone with suggestions speak up (or PM me)... and anyone who want's to film a question or comment to be addressed on the show just do it and send 'em in! (be sure to state who you are and where you're from = i.e. "Hi this is Dominique from Games and casino, and my question is...." or "Hey this is Bob from Ohio, and I'd like to know why..."

Also, we are trying to have a different person intro the show each week. JTodd did the first to set the stage. All you have to do is say this:

"Hi! This is __(insert your name or what you want to call yourself)___ from....(location, portal, casino player or poker player)....

...and you're watching Perspectives Weekly! Join the Fight!"

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GOP Backlash

Nov 3, 2:33 AM EST

Did GOP Overplay Hand on Gambling Bill?

Associated Press Writer


U.S. Video

NEW YORK (AP) -- A Republican-sponsored effort to clamp down on Internet gambling may turn out to be a bad bet for the GOP.

The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, which President Bush signed into law Oct. 13, has infuriated many voters who enjoy betting on sports or playing poker online, analysts said.

Other observers, however, see little threat to Republicans from the law, calling it a relatively minor matter to most voters.

"I don't believe a large volume of voters are motivated to go to the polls because of Internet gaming, either way," said Brian Darling of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington think tank.

But with Republicans already on the defensive over the Iraq war, budget deficits and the congressional page scandal, the gambling law is the latest issue that could steer voters away from the GOP.

"I've been a loyal Republican for over 30 years, and I'm quitting the party I once loved," said Jim Henry, 55, who lives outside San Francisco. "Not because of the Mark Foley scandal or Middle East policy. But because the Republican Party wants to stop me from what I love to do: play poker over the Internet."

Sponsored in the House by Reps. Jim Leach, R-Iowa, and Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and backed in the Senate by Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., the law pits social conservatives who disapprove of gambling against the 8.5 million Americans who spend about $6 billion annually to cast wagers online.

Some opponents of the law see a political component to its passage, believing it was intended to buoy support for Frist among religious conservatives if he decides to run for president in 2008.

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The law is aimed at stopping the flow of money to gambling sites, where funds could potentially be laundered.

Leach has also cited moral dimensions to the law, calling it one of the most important pieces of family legislation ever considered by lawmakers.

"Internet gambling is not a subject touched upon in the Old or New Testament or the Quran," Leach said earlier this year. "But the pastoral function is one of dealing with families in difficulty and religious leaders of all denominations and faiths are seeing gambling problems erode family values."

Even so, a Gallup Poll taken earlier this year found that 60 percent of adults believe gambling is morally acceptable. That's true for many religious conservatives who say they enjoy placing a bet.

"I've talked with Republicans all over the country, and they all understand that this is a theft of our liberty," said lifelong Republican Alan Sheldon, 61, of Loveland, Ohio, whose grandmother taught him how to play poker at the age of 4.

Sheldon, who describes himself as a conservative Christian, said he would not vote Republican next week because of the new gambling law.

"I suspect that people who actually do a lot of Internet gambling ... they're going to be turned off by this," said David Boaz of the libertarian Cato Institute in Washington. "That's going to hurt Republicans."

Boaz said the law would likely alienate self-described libertarian voters, which he estimates constitute about 13 percent of the electorate. Boaz published an analysis last month suggesting libertarians have been slowly shifting their support to Democrats since 2004.

Others say it's too much of a niche issue to swing the election.

"National security, the economy and such issues are likely to be the most pressing issues in voters' minds next Tuesday," said Carrie Meadows, a spokeswoman for Goodlatte.

The Poker Players Alliance, an advocacy group in Washington with more than 120,000 members, said it has been flooded with angry e-mails from libertarian organizations and Republicans disavowing the law. And the group is letting its members know how their representatives voted.

Alliance President Michael Bolcerek hopes they vote Tuesday and "share their outrage with Congress."

2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.
Thanks CynthiaL - this Associated Press piece is currently getting wide mainstream coverage - invaluable in getting the word out.
It is good to see that a whole lot of folks are taking a stand on this and "not forgetting" at election time. I think that the Reps. and Sens. that cosponsored these bills will eat their words and definitely feel the effects of their actions, in the ending numbers.

Other observers, however, see little threat to Republicans from the law, calling it a relatively minor matter to most voters

...uhm..don't they ever read their constituents' letters, stats, the news and editorials??? little did they know...
In case you've missed the announcements, the newsletter, and the banners for US players - here's the list of politicians you should be aware of tomorrow (7 November):


I know this seems redundant, but this seems to be a good thread to post this link :D

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