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If someone don't cry for you does that mean that he doesn't love you? I see you associate pain as a confirmation of your loving someone but that isn't something I agree with.
If i were to die and be able to look at those left behind I wouldn't like it at all if they were depressed fpr me. That's not love, that's addictive sentimentality.
A heart that loves is a heart that will eventually break.
If someone don't cry for you does that mean that he doesn't love you? ...
Thanks Everyone. We all are truely a family here at casinomeister. The reason I chose this name (LHM), was because I knew when we found out want type of cancer he had. It would take the work of the Lord to spear him. He fought for 3 years from a cancer (liver) that normally kills you within 8 months. On top of that he had lung cancer also. I really miss him and hope to continue to be strong throughout this. Even though Im grown (32 years of age). I dont know where I will go for wisdom and advice. He always was there for me whether I was RIGHT or WRONG!
You guys are my family also and this is where I come to vent off or ask my questions. Most of you have respected me, while others have expressed their comments in a strong manner. I love you guys here!