Monaco Gold Casino .Biz


Newbie member
Oct 1, 2005
I received an email from Monaco Gold Casino, but instead of .com, it took me to .biz.

The website did resemble the regular MG website, but when you held them up side by side they were distincly different. There were also no tabs, you could only click on the main picture which immediately tried downloading the casino.

Does anyone know anything about this site? I'm thinking it might be a scam, but would like to hear from others first.

Hell, I just went back there to check it out and received:

This account has been suspended.
Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources.

I'm now wondering if it really was a scam and not a sister site.
rmarrandino said:
This account has been suspended.
Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources.

I'm now wondering if it really was a scam and not a sister site.

More than likely it was indeed an affiliate, and as it says, they went over their bandwidth cap for that site. Firefox says that page was updated on Dec 11th, so I'm sure they have other fronts running and aren't too worried about that particular domain.

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