Mind over matter


Dormant account
Jun 12, 2006
Hi All
I was just watching a show on discovery channel about mind control of machines, they point to a study carried out over 18yrs by princeton uni where volunters with no apparent para normal abilities are asked to perform tests on random event and random number generators.

It was found that some people could influence these machines to a degree greater than chance.

Does anyone have any experience with this, I dont think I can do it but just thought it make for conversation,

hang on folks dont all think at once i can only listen to one mind at a time:)
i've found that it takes at least 3 beers to begin to have any influence over the RNGs. English Harbor programmers have also been said to have an uncanny ability to influence the machines.
incidentally, there is a website that actually sells hypnosis programs to improve your gambling luck. i've tried some of their free downloads as I have an interest in hypnosis, but I just can't bring myself to pay $25 for a gambling hypnosis program.
You might be able to control the results if the RNG came from your computer. :D
But being a couple hundred miles away, I doubt your power of influence could get there.
lucky21 said:
It was found that some people could influence these machines to a degree greater than chance.

Sounds interesting. I'm sceptical of things like this, but I'd be interested to know as someone who watched the programme Luck21 whether or not the information they put forward you felt was conclusive or at least worthy of consideration?


yeah Simmo,
I think its worth consideration, there have been lots of studies over the years the ones i have seen all conclude that some people can change things beyond chance and it doesnt matter what the distance is.

If you google telekinesis you'll get a bunch of stuff there are heaps of sites that claim to be able to learn you the tricks as well as tests you can do yourself,

There is a theory in quantum physics that explains how it works( I'm not that brainy just seen the doco) and i would give it a mythbusters "plauseable"
Scientists have established that at the quantum level (very small) it appears that we do have the power to influence the path of particles just by looking for them. However, though this phenomenon has been observed they have no idea what could be causing it.

You probably won't belive me but so many times I will say "Oh come on, how about 4 scatters!" etc...and lo and behold they appear. Online or at Land Based Casinos. Strange but very true.
ballysdb said:
You probably won't belive me but so many times I will say "Oh come on, how about 4 scatters!" etc...and lo and behold they appear. Online or at Land Based Casinos. Strange but very true.

Next time ballysdb, try asking for 5 scatters.

I hope it does come true for you. Cos I know I'd be really wanting to see it happening to me :)

No matter what, I wish you good luck.
Wenn I play roulette, I try to visualize numbers and they come oft, but unfortunately always on the next spin of wheel, as I already gave up and bet on some other numbers. :cool: Sometimes and I am not kidding, wenn my bets are not more reversible, I suddenly have a 'brainstorm' and say to myself, damn, it comes 3 or 27 or whatever and the number comes! :eek2:
Mayve I should develop my abilities further? :p
tennis_balls said:
i've found that it takes at least 3 beers to begin to have any influence over the RNGs. English Harbor programmers have also been said to have an uncanny ability to influence the machines.

Thats funnny. I had that happem a couple times. One time I was sitting there and down , and told the machine, come on , you took a buch of my money ,
the jackpot is due, said a little prayer, and the next spin I got the jackpot.
That freaked me out,lol Sure it was all dumb luck.

I talk all the time to the machine

amatrine said:
Thats funnny. I had that happem a couple times. One time I was sitting there and down , and told the machine, come on , you took a buch of my money ,
the jackpot is due, said a little prayer, and the next spin I got the jackpot.
That freaked me out,lol Sure it was all dumb luck.

I talk all the time to the machine I tell it if your not going to let me win i'm leaving your @ and I hit something that keeps me going.
Or I tell it next time I will take the baseball bat to you next time I come here :lolup:

Lol That reminds me of when I went to the land based casino with my cane.
I have CIDP and sometimes use a walking aid. That day it was tempting to use
it as a Machine correctional aid! :))

I must be the worlds biggest fool for bringing on the razzing I'm sure to get but this is in line with a question I'm always asking myself?

Am I'm effecting the outcome or predicting it?

like if I'm playing blackjack I'll call for the number I need and visualize it and sometimes get it (by that I mean more often than I'd expect - ... I know, some call that luck :) ).

and when I don't think I'm going to win ... and I don't. I am left wondering if I did it to myself or if I had a premonition it would happen that way?

sadly in either case I lose my money :).

but yes, I am pretty good at guessing when I'll hit a win and though you'd have to have an open mind (because this sort of thing is easy to shoot down) but if you've an open mind then I will suggest to you that if you check my screen shots of wins I've had ... you'll see more of them were for a credit value above or far above the minimum value possible. You'll also see where I've won my share of minimum value jackpots too; but what I'm saying is that I will up my credit value on a game when I think I'm going to win. And I have many more wins at higher credit values.

of course, its also possible that I've picked up on some kind of pattern that I don't recognize on a conscious level...

But I think everybody has days when they know they're going to win.

What I think they need to do is try to focus on that and learn to recognize it without needing such a strong signal.

I leave you with this thought. Why is it that when you need to win the money desperately that you are almost guaranteed to lose? (at least where I come from : there is a saying if you need the money don't gamble because you're sure to lose ... which for me at least: seems good advice).

okay, now have your laughs at my expense. :)
but I just can't bring myself to pay $25 for a gambling hypnosis program

brings up another thing I've often wondered...

if you had yourself hypno'ed to think you were going to win with as much deep-down confidence as you have on those days when you know you're going to win .... would you?

or are you simply on those days ,.... predicting the win rather than influencing it because of the positive expectation?
lucky21 said:
Hi All
I was just watching a show on discovery channel about mind control of machines, they point to a study carried out over 18yrs by princeton uni where volunters with no apparent para normal abilities are asked to perform tests on random event and random number generators.

It was found that some people could influence these machines to a degree greater than chance.

Does anyone have any experience with this, I dont think I can do it but just thought it make for conversation,

hang on folks dont all think at once i can only listen to one mind at a time:)
Complete, utter, unmitigated nonsense. Post a link to this supposed "study".

Incidentally, if anyone does believe they have any psychic abilities, there's a man named
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who has a standing prize of $1,000,000 offered to the first person "to show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event." That's likely to pay a lot better than any online casino win.

To date the prize remains unclaimed.
I think all the casinos have some sort of ESP with my gaming. Seems everytime I get up a little, they "know" to kick in the bad vibes squad on me!!! LOL! Seems awhile ago I had a complaint at one site or another, and they directed me to their CS supervisor Helen Waite. The email they sent me said that if I had a complaint, I should go to Helen Waite!!! HAHA, just kidding, but it does seem as if the software knows all sometimes!!!
sometimes playing bj, i think that dealer is going to have 21 or bj , so many times it happens and dealer gets it. but doesnt happens if i think of getting 21 or b for myselfj..:mad:
bb1webs said:
Am I'm effecting the outcome or predicting it?
I'd venture to guess the answer is neither.

bb1webs said:
like if I'm playing blackjack I'll call for the number I need and visualize it and sometimes get it (by that I mean more often than I'd expect - ... I know, some call that luck :) ).

and when I don't think I'm going to win ... and I don't. I am left wondering if I did it to myself or if I had a premonition it would happen that way?

but yes, I am pretty good at guessing when I'll hit a win
If your claims are true then you're virtually assured of winning
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. Go
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for it.

bb1webs said:
of course, its also possible that I've picked up on some kind of pattern that I don't recognize on a conscious level...
With all due respect I think it entirely more likely that you're simply deluding yourself. I could be wrong, of course and if you believe that so, why not apply for the
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? Should be easy money.

bb1webs said:
But I think everybody has days when they know they're going to win.
I'm sure they do. They're just no more right about it than could expected based on chance alone.
lucky21 said:
Hi All
I was just watching a show on discovery channel about mind control of machines, they point to a study carried out over 18yrs by princeton uni where volunters with no apparent para normal abilities are asked to perform tests on random event and random number generators.

It was found that some people could influence these machines to a degree greater than chance.

Does anyone have any experience with this, I dont think I can do it but just thought it make for conversation,

hang on folks dont all think at once i can only listen to one mind at a time:)

I dont believe this is nonsense, heres my proof....
I have a negative attitude, thats why I always lose.... :)
I highly doubt anyone can win just by thinking they are going to win....
liquidsoap says: I dont believe this is nonsense, heres my proof....I have a negative attitude, thats why I always lose....
and is this then TRUE? :lolup: If it is, then you just proved what you beleive :D

I, myself, believe, when I log into any casino and make a deposit to play (got a ritual here) ...that I WILL WIN....ALWAYS....

Geezes, I love that dream !!!!!! :rolleyes: and I have always been proven RIGHT just like you! :lolup:
Wow what was I thinking I totally worded that wrong, it should be like this
This is true, heres my proof.
I have a negative attitude, and I always lose. :)

Serouisly though this is nonsense, when I am drunk I think I can win, boy am I wrong. :D

Curse you edit button, it wasnt on my other post. :o
Serouisly though this is nonsense

how I took it.

my post was tongue in cheek and I was just pondering.

If I could predict or effect outcomes ... I'd not be here telling anybody about it :)

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