Microgaming - Blackjack - 2015


Full Member
May 19, 2014
Gatineau Québec Canada
I have seen a few posts around re the fairness of blackjack at Microgaming sites.
Well I have tried a few casinos and they are getting much worse in that house bias is increasing.
I have just played out at Spinpalace and the record shows an appaling lack of fairness as far as I am concerned.
Now this is not just another grumble from a losing player, on the contrary my winnings so far amount to over $3000 mainly from blackjack.
But taking my latest session the figures are:
Losing hands 32 Winning 15 Pushes 11
The incredible thing is the miraculous saves the dealer makes from seemingly impossible odds!
Most of the pushes are when player holds 20.
I think players will make up their own minds re Microgaming, but I say "theres no smoke without fire"
Caution is strongly advised.
Anyone have rave reviews to pass on re Microgaming Blackjack?

Why does the dealer get so many naturals? (insurance offer is rampant)
Why does the player lose 10-15-20 hands in a row on a regular basis? I understand that the program must counter martingale players, but why so often? Those players have busted a long time ago.
Often it is very difficult to win two back to back hands, I mean very difficult
When those algorithm line up against you, there is NOTHING you can do about it. Stand, hit, split or double = the same result (regardless if you follow BS or not), YOU LOSE.
In the long run, the program may dish out a fair game, but boy the run is long.
In one session, I lost 1500 units with an average bet close to 1, WOW!
Bottom line: there is very little fun here, even if you make a profit.
It's called «search casinomeister», no need for a new thread.
The problem with digging up such old threads is that it causes confusion and the earlier posts may contain information which is completely irrelevant today.
Not to mention wasting other members time reading the whole thread because they didn't notice it's TWELVE years old! :eek:

I understand that the program must counter martingale players

I don't understand what you mean by this? Martingale play is a losing strategy so why would they try and counter it instead of playing a totally fair game which, by the rules of the game, will make money for the casino.
The problem with digging up such old threads is that it causes confusion and the earlier posts may contain information which is completely irrelevant today.

Not to mention quoting and referencing a bunch of banned, departed and AWOL forum members.

@ OP : as the others have suggested, a new thread discussing current information is by far the better way to go. Hence my creation of same.

FTR and old times sake the original thread is here: Microgaming - Blackjack.
I’m guilty of unearthing an old thread, I’m sorry. I just had an issue with microgaming blackjack, so I searched casinomeister to see if anyone else had one. The spirit of dormant account member jostels post, wasn’t incompatable with my qualms on the subject. In the future, I’ll just quote whomever, but starting a new thread. Old information can still be useful, but I must agree, I did unearth a whole bunch of groovie goolies on that one!

I don't understand what you mean by this? Martingale play is a losing strategy so why would they try and counter it instead of playing a totally fair game which, by the rules of the game, will make money for the casino.

Of course, any fair program, even with one deck, will kill the martingale player, but losing 10-15-18 hands in a row on a regular basis is overkill. Now and then Microgaming BJ will give the player a good winning streak, but the «now» and the «then» is mostly few and far between.
Of course, any fair program, even with one deck, will kill the martingale player, but losing 10-15-18 hands in a row on a regular basis is overkill. Now and then Microgaming BJ will give the player a good winning streak, but the «now» and the «then» is mostly few and far between.

I've long since given up on online blackjack. I do believe the only real chance you have at winning is if you're playing live with a real static shoe. Online play can be wayyyyyyyyyyyy too streaky, as you've seen. This is because the software has a set RTP% programmed in, and it must abide by that - beit giving you 1000 losing hands in a row, or 1000 winning hands in a row.
I've long since given up on online blackjack. I do believe the only real chance you have at winning is if you're playing live with a real static shoe. Online play can be wayyyyyyyyyyyy too streaky, as you've seen. This is because the software has a set RTP% programmed in, and it must abide by that - beit giving you 1000 losing hands in a row, or 1000 winning hands in a row.

The software itself doesn't have an RTP built in, the only RTP is from the rules of the game, you get the exact same RTP as if you were at home playing with the same number of packs of cards using the same rules.

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