Yep I've seen the same.....
But this is more about the astronomical (I believe) odds of having 4 consecutive starting hands of jj jj qq qq in that exact order...

I wish playcheck was up so I could see if they were the same suits or not, as I really didn't notice it till the back to back qq hands.
What are the odds?
The same odds as any other run of 4 hands.
Yes it is surprising - but it only realy registers because its memorable. Would you have even noticed if it was 72, 82, 72, 38 ?
I make the chances of an exact hand repeating (same cards and suits) as 0.07% which sounds low but still happens 1 time each 13000 hands.
Now if it's just pairs then the chances are (4/52) * (3/51) = which is a stagerring 0.4525% chance which means it could happen every 221 hands.
so to get two sets of repeating pairs would be roughly (221 * 221) or 1 in 48,841 hands. Unlikely sure - but not impossible.
To put this in perspective :
People win the lottery every week at odds of millions to 1. The fact that SOMEONE wins is not amazing if you allow for jackpot weeks then someone probably wins in evedry second draw - that is not the million to 1 chance.
But if you actually nominated who the winner was - then that's millions to 1.
In Summary
Iif you're actually looking for JJ, JJ then QQ, QQ and see it then it's nearly a 50,000-1 chance.
But if you are just watching an notice something unusual - then no I don't see it as a sign of a broken RNG.
Oh - that was my first post here - I'll shut up and observe for a while now
Promise !!