Digging up this 'ole thread searching for my 'called it' moment of glory
Luckily i've seen a few decently sized Youtubers and some independant articles pop up here and there of late, going after the Fake Money streamer scene, their Shady Casinos and no doubt soon enough also providers, this one was short and fairly to the point:
Regardless if this guy is making the series for some clout, the point is that a good bunch of his 700K followers will see it, and hopefully spread the word of doubt, at the very least!
The same thing is currently going on in cracking down on 'fake' Twitch, Youtube and Facebook gaming streamers, mostly in the FPS genre, which so often have been blatantly cheating (at least to anyone with decent skills and exp. in said games) but it was almost never
provable, unless one of them had a hack that was shared with the game dev's or anti cheat system, but as it has grown out into a multi million dollar business the past years, the lure for cheating is exponentially higher, when streamers just go for the green...
I have always loathed the 'git gud' attitude from the plethora of fanboys, but recently there have been a lot of fairly sized Youtubers (growing) going after them, with high motivation and seemingly many hours of work...
Feel like a small win to me..
I hope they make it punishable by law, even though it might be challenging with all the off shore online presences and conflicting TOS/laws, but if they do, i can only pray they retroactively make a BIG example out of some of these nitwits...
I'm all for freedom of enterprise, but i literally
detest the way these fcks are doing it...
The worst kind of scum. Fakers just makes me nauseous
To illustrate my point: Any 'ole Faker-->

:machinegunner: <---Me