Mansion Group to leave UK market

Jun 15, 2013
Any players at Mansion been informed they are leaving the UK market?

I've read on GPWA that they informed their affiliates that as from the 12th of january 2023 Mansion group will stop accepting registrations, deposits and bets from UK customers. They already have removed the first deposit bonus for UK players.

Thats a longtime big player leaving the market.
Any players at Mansion been informed they are leaving the UK market?

I've read on GPWA that they informed their affiliates that as from the 12th of january 2023 Mansion group will stop accepting registrations, deposits and bets from UK customers. They already have removed the first deposit bonus for UK players.

Thats a longtime big player leaving the market.
They probably lost a big chunk of their UK players by sending an email, back in October, telling players that they needed to upload SOW documents
They probably lost a big chunk of their UK players by sending an email, back in October, telling players that they needed to upload SOW documents
Chickens starting to come home to roost for some now. I notice a lot of casinos are seeing operating profits plummet.

You can’t say that this wasn’t well advertised. I said myself that the more draconian casinos become, the less custom they will eventually have. I also said that the casinos who tread the fine margined middle ground between keeping the regulator sweet and not pissing off an unnecessarily large proportion of your customer base was the way to go. Why chase after customers who are 1) obviously not problem gamblers and 2) are obviously not fraudsters.

This is where it would be wise for casinos to hire people who can make risk based assessments on every account rather than blanket spam people for sensitive documents.
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Even though some places like bet365 appear to be being a little more sensible with the regulations, you still get silly scenarios like what happened to me last weekend.

I received a message from bet365 stating that they’ve noticed I spend a lot of time gambling on their website, and received a bunch of safer gambling info. I’m a 0.20 per spin player who mostly only plays on weekends. Here are my 12 month stats from my bet365 activity:

Net deposits: -£159 (profit)
Average weekly deposit: £24
Average weekly withdrawal: £27
Average weekly time played: 2hr 39m

After wondering for a second why they singled me out, I quickly realised that this would have been a bulk email to all customers who had a play time greater than a certain threshold. But it did make me wonder about bet365 for a while. Why couldn’t they have also considered the financials? It just shows the terrible state that the industry is in and the UKGC have to be 100% responsible for this. Their scattergun approach and ill thought out regulations are killing it for all.
You are right about individual scrutiny being needed for affordability assessment.
The current one size fits all standard procedure is main cause of many problems.
The assumption is that all players are gainfully employed in a steady job,with payslips, tax returns, bank statements
readily available and have a set amount of disposable income,anyone not fitting this profile is going to struggle to pass any SOW.
As I am million miles from this, I cannot get any casino to accept I can well afford my level of play despite having shown evidence
of substantial assests.My income is variable as its tied in with investments and does not on appear tax returns as I dont need to
touch it and tax is only payable if its withdrawn.Try explaining that to the average SOW robot on the phone.
The bottom line is that you must have evidence of income otherwise you are stuffed no matter how much you have in the bank.
Even though some places like bet365 appear to be being a little more sensible with the regulations, you still get silly scenarios like what happened to me last weekend.

I received a message from bet365 stating that they’ve noticed I spend a lot of time gambling on their website, and received a bunch of safer gambling info. I’m a 0.20 per spin player who mostly only plays on weekends. Here are my 12 month stats from my bet365 activity:

Net deposits: -£159 (profit)
Average weekly deposit: £24
Average weekly withdrawal: £27
Average weekly time played: 2hr 39m

After wondering for a second why they singled me out, I quickly realised that this would have been a bulk email to all customers who had a play time greater than a certain threshold. But it did make me wonder about bet365 for a while. Why couldn’t they have also considered the financials? It just shows the terrible state that the industry is in and the UKGC have to be 100% responsible for this. Their scattergun approach and ill thought out regulations are killing it for all.
m8 bet365 all time they sand same massages I ignore, is just auto massage, same Netbet send every 30 mins some UKGc bs massage
A company "I know of" had interaction from UKGC of why they are not checking if customers have life insurance or not. ? Like SOW was not enough, you know whats coming...
A company "I know of" had interaction from UKGC of why they are not checking if customers have life insurance or not. ? Like SOW was not enough, you know whats coming...
Did the company turn around and politely say, ‘what has that got to do with the price of fish’. That’s a UK idiom you may not be familiar with ?

Surely it comes to a point where the cost of jumping through the hoops isn’t worth the preservation of the license?
Actually I don' think they want us to be murdered (that fast, at least).
As long as we have one single eurocent in our pockets, they want us to stay alive, and to play it.

Then, when out of money, yes, we can die. We become useless.

Having a life insurance wouldn't help that much the casinos, unless our heirless were gamblers as well.

So, the real question could be: do your customers have life insurance ? if yes, are their heirless gamblers as well ?

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