Hi All,
I wanted to wait for the appropriate talks with Bryan first, but seeing as the thread is picking up and there is speculation with BETAT connections I thought it would be a good idea to shed some light
As we grew so did our infrastructure. Besides launching a new brand of our own (soon to be unveiled) we are now in a position to create new relationships with partners of our choice. Very soon i'll organise an announcement with Bryan covering all details on there.
As for LuckyDino - the site is our first White Label and indirectly operated by us. This means that standards you are all accustomed to on BETAT need to be adhered to on most important things: prompt payments, good service and respectful client treatment. We stipulated some pretty severe contractual obligations to ensure our standards and our goodwill are maintained. Besides that, the team that we selected to operate our first WL fills me with confidence that we've made the right choice through their dealings so far.
The operation and the team behind it have their own ways of doing things and we've allowed such liberty as a provider should: Customer Service, Operations and Marketing teams are not operated by us. That said, daily and weekly checks and a all-seeing eye is focused on ensuring the site stays on the right track so if you had any doubts but trust our name and wanted to check the site out - i offer you a warm welcome personally
Soon, our new brands and LuckyDino will have a thread of their own, however I do need Bryan's input before we start advertising our brands on his site. It's the respectful thing to do.