list of good rtg ???

Currently, I don't promote RTG casinos because most of them are operating without a license from a jurisdiction that offers one.

It's kind of like driving without a license. Some drivers can get away with this (I drove in Europe with my California DL for about three years before I realized this was a no-no) and never have an accident, but if you crash - there is no insurance to cover your ass.

The same with online casinos.

There are some RTG casinos that have been relatively "crash-free"
King Solomon's (has a real license)
Leopard Rock Online

just to name a few.

What Casinomeister said - although my site has now begun to give a FEW RTG casinos a chance, based on well-established connections with the management, and on the understanding that if there is any problem they must resolve it immediately. Any hiccups and they will not only find themselves off of the site, they may well find themselves on their last legs if I have anything to say about it.
When did King Solomon's become RTG?? Last I knew they were the same as Lucky Liner.
bethug said:
two months ago jpm

breakaway is a good casino and will pay same day

Thanks bethug, I'll have to see if my old account number still works there. I'd been with King S since they were microgaming! Hopefully they are still running as well as I remember.
bethug said:
two months ago jpm

breakaway is a good casino and will pay same day

Are you having a payment problem with Breakaway? I should have included Sci-Fi and Breakaway in my list, never had a problem with payments although they did take about 5 days to pay. They are both owned by the same people by the way.
people of the past

People have had problems with scifi in the past. But not in atleast a couple of years. Some old folks here remember what im talking about.

Nostalgia=Same group as Phoenician now, so thats why it also has instant neteller withdrawals.

Inetbet is also great.

Those are the two (three), places i trust most of rtg:s.

Geishalounge, Grandaces, King solomons. Good ones also. Lots of software changes, but these guys allways seem to pull trough. First mg, then aquaonline, then rtg ;)...

OK, what are you guys smoking here? Or are you just yanking my chain? :what:

I just d/l and installed King Solomon's software and it is still the aquaonline software (with a little bit of a facelift since my last visit). Who is actually playing RTG software here??
jpm, go to , it on there client list. I check there every week. But I have not played there and i will not be no time soon.
Thanks bethug, must be a coming soon or something. Their current download and all the screenshots on their website are all aquaonline still.
jpm said:
OK, what are you guys smoking here? Or are you just yanking my chain? :what:

I just d/l and installed King Solomon's software and it is still the aquaonline software (with a little bit of a facelift since my last visit). Who is actually playing RTG software here??

Just went there and it is certainly not an RTG casino, even if it is going to be switched over soon I find it odd that RTG would list them on their site before they are actually using the software.
All change at King Solomans

Real Time Gaming has announced that the well established King Solomans Casino is presently converting onto its software platform. Apparently no arrangements have been requested yet in respect of sister casinos in the Empire of Gold group. KS has had a varied software experience, starting with Microgaming then moving to Aquaonline/IGS and now to RTG. Indications are that the casino will maintain its Kahnawake licensing. The change for players will be noticeable, but shouldnt disrupt current styles or tendencies. On the contrary, the comprehensive suite of RealTime games should expand player choices, with more than 45 game titles in a variety of categories, including multi-player poker and bingo.
Thanks Jet, hope they don't take too long to change over. I always liked that group, but not crazy about the aquaonline software.
More information just in and direct from the software provider:

"Geisha lounge, Grand Aces, and King Solomon have all switched to RealTime Gaming"

I think they mean that these are in the process of switching, not already switched.
jetset said:
More information just in and direct from the software provider:

"Geisha lounge, Grand Aces, and King Solomon have all switched to RealTime Gaming"

I think they mean that these are in the process of switching, not already switched.

I think Geisha was RTG always, I played there a while ago and it was RTG, by a while ago I mean at least a year, and I went to their site and the software is RTG.

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