Land Based Casino Welfare check


Newbie member
Aug 21, 2019
So folks, i've been a gambler for over 30 years and have been visiting my local Grosvenor for the best part of 25 years. Pre COVID when I seemed to be flush I would probably visit 2 -3 times a week, had a great time, new all the staff and management and they always had a friendly welcome for me. The slots were at 94%, no stupid progressives and the tables were fun to play on. I'm not a big fish, but had the resource to play at a certain level which earned me 'Black Card' status which I still have but mainly online.

Fast forward to present day and post COVID I rarely visit the landbased these days. Maybe once a month. With slots at 90%, impossible progressives, poor slot choice and double zero roulette (yep they have these now!), it's lost its shine. However I will still go as I love playing slots, but on my recent visits i've been pulled aside several times by management, to run through a welfare check and query my 'spend'. About 6 months ago a 'sit down' with the manager stated I had spent 27k!! I go in with budget of 500 to 1000, and for the most part leave with about 90% of what I came in with.

I was really taken aback and could not fathom how they came to that figure. I told them that was utter shite and I would be divorced if I spent/lost that amount of money!! On my most recent visit I was told I had spent 5k! I quiered why I was getting asked again and was told they have to do diligent checks every 5 visits.

I understand in this day and age the need for AML/Welfare checks and am happy to comply b this leaves a bit of sour taste, and also leads to a few questions.

1. Do I have a right to ask (freedom of information) where they had come up with those numbers as I would be very interested!!
2. Is there a limit or something that would trigger constant checks?
2. Has anyone else been pulled up for welfare checks?

Thanks for reading!
Interesting post, thanks for sharing.

I've always wondered how they track someone's P&L in a land-based venue and I have had a similar experience where someone I know was told they had gambled much more than they had.

I think the only real way they can track activity is using the loyalty cards. If it's in the slot when you're playing then that's pretty accurate. If you're playing table games though, how can they check gameplay? Yeah sometimes I have flashed my card when I sit down at the table and perhaps they do track how much I convert to chips and back, however occasionally I will sit at a table, play cash and walk away. Sometimes I'll even take the cash chips home without converting - they will have no idea if I have lost them on a table etc.

I'd be really interested to know if anyone on here has experience of land-based gaming and could share any info on how it's tracked. :)

Yeah my thoughts exactly. Grosvenor used to be points based but they scrapped that long ago, the card is pretty pointless except for signing in to the buidling. Now they have these ticket machines you dont even need to go to the cashier to cashout. Much like yourself @Mark_Lottomart I sometimes end up taking my chips home. I just don't see how they can track your play/spend accurately.
Interesting post, thanks for sharing.

I've always wondered how they track someone's P&L in a land-based venue and I have had a similar experience where someone I know was told they had gambled much more than they had.

I think the only real way they can track activity is using the loyalty cards. If it's in the slot when you're playing then that's pretty accurate. If you're playing table games though, how can they check gameplay? Yeah sometimes I have flashed my card when I sit down at the table and perhaps they do track how much I convert to chips and back, however occasionally I will sit at a table, play cash and walk away. Sometimes I'll even take the cash chips home without converting - they will have no idea if I have lost them on a table etc.

I'd be really interested to know if anyone on here has experience of land-based gaming and could share any info on how it's tracked. :)

Can't they just check you by the camera that recorded you at the table you play at since you id is logged into the system and they know when you walk in
Lets not mention facial recognition ai
Then add you face to a shared database
I don’t go to land based as much as I used to mostly due to living 40 miles away from my nearest! When I do go I tend to make a night of it and stay at least 4-8hrs.

My last few visits I have been approached after the 4hrs mark to ask am I ok? And have to explain each time that I’m not going to drive 1hr each way to just spend 30mins there lol They seemed to have accepted that now as the manager said I will put that in the “notes” so clearly the keeping more tabs on us even in land based.

As for them knowing if you up or down on the tables, they will have a rough guide from how much you bought in for to how much you cash out at end but won’t be to the penny. But if they really wanted to they could just re watch the tables from video and get the figure to within a chip or two, not that they would as would be too staff intensive.

As for slots if using a player card they will know, if not you could hide it a bit but I don’t care either way.

Poker tables are tracked quite well as well from my experience, often the cash desk knows you had a good night before you even get there!

So yes they can’t track you 100% but a reasonable amount I would say these days they can esp if they had too eg if they had to investigate your visit etc.
Hey! Yes, you can request clarification on how the casino calculated your "spend." While freedom of information laws, such as the UK Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), typically apply to public bodies rather than private businesses, you can still request data protection regulations. Specifically, under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), you can submit a Subject Access Request (SAR) to Grosvenor. This allows you to obtain a copy of all personal data they hold about you, including details related to your account activity and their calculations.

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