So much for the
i guess
If you dont think just barely doing more than the required amount of spins to qualify for the weekly is taking the piss, thats fine Geordie.
I never said you broke any rules, i just figured someone whos so into fair play and the "spirit of comps" would avoid such things.
"Personally I do not actually have an issue with folk who play by the rules in order to gain an advantage. Do you Kroffe?"
You mean like Nikan did?
I think abusing rules or bending them to your advantage is taking the piss, but clearly you dont, wich you have shown several times.
And you like to play the victim like i just decided to randomly attak poor Geordie for some reason.
Nobody else has called me a racist hypocrite for not believing in anti-vaxx conspiracy theories.
You are free to think my aim was to steal the prize from Helena, i dont really care much what you think, since most of it seems based in some fantasyland anyway. =)
Keep bending rules and taking the piss all you want, but dont go all waah waah when someone points it out.
Have a good night hun, and good luck in the vs battles.