Withdrawn: Jetbull's payment delays

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Forum & Complaints Team Leader
Staff member
Jan 20, 2004
[withdrawn]Almost two months ago a UK player brought a slow-pay issue to us concerning Jetbull. There had already been weeks of delays with Jetbull saying "processor problems" and so-forth. The worst of it was that they had no idea when payments would be processed and could give no time frame when these problems would be resolved.

We contacted the casino and got pretty much the same response:
our payment provider is experiencing some technical issues ... we will come back with a centralized situation about all the user's payments, as soon as possible.

Note that these were modest payment requests, less than £2000.

Now here we are, almost eight (8) weeks later, and the player has still not been paid [in full, see below]***. Jetbull has made no attempt to contact the player and no "centralized solution" has materialized. With regrets I must issue the following caution to prospective Jetbull players:

BE AWARE: Jetbull is stalling payments to player's for excessively long periods. In effect they are not paying their players or are being highly selective in doing so. Players are advised to avoid Jetbull until it has been clearly demonstrated that their "processor issues" are fully resolved and players are once again receiving the payments they are due.

= [it turned out that partial payment had been received in early August][/withdrawn]

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Jetbull now claims the player was paid in full about a month ago -- complete with what looks like a ticket post from the player saying as much -- and complains about my PAB efforts here:
While it sadness us to lose a player due to delays encountered from the payment processor (which was been switched meanwhile), what worries us more is the fact that it seems the judging process for such cases doesn't seem to be fair and lacks communication from your side. You failed to provide us with any updates or conclusions of your investigation even though we provided you with all the information you needed to form an unbiased opinion.

Interesting interpretation of events. Last exchange I had with them was in early August after they'd said they'd be announcing a "centralized solution" and nothing was forthcoming. They asked my position and I told them:
I appreciate that Jetbull is having payment processor issues but our perspective is that those problems are Jetbull problems and not something that the players should have to worry about. As such we would expect Jetbull to resolve their payment issues as quickly as humanly possible and get their players paid. The longer the players go unpaid the worse it looks for Jetbull.

I checked with the player shortly thereafter asking if the payments had been received and they said:
No, not a thing.

I checked again a few weeks after that and they said:
No, no payment, I've given up on it now ...

After that I'd had enough and posted the Warning.

From my point of view Jetbull had been criminally lax in paying their players, had provided no concrete information as to what they were doing about it or when it would be done, completely failed to follow-up on their so-called "centralized solution", said nothing about having paid the player in question and as far as I knew said nothing to the player regarding the ongoing non-payment. As such they were in no position to expect "updates or conclusions of your investigation" from me or anyone else, IMO.

Ignoring their own faults in this debacle and trying to blame-shift on to me claiming negligence is laughable. I've invited them to take this to Bryan if they have further words on the matter.
The casino people have gone out of their way to provide evidence that their players WERE paid within a few weeks of the "processor problems" issue. Furthermore the player involved in the specific case which precipitated this Warning is now AWOL and not responding to our further questions on the matter. If that player cannot or will not defend their claims of non-payment there is no reasonable justification for this Warning. As such I am withdrawing it effective immediately.
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