"A given player has made accidently 2 or even 3 accounts. Over a period of 10 months he deposits severals times and he's down 10k. With his last deposit he manages to hit a jackpot and win 15k. He goes to withdraw and THEN the casino says: You can't withdraw due to multiple accounts."
Now while I understand both sides I have to agree that is it not fair at all to apply the rules ONLY when withdraws are made. What if he has lost a fortune? If he was not allowed to play in the first place then all his loses should be returned to him too otherwise I call it a scam. You can't take the money as if all is well and when is the time to pay up to decide to apply the rules and kick the player out.
Whether the casino knew or not at the time that he had multiple accounts is irrelevant. Once you are in and you play, You are in!
It seems that no rules can be complete enough to cover every single trick on the book therefore I would say to casinos becareful before you take a gamble on board and especially bonus whores.Why let the players sing up without checking them first just as some forums do?
...but you see casinos are too eager to take your money to the point of not even having invested on a simple safeguard which would immediately block or not allow to open a 2nd account from the same IP. They do nothing to prevent that yet they have a rule about it. They do a lot verbally but not practicaly as is the case with most of them.
Where is your line in the sand?
"A given player has made accidently 2 or even 3 accounts. Over a period of 10 months he deposits severals times and he's down 10k. With his last deposit he manages to hit a jackpot and win 15k. He goes to withdraw and THEN the casino says: You can't withdraw due to multiple accounts."
Now while I understand both sides I have to agree that is it not fair at all to apply the rules ONLY when withdraws are made. What if he has lost a fortune? If he was not allowed to play in the first place then all his loses should be returned to him too otherwise I call it a scam. You can't take the money as if all is well and when is the time to pay up to decide to apply the rules and kick the player out.
Whether the casino knew or not at the time that he had multiple accounts is irrelevant. Once you are in and you play, You are in!
It seems that no rules can be complete enough to cover every single trick on the book therefore I would say to casinos becareful before you take a gamble on board and especially bonus whores.Why let the players sing up without checking them first just as some forums do?
...but you see casinos are too eager to take your money to the point of not even having invested on a simple safeguard which would immediately block or not allow to open a 2nd account from the same IP. They do nothing to prevent that yet they have a rule about it. They do a lot verbally but not practicaly as is the case with most of them.
Where is your line in the sand?