It seems I have to repeat this many times to make you understand it: They DO have a reason to manipulate the cards. They manipulate them so that eventually there are no winners. Because in poker it is possible to have an edge even after a 5% rake is taken off from you.
If the cards were random, then some players, playing (in no limit tables) only the very strong hands and fold everything else, would have a huge gross edge e.g. 20%. which less the 5% rake, leaves a net edge of e.g. 15%, and thus they would keep making profits. If there was no rake, they would make even greater profits. Thus the casinos would have to keep paying these winners. I guess this is what happened when online poker was first introduced, I guess it wasnt rigged and the cards were random. Casinos were paying much to some winners. So the managements decided to stop this profit leaking. So in the last years they manipulate the cards to force the advantage players to lose as many extra times as necessary so that eventually they make no profits, and thus that there are no winners in the long run. "Coincedentally" the advantage players experience an extreme negative variance (bad luck) that never stops. Hundreds, thousands of hands, nope, it never stops. Such extreme bad luck has less of 1% probability of happening, thus this is the statistical proof for cheating, as it did not happen only to me, but also to many others. These advantage players did not become losers because of the rake. Because if they had an average luck, they would make big profits, AFTER the rake is taken off.
All these posters in casinomesiter and other forums who are desperatelly trying to convince us that online poker is not rigged, are affiliates and casino representatives, who would lose future profits if the truth prevails. They know it is rigged. And all these online poker "professionals" are affiliates. Their profits are from affiliate commisions.