Extended poor luck...
347 as a bad streak would be EXCELLENT for all the bunk I've been getting lately! I keep tabs on the amount of spins, and routinely up my bet after 75-100 spins, and so on after that. Why so many spins before increasing my bets you say? Because lately I've been going through these awful funks of not getting the free spins UNTIL about 500 spins. In fact, 3 times this past week, I've reached 700!!!
It wouldn't have bothered me so much if I'd be pulling some nice wins along the way, but that's a lot to ask throughout 800 spins. And all too many times when I play now, I'm lucky to reach $2.00 on the 15 free spins (using .09 minimum of course).
I guess that's the way it goes though. When I first started playing a couple of months ago (Thunderstruck, Tombraider, SpringBreak, and MG slots across the board), regardless of the amount of time between free spins, I always cleaned up during the free spin sessions (like $5 to ridiculous amounts on a mere .09-18 cents).
Nope, not any more.
I love MG casino's, but to me, the more you play a game, the tighter it gets. PlayTech ran me out the same way last year, I'm hoping that this has just been an extended aberration for me (in terms of poor luck). I don't mind losing, come to expect it, but I'd like to know that I'll always have the opportunity to win big (even IF I don't win).