spamming dweeb
- Joined
- Jan 24, 2018
- Location
- Oslo, Norway
Hey folks!
First off let me say I had some fun and exciting moments tonight.
I am up $5000 in the past 3 weeks so I decided to use some of these winnings and have a high rolling session.
Starting balance $3000
Lowest bet allowed $3.00 Highest bet $12.00
Average bet was $7
Well I have played slots for a long time so I already knew this from my observations. Betting high continually just isnt worth it. Why?
Because most base games do not pay well and when you hit a bonus its usually 50x or under. So say you are doing $7 bets. Well the base game is slowly or quickly going to milk you until you hit a bonus.
Lets review my game play today.
Immortal Romance 11 bonuses at $7.20. zero bonuses or hits on $12 bets
troy feature picked 5 times. best win 24x
Amber 4 times. Best win 30x
Sarah feature twice. Best win 11x
Jurassic park. $4.50 bets
Feature hit 5 times
long neck twice bet win 22x
trex once best win 15x
rhinos 2 times. best win 18x
4 features at $4.50 bets
5x feature twice best win 8x
2 times loki best win 33x
Avalon bet size $7.20
No features after 300 spins
$3 bets
No feature after 300 spins
Bonanza $5-$10 bets
1 feature paid 115x on $5
3 bonuses $12 bet
wild vine feature for all 3. Best win 41x
$5 bet on mega moolah Isis.
no features.
spun that jackpot wheel once and won $100
Total losses.
$2144 from slot.
I went to roulette with the rest and won $1500 back
So total session loss Was just shy of $700
While I had a fun time hitting bonuses at those bet sizes. It convinced me high rolling is completely senseless. its near impossible to win or get ahead unless you are so incredibly lucky. That losses are way larger much quicker and trying to ever get ahead is not going to happen unless you are just so lucky
The best way to play slot IMO. is bets under $2. between .50 and $1.20. Anything more and you are just asking for it.
I do like random big bets here and there when a slot feels good though. Only way to win!
Ok. This sounds interesting and I am kind of newbie. are the thing I like as of now so play it a lot. So, Thanks for sharing this information.
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