Hi, from Rushmore Gaming Group!

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Rogue operator - exploiting the forum for marketin
Apr 17, 2012
Hi All,

My name is Heather and I will be the representative for all Rushmore Gaming brands:

Chery Red
Slots Oasis
Pure Vegas

I am looking forward to becoming active on this forum. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions and/or concerns regarding these brands!

Happy Gaming!

Heather McPherson
Hello Heather, welcome to the forum. I personally am delighted to see a Rushmore rep back on here again. But you have your work cut out for you - good luck!
Hi Nate,

We had an incident a few months ago that created problems with payments. Everything is back on track and we are no longer have issues with payment :)

Chayton- thank you for the welcome! :) I am looking forward to working with all of you

I suggest that you start a thread in the Online Casino section and ask for feedback with regards to issues being experienced at your brands.

As Chayton said, Good Luck!


Hi Nate,

We had an incident a few months ago that created problems with payments. Everything is back on track and we are no longer have issues with payment :)

Chayton- thank you for the welcome! :) I am looking forward to working with all of you
We had an incident a few months ago that created problems with payments.
Sorry, but that is total nonsense!
Maybe you are new to this group and that's what you've been told? But the reality is Rushmore have been dragging out payments (taking up to 2 to 3 mouths) for something like about 2 years now... :(

However, your presence here is warmly welcomed and I sincerely hope Rushmore's problems are behind them and that you genuinely can help the players on this forum who are still having difficulties.

Good luck! :thumbsup:
Hi Heather Welcome to CM's forum.
Hope to see "Major Improvements" with your group & the RushmoreGaming gets back on track with player issues.
Thank You

Thanks BingoT for posting that link. That was my thought too:thumbsup:

Welcome Heather! :)
In that link when you come to page 47, you will see my thoughts of them sending a rep here, now when the problems seems to be over and everyone that was owed has been payed. It started in november last year so it's sad you didn't show up by then.:rolleyes:

Good luck!

perhaps a good start would be to explain what the problems were

honesty from the start will stand you in good stead...

Heather you can start here........



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perhaps a good start would be to explain what the problems were

honesty from the start will stand you in good stead...
Thanks BingoT for posting that link. That was my thought too:thumbsup:

Welcome Heather! :)
In that link when you come to page 47, you will see my thoughts of them sending a rep here, now when the problems seems to be over and everyone that was owed has been payed. It started in november last year so it's sad you didn't show up by then.:rolleyes:

Good luck!
Hello Heather and welcome to the forum. Its unlikely that players will believe in anything you say unless they start seeing players being paid consistently without delays. For a start, what are your time frames for withdrawals and are VIPs given priority when cashing out. Personally, I dont mind giving them prefential treatment but not at the expense of other players.

I venture to say if payments are made timely for at least the next 3 months you might start seeing a trickle of players return. Having said that, however, its really an on-off situation with Rushmore. One day everything is ok and then the delays start afresh. Will the real Rushmore step forward please!
In regards to the links that were posted - these was an isolated issue with payments. The intermediary bank found out that these funds were being used for gambling purposes and seized them. There was no way for us to retreive the funds.

TirileJ- I would have liked to have been active when these problems were happening, but I was in a more behind-the-scenes role helping get everything cleared up. I'm sorry i was not around then to help with problems!

We have been a bit behind on payments trying to get back on our feet after November. At this point we are very close to being back on track. Withdrawals are being processed as soon as they come in and are being sent out as quickly as we are able to send them. In regards to VIPs, they are always given priority in withdrawals. However, paying them first does not come at the expense of paying other players. :)

Thanks to everyone for the welcome. I hope I can be a helpful resource in the future.

In regards to the links that were posted - these was an isolated issue with payments. The intermediary bank found out that these funds were being used for gambling purposes and seized them. There was no way for us to retreive the funds.

TirileJ- I would have liked to have been active when these problems were happening, but I was in a more behind-the-scenes role helping get everything cleared up. I'm sorry i was not around then to help with problems!

We have been a bit behind on payments trying to get back on our feet after November. At this point we are very close to being back on track. Withdrawals are being processed as soon as they come in and are being sent out as quickly as we are able to send them. In regards to VIPs, they are always given priority in withdrawals. However, paying them first does not come at the expense of paying other players. :)

Thanks to everyone for the welcome. I hope I can be a helpful resource in the future.


I am confused - easily done ! SO the intermediary bank seized the funds, you can't retrieve them so what happens to the individuals who were waiting to receive their winnings from this pot of money ? Do they get the money ? Because surely they should?

Looking at the Rushmore thread, some people got paid much quicker than others - was that because only some had their winnings seized? From an independent view it just seemed a higgledy piggledy . touch your finger to the wind thingie as to who got paid when , if at all ?

Still from what you say they should all be sorted very soon ! Lets wait and see.

Thanks for your help and welcome.
TirileJ- I would have liked to have been active when these problems were happening, but I was in a more behind-the-scenes role helping get everything cleared up. I'm sorry i was not around then to help with problems!

I'm in no need for an apology. I havn't played at your casino. The people you should say sorry to is all of them who were waiting to get paid, was lied to, and who the casino told over and over again that the payment was on the way, even though it wasn't.
What I can read out from the thread is that the last person to get paid had waited for 4½ month:eek2:

I'm sure you will do your best to get your reputation back, and I'm glad you have the curage to step in to us lions, that says a lot:thumbsup:

Still I wouldn't play there, but that's me and this is my opinions only.
Others will decides for themself wether they trust you now or not.
In regards to the links that were posted - these was an isolated issue with payments. The intermediary bank found out that these funds were being used for gambling purposes and seized them. There was no way for us to retreive the funds.

TirileJ- I would have liked to have been active when these problems were happening, but I was in a more behind-the-scenes role helping get everything cleared up. I'm sorry i was not around then to help with problems!

We have been a bit behind on payments trying to get back on our feet after November. At this point we are very close to being back on track. Withdrawals are being processed as soon as they come in and are being sent out as quickly as we are able to send them. In regards to VIPs, they are always given priority in withdrawals. However, paying them first does not come at the expense of paying other players. :)

Thanks to everyone for the welcome. I hope I can be a helpful resource in the future.


There have been CONTINUAL "isolated issues with payments", and even though the US situation is understood here, Rushmore seem to be less adept than other US facing groups in steering clear of such problems. This excuse does NOT explain why non-US players also started reporting severe payment delays, however the theory that Rushmore is/was virtually insolvent DOES explain why an "isolated issue with payments" for US players can bring down the GLOBAL payment systems for players.

Rushmore have also repeatedly told us that "everything is now back to normal", yet it only takes a few weeks for yet another "isolated issue with payments" to come along, and players are back to waiting months.

Many players felt they were being lied to, especially when it came to making deposits after being given assurances that there were "no problems" with processing withdrawals, only to find they were subject to weeks of delay and bullshit excuses when they were lucky enough to win.

Sending a rep here now is "too little, too late", for the damage has been done to the brand. Any player who feels it is OK to play there now just because a rep has signed up here and said "all problems are solved" needs their head examined.
i was one of those guys who were lied to - numerous times saying it has been sent when infact it never was , you have no idea how frustrating it was to learn that ok the check will be here in a few days i will use my credit card and pay that back for buying new furniture, then to realize it never has been sent not one week or 2 but months.
i however forgive or should i say will like o try again because at this point theres not alot of casinos for usa and jackpot group as been tighter than polar bear and her cubs.
so its good to see at lest a rep here. i personally would like to see rushmore group come back and redeem themselves but i have to be honest , they have a lot of wounds to lick to do it .
p.s- what gets me is - why could the casino not be honest and just come out and say - the funds have been seized, instead lie after lie after lie thats bad bussiness

good luck
Hi and welcome Heather.

I do want to say something, though:

There have just been way too many complaints; you can't simply dismiss them with a wave of your hand and a perfunctory, "oh, we had an issue, but it's gone now!" I mean, don't get me wrong, we all appreciate that you are focusing on the payment delays that have become standard operating procedure at your casinos. It's going to take time (and timely payments) for many here. Thanks. :cool:
If they really want to get some players back they'll need to do more than just show a presence on the forums. Although I also saw a Virtual rep on another forum and it seems to have worked for them. :rolleyes:

I have to admit that I still have accounts at the casinos in the Rushmore group, but I haven't deposited there since they lost accreditation here. For me personally I wouldn't risk my money playing there again until I can see a lasting change.

IMO what the rep should be doing is talking to Bryan about being taken out of the pit and working on getting accredited again.

Let's face it, if the casino had been paying people in a timely manner, they wouldn't have needed such an active rep here in the first place. When it got to the point where the only way you could get paid was to contact Louise, that was an issue for most people.
In regards to the links that were posted - these was an isolated issue with payments. ....

With all due respect Heather I think you'll find that the history of problems with Rushmore is rather more complicated than that. I realise that you may be touting the party line you've been tasked to sell but simply blundering into that could get you into pretty hot water here if you aren't careful. I think you'll find it would be in everyone's best interests -- especially your employer's -- for you to be familiar with the following, at the very least:

  • Casinomeister's Best and Worst in Online Gambling for 2009: Best Worst 2009
    Rushmore Casino Group was extremely disappointing this year. Their operator went into the silent mode as complaints were piling up concerning slow payments to players and affiliates. It wasn't until they were removed from the "Accredited Casino" section that it became an important matter. Louise, the casino manager, was always on top of things and was a contender for Best Casino Manager this year, but she was failed by her bossman.

    They were brought back on with the condition that complaints would cease and payments would be back on schedule. It's always a shame to see what was considered a good group do a cyber face-plant over communication issues.
  • Casinomeister's Best and Worst in Online Gambling for 2010: Best Worst 2010
    The Rushmore Group. Awarded Biggest Disappointment of 2009 III for failing to meet what we expected from an "Accredited" online casino. They went from being a major disappointment to "falling from grace." They lost their "Accreditation" after we became aware that they had botched a fraudster investigation. A "dolphin was caught in the tuna net" so to speak. He was a legit player who was originally deemed to be a fraudster. This was to the tune of about $8K.

    Since then, it has been sporadic. Complaints of slow pays and trepidation from both players and affiliates have not made things easy for the Rushmore group.
  • [strike]Casinomeister Warning, 05 May 2010 - Cherry Casino: verification run-around, confiscated winnings[/strike] [sorry, my bad]
  • Casinomeister Warning, 21 Dec 2011 - Rushmore Group: slow-pay tactics.
  • All of which resulted in the Rogue Pit listing here at Casinomeister dated 08 Feb 2012: Rushmore Casino Group - constant slow pays
  • Last but not least the literally dozens of slow-pay issues regarding Rushmore that were raised on our forums over the past three years: go here and search for "Rushmore" for further details.

Of course there is no reason why Rushmore can't recover from their rocky past, I think we all hope they do, but denial of the widely known and publicised facts is not a promising start. You're likely to do your cause a lot more harm than good if you make that your primary strategy here at Casinomeister.
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Are there any unresolved PABs on hand that Heather could work on?

Nothing current, we stopped actively pursuing PABs against Rushmore properties some time ago. I'm sure there are some in the Archives though.
Hi Heather,

Thanks for joining us. If you want to work on getting out of the pit, please let me know.
Hi All,

In regards to past complaints and issues with the casino - I am not denying, nor will I ever deny that there have been issues with slow payments, etc. in the past. For those of you that read my comments that way - I am sorry.

I am here to deal with and clear up any issues players may have with our casinos. I am in direct contact with customer service and with the withdrawals department regarding specific player issues. I can not promise that I will resolve everything, but I can promise that I will work as hard as I can to make sure all issues are respectfully reviewed.

Thank you for all the welcome notes - I appreciate them! :)

Casinomeister- we would love to work on getting out of 'the pit' Please let us know where to begin!

Sorry for this Heather, but I would have loved to be quiet now.

Unfortunately I have read that you again are several weeks behind.
Maybe it's better to wait with the "out of pit" until you have catched up with the ongoing issues
that still is.
In my opinion it's too early. I want to know that I can trust you, and I don't feel that way yet.
But that's me. I know other loves you and it's up to each and everyone to decide ofcourse.;)
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