Official Hanky time: saying adios to the Casinomeister.

There isn’t much to add, as most of it has already been mentioned by those before me. I want to thank you for 17 years of being a member of your community. The forum has saved me from many mistakes and has been an inexhaustible source of useful and entertaining information. Wishing you all the best for the future, Bryan, and heartfelt thanks for everything

I had to dig up the first newsletter that I sent out - this was September 1998:

2 September 1998
Issue #1

*unsubscribe information at the end of this newsletter

The thought for the day:

“Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. ”
— Earl Nightingale

With this in mind, I would like to this time to personally thank you for subscribing to Casinomeister’s newsletter. A lot of time and effort has been put into Casinomeister’s website and it is the visitors like you who will make it work. Our mission at Casinomeister is to present online gaming as a safe and enjoyable way to bring the action of casinos into the privacy of one’s home. The only way this is going to happen is with the user having trust in the game. Casinomeister is where we would like to establish an open dialogue between gamers from across the globe to share their experiences with one another. Experiences lead to knowledge and knowledge is power. Casinomeister is also presented in the German language to meet the growing demand of the German speaking cyber-gamers. And who knows? Perhaps our website will act as a contact point between the German and English speaking communities.

The success of Casinomeister depends on the input we get from our visitors and from the research we do on individual casinos. Our newsletter will present current issues on cyber-casinos and updates on winnings, tips, and experiences from you. Since this is our first newsletter, it is a bit skeletal, but as time passes, the information presented here will be empowering.

The editor

So much for the German stuff! :p

And to continue
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quote - the last sentence of that paragraph reads: "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal."

Is that what I've done here? :D

But yeah - I think with that newsletter we had 20 - 30 subscribers - and our traffic was about 40 people a day. Those were exciting times - believe me.

It's been an amazing trip - blows my mind every now and then since this was a hobby site to begin with :p

Besides the occasional ddos attack or apeshit crazy forum meltdowns, I've had a load of laughs and amazing times here.

can't...let....go...<gasp> :p

Thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you.
There was a dude called Casinomeister
Who was the bane of many a sheister
He supped on many a tall and cold German
While dealing with all the casino vermin

Well enough of my lame attempts at witty limericks anyway.....:oops:

Dear Bryan AKA Mr. Bossman Dude,

On a day like today, a quote from Dr. Seuss comes to mind....

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"

That is how I feel about my time as a member of the wonderful forum that is Casinomeister with you, THE TOP DUDE, THE MAIN MAN at the helm.
Over 11 years of learning, banter, laughs and fun. For me, it was time well spent.

This was the first (and remains the only) gambling forum that I ever joined.
Why? Well because I didn't need to join another one, did I?
Because in the world of gambling fora, CM is THE GOLD STANDARD.

You came into the forum game as a pioneer, and you are now retiring from it, going out on top.
A quarter of a century of excellence, integrity and above all, fairness.
And all of it done with more than a dash of good humour, warmth and generosity along the way.
In short, you are (and always will be) a class act.

It goes without saying that I wish you a long, wonderful, happy and joy-filled retirement.
You absolutely deserve it. Chapeau.

Cheers for everything and all the best, kind sir :cheers:
Oh wow, I don't have the words.

You made Casinomeister a beacon of light in a murky casino world. It won't be the same without you at the helm to steer it straight and true.

It's up to the community now, but, enough about us - enjoy your retirement!

I truly hope it brings you more than you could ever wish for - you deserve it ❤️
Thanks for providing this website for those of us (millions!) who enjoy the online casino world. If it weren't for you, I think the majority of online casinos would be just ripoff joints. Thanks for resolving that Heroes Casino fiasco in my favor and Heroes went down in flames as a result. Thanks for being the main forum that provided a platform for me to expose "C-i-p-h-e-r" as a scammer. I haven't been active much in recent years as I felt the online blackjack games have changed to a different model (away from RNG) around November 2009. ANYWAY, why am I rambling here! It's all about YOU! I'm sorry to see you go but may the future be bright and your healing journey be smooth. Many more future Cheers! to you.
As readers will know our fearless leader is about to ride off into the sunset, his transition time with Casinomeister is done and today is his last day.
Please post your parting messages, well-wishes and “happy trails” messages here.
As readers will know our fearless leader is about to ride off into the sunset, his transition time with Casinomeister is done and today is his last day.
Please post your parting messages, well-wishes and “happy trails” messages here.
All the best Bryan.
Thanks for the help you gave me a few years ago and on behalf of everyone else who has been well advised and supported by Casinomeister.
I can’t believe I’ve actually been in this forum for this long (almost 22 years) and you were the reason I kind of got into online gambling decades ago. When I read that you were leaving, I was in shock because you are the Casinomeister- There is no other. Thanks for all your hard work to fight for all of us against the casinos and for being so fun as well! You’ll be missed 😢🩷🩷
As readers will know our fearless leader is about to ride off into the sunset, his transition time with Casinomeister is done and today is his last day.
Please post your parting messages, we
Lll-wishes and “happy trails” messages here.
As readers will know our fearless leader is about to ride off into the sunset, his transition time with Casinomeister is done and today is his last day.
Please post your parting messages, well-wishes and “happy trails” messages here.
Best wishes to you in the future Bryan. I go back to the days of Mary, spearmaster, jetset, hitmob etc so it is sad to know you are not going to run Casinomeister any longer. We are all getting old. Happy retirement!
Late farewell from me in public. When I first joined I had no idea it was days before Bryan's final call and from his own personal communication, there was no way to tell either!

Says a lot about anything online, forum styles anyway, that you made a place that could continue with you gone. This is like Klopp handing over the reins to Slot, and I'm just there for the ride :)

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