Dormant account
- Joined
- Mar 7, 2004
- Location
- California
i'm a newcomer to this website and to online gambling. heck, i'm new to gambling...period. i don't know how to use the 'bonus' stuff from these online casinos. bonuses seem to have too many stipulations (sp) attached to them. i.e. you must gamble 3,000 hands to get this 20 dollar bonus...and the such.
my point is that when i gambled with the grand banks ripoffs, they took over two months to pay me 75 dollars, even tho' i played without their bonus garbage.
you see, the story is (please bear with me) that i deposited 200 USD and got lucky enuf to raise my money to 275 USD. i thought i'd cash out to see what it was like to get paid. damn, what a nightmare. off the top of my head, i remember this:
numerous emails and phone calls to grand banks. so i thought... who? m two? what's that? who's that? these people only gave me excuses to put me off...i wanted to speak with the grand banks folks...'we're their answering service'. huh? answering service? at this point i knew i shoulda drove to vegas.
'we're back logged' due to many pay off's. you should receive your money in about 7 to 10 days.' being new to this online thing, i believe them and wait. no deposit to my account still. i call again. no grand banks people, just these 'm 2' folks. 'oh, you haven't been payed because you haven't submitted a 'player qualification form'.' a what? i ask. i didn't need this form to give them my money...but, i have to bow. they have my money. they fax it, i fill it out. i fax it back...okay, money's comin'. no, it's not. i call grand banks...oops, i mean the m2 folks...'no, you don't need to fill out a player qual. form. that form is for poeple who've won 1,000 USD or more.' oh, well, i've only won 75 bucks. but, hey, forget the 75 bucks. can i get my initial two hundred that was taken outta my checking account? 'oh, you'll get the whole two hundred seveny five. who did you deposit with?' net teller, i tell 'em. 'oh. do you have an instadebit account?' a what? jeez, i shoulda never trusted these online *ssholes. i'm pissed by now. but, hey, they got my two hundred bucks, to heck with the seventy five. the grand m2 folks tell me that if i had an instadebit account, i'd get my money in a few days. so, feelin' that i'm gettin' it in the *ss, i bow to these jerks and i go thru the bull of opening an insta-damn-debit account. as instructed, i notify these m2 folks, give 'em my instadebit acct. info. i'm good to, i'm not. i get nothing. i call. 'who did you deposit thru? net teller? oh. you see, we're back logged because of paypal.' paypal? what's that got to do with net teller? nothin', i'm told by these m2 grand banks folks. i'm informed that paypal is closing it's accounts. so, people using paypal are demanding their payoffs with grand banks. therefore, i'd have to wait in line to get my money. damn, i'm hot. what about my new instadebit account? it doesn't matter. but, i wait, nuthin'. i call 'em...whoever they are...and inform them that i know i've been scammed. but, i'm going to call them every damn day...and, i did...i got my money.
did i try to check the internet for bad casinos? yes. i found nothing about grand banks. bad online casinos? do a google's tough to believe anyone.
i have no idea as to why i missed CasinoMeister. but, now that i've found this place and read about grand banks here in the forums, i feel better. it wasn't me, it was these slime bags who rip people off. or try to. was it that i was trying to play for a bonus and cash out (i read about bryan bailey's trip to montreal)? no. that crap (the bonus info) was too confusing...i played straight. i got dragged...for seventy five bucks...not a coupla thou'. amazing...
at this point, if i wanna gamble, without the long drive to vegas (and, to heck with these indian casinos)...who can one trust? i just want somethin' fair and square...
sorry my first post was soo long...
sincerely, ron mcclure.

you see, the story is (please bear with me) that i deposited 200 USD and got lucky enuf to raise my money to 275 USD. i thought i'd cash out to see what it was like to get paid. damn, what a nightmare. off the top of my head, i remember this:
numerous emails and phone calls to grand banks. so i thought... who? m two? what's that? who's that? these people only gave me excuses to put me off...i wanted to speak with the grand banks folks...'we're their answering service'. huh? answering service? at this point i knew i shoulda drove to vegas.
'we're back logged' due to many pay off's. you should receive your money in about 7 to 10 days.' being new to this online thing, i believe them and wait. no deposit to my account still. i call again. no grand banks people, just these 'm 2' folks. 'oh, you haven't been payed because you haven't submitted a 'player qualification form'.' a what? i ask. i didn't need this form to give them my money...but, i have to bow. they have my money. they fax it, i fill it out. i fax it back...okay, money's comin'. no, it's not. i call grand banks...oops, i mean the m2 folks...'no, you don't need to fill out a player qual. form. that form is for poeple who've won 1,000 USD or more.' oh, well, i've only won 75 bucks. but, hey, forget the 75 bucks. can i get my initial two hundred that was taken outta my checking account? 'oh, you'll get the whole two hundred seveny five. who did you deposit with?' net teller, i tell 'em. 'oh. do you have an instadebit account?' a what? jeez, i shoulda never trusted these online *ssholes. i'm pissed by now. but, hey, they got my two hundred bucks, to heck with the seventy five. the grand m2 folks tell me that if i had an instadebit account, i'd get my money in a few days. so, feelin' that i'm gettin' it in the *ss, i bow to these jerks and i go thru the bull of opening an insta-damn-debit account. as instructed, i notify these m2 folks, give 'em my instadebit acct. info. i'm good to, i'm not. i get nothing. i call. 'who did you deposit thru? net teller? oh. you see, we're back logged because of paypal.' paypal? what's that got to do with net teller? nothin', i'm told by these m2 grand banks folks. i'm informed that paypal is closing it's accounts. so, people using paypal are demanding their payoffs with grand banks. therefore, i'd have to wait in line to get my money. damn, i'm hot. what about my new instadebit account? it doesn't matter. but, i wait, nuthin'. i call 'em...whoever they are...and inform them that i know i've been scammed. but, i'm going to call them every damn day...and, i did...i got my money.
did i try to check the internet for bad casinos? yes. i found nothing about grand banks. bad online casinos? do a google's tough to believe anyone.
i have no idea as to why i missed CasinoMeister. but, now that i've found this place and read about grand banks here in the forums, i feel better. it wasn't me, it was these slime bags who rip people off. or try to. was it that i was trying to play for a bonus and cash out (i read about bryan bailey's trip to montreal)? no. that crap (the bonus info) was too confusing...i played straight. i got dragged...for seventy five bucks...not a coupla thou'. amazing...
at this point, if i wanna gamble, without the long drive to vegas (and, to heck with these indian casinos)...who can one trust? i just want somethin' fair and square...
sorry my first post was soo long...
sincerely, ron mcclure.