Yep - it's an alternative code for 'shithouse'. Stooopid terms, targeting problem gamblers, fake slots, disguised payment authorization/processors etc.
So you see the scam here - tempt you with a bonus and you lose, fine. Have the audacity or temerity to win, and then the Catch-22 term is applied, that you're a 'bonus seeker' so you lose anyway. Their real name should be 'holdwin' as that's what they'll do. I'd go straight to your payment provider and chargeback for unlicensed gambling. At least you could get that back, unlike your winnings.
The classic confidence trick - hold cash-outs (that you'll never receive anyway) over you like the Sword of Damocles, 'activity' meaning their first scam tactic is to try and get you to spunk the balance before you get to your next won't-be-paid-under-any-circumstances withdrawal. If that fails, and you happen to increase the balance, either some other special 'term' will be used to thwart your w/d or an arbitrary excuse will be created like they think you're a problem gambler etc. Complain about that, then your account will be blocked and they will ignore further e-mails.
There's more chance of Putin waking up tomorrow, declaring world peace and his intention to seek EU membership that there is of you getting that 9k, or any significant portion of it. Sorry mate.