dirtydealin said:
You came out targeting me from the begining, I answered all your inquires, yet you post as if this is my fault.
Wrong. I have only one target, and it isn't you. As I said before.. ok wait.. let me type it slower this time so you can understand it..
the only reason I questioned your posts was due to a timing issue.
dirtydealin said:
The only thing I am guilty of is telling the truth, if I had a scanner I would scan the damn check to show you.
That's not necessary, simply because I couldn't shiv a git... your check is YOUR issue and has nothing to due with this now.
dirtydealin said:
While you seem to be back peddeling, why didn't you respond to my critical post of GC
First off, I apologized for the timing issue that made me ask questions. I NEVER ACCUSED YOU, so therefore I owe you no personal apology, and you'll never get one. I apologized for what was necessary to apologize for, and that's not back pedalling, it's being civil. Second of all, I didn't respond to your critical post because I don't respond to EVERY damn post back here, nor am I liable to categorically remember what each and every person has posted in every single thread. If necessary, I'll at times go back and categorize certain posts, but I didn't on that occassion and instead JUST ASKED A BLOODY QUESTION.
dirtydealin said:
also your one of the reasons my rating was so low, bunching a new guy(me) with a known spammer, two of your members said so in the initial thread
Now wait just a second. If you want a piece of me, just ask and you'll have it. I've tried to CIVILY explain to you why I asked questions and now you're blaming me for your low reputation? That's rich foo... First off, Lojo made the original comment about 'probably due to being lumped in' because HE DIDN'T KNOW ANY BETTER AT THE TIME. He didn't realize that you had the -16 BEFORE I posted my questions, he thought you went that low AFTERWARDS. He was just THINKING OUT LOUD, not stating a fact. Learn how to read posts for crissakes. Secondly,
dirtydealin a few posts down said:
my Rep is wacked because I left a tongue in check reply, about the US nuking Eastern Europe, in a goofy thread I shouldn't have gotten involved.
Now it is explained. You got -16 from a thread debacle you were involved in a few weeks ago. You were -16 before you showed up yesterday, but you want to BLAME ME for your low rep? You must be farking kidding me, right?
Why don't you do me a favor... go ahead and smack that User CP link at the top-left of the Forums. In there, you will see EXACTLY who gave you negative rep points and for which post.
Show me where either I personally took down your rep, or where your rep was lowered as of YESTERDAY
I'll wait...
Oh, you didn't find either instance did you...? But you already knew all of this... you just want to come out swinging because you got asked A QUESTION.
This how the timeline went, and the Forums will verify this:
You posted in this thread for the first time yesterday at 1:19 PM
You then posted in Geoff's new thread at 1:22 PM, 3 minutes later. That's the thread where you posted a thumbs up and said 'Kudos to GC', even though you have no idea whther the check is good or not.
I posted my first response to YOUR post in this thread at 1:27 PM, 5 minutes AFTER both of your posts. All I said was 'hey this post comes in from some d00d with -16 rep points' and asked Bryan if he could shed some light.
NOTHING ACCUSED, just asking it be looked into (since Bryan can check IPs and other things as I stated in an earlier response).
I then posted in Geoff's new GC thread at 2:06 PM, 45 mins AFTER your 2 posts. I asked Bryan his opinion after seeing your one post and finding it curious. Now I see you've posted against another GC thread and are now giving them KUDOS. This time, I just asked you directly... are you working with AllAmericans??
NOTHING ACCUSED, just asking you straight up.
dirtydealin said:
Anyway, it doesn't matter I can't find a casino that will accept me, GC has closed my account(probably from my posts here) so there is no reason for me to use these forums anymore.
If you only came here to rant about your payment and could not find a niche area to join the community in the 100's of other discussions, fine. But DO NOT blame me. You need to grow slightly thicker skin if you are going to hang around online forums. This isn't some little L33t gaming clan forum, it's a casino forum full of ADULTS who can discuss tough issues and answer even tougher questions. I'm once again
SORRY you don't feel like anyone can ask you a question you don't like, but that's life.
dirtydealin said:
Good Luck to everyone on this board, in the casino and in life.
Same to you. As well, I wish you luck in learning to take responsibility for how you are perceived and handled socially (your nuclear bomb thread), and that you quit blaming others for things they DIDN'T do. You should have accepted the curiosity factor involved in the timing of things and moved on.
- Keith