Golden Palace vs

The Dude

The artist formally known as Casinomeister
Jun 30, 1998
Has anyone seen this?
Old / Expired Link

Sunpoker had just released a press release yesterday announcing their winning bid: Advertises on Pregnant Woman's Belly
Friday February 11, 9:28 am ET

Feb. 11, 2005--From billboards in Las Vegas to magazine
and television ads around the globe, has
been making its mark in every advertising venue imaginable,
and now is taking its message where few have gone
before...a woman's pregnant belly. won an eBay auction at a price of $8,900 which
is sure to help Elise Harp, a single Mom-to-be from Atlanta,
Georgia buy enough diapers and baby formula to last quite a
while. plans to use its newfound ad space to
advertise their online poker room, which is one of the largest
on the Internet. They will have to hurry though because it's
only going to last another 45 days. Elise is due March 30th.

"We're not really sure of where this will lead, but we do
realize people like to see and feel a pregnant woman's belly
so we thought we would use the space as a new form of print
media," laughs Nick Melrose,'s Poker Manager.
"Seriously though, it's a tough thing to be a single mother in
today's world, and we hope the money helps Elise and her baby."

Elise has already attracted international recognition from
numerous media outlets including ABC's Good Morning America,
CBS News Atlanta, FOX, and several newspapers. So much so,
her eBay auction page had maxed out on its bandwidth capacity
due to all the visitors looking for a glimpse of the former Miss
Hawaiian Tropic beauty.

Looks like GP made a side offer. :D
Bryan, here is even more news from good old Golden Palace:

The online casino bid the highest in an unusual eBay auction and obtained the right to change the name of Bostons FleetCenter Sports Center to its own name -- -- for one day.

A bid of $35,099 was what it took to turn a center for professional team sports and other events into an online casino. The one-day name transition has just passed -- February 16, 2005. And yesterday the Sports Center, so to speak, had an advertising presence at the Jumbotron for the Boston Celtics and Memphis Grizzlies NBA game. also replaced the FleetCenter name on the FleetCenter's Website. When phone callers called the FleetCenter's automated phone system on Wednesday, they were greeted with a friendly voice that welcomed them to

:notworthy :D
Yaaaaay, good ole' fun-loving, rascals-you-love-to-hate-but-who-still-make-you-smile Golden Palace.

Golden Palace, who stole somewhere between $150,000 and $300,000 of players' money in early 2000, lost their Microgaming license then used that stolen bankroll to finance their rebirth under a new provider.

Golden Palace, who are now "accepted" and whose unresolved, unrepented crimes are forgotten.

Golden Palace, who are no longer "rogues" because anything with a date-stamp older than three years doesn't matter.
caruso said:
Golden Palace, who stole somewhere between $150,000 and $300,000 of players' money in early 2000, lost their Microgaming license then used that stolen bankroll to finance their rebirth under a new provider.

Golden Palace, who are now "accepted" and whose unresolved, unrepented crimes are forgotten.

Golden Palace, who are no longer "rogues" because anything with a date-stamp older than three years doesn't matter.

If you can back any of this up with factual evidence (please don't point me to some un-moderated thread posted at WOL or wherever). Then I will re-rogue them in a heartbeat.

GP was one of the reasons the rouge section was developed in the first place - they were the poster child. But after a number of years passed by, the past offenses became a blur. And with a number of updates, they were subsequently removed.

IMO the rogue section must remain dynamic - to place someone there and just let them sit there and forget about them for several years is not painting an accurate picture. As of now, the only thing that GP is guilty of is slow payments and stupid promotional stunts (they are there listed under the "Stupid Casino Tricks" section by the way).

Fair is fair. Again, if you can provide evidence to support your allegations, I'd me more than happy to showcase this
they closed 2 of my accounts at Golden Palace and sister site with about 4k in them total in 2000. I had other monies in other sister sites, but I was fortunate enough to wok out a withdrawal deal with them on those.

I can assure you that there are several players who have yet to receive any money from their seized accounts.

Bryan, are you saying that the industry should recognize a statue of limitation on blacklisting a casino due to illegal seizure of funds? I am getting older, but I stilll have vivid memories of this incident. How quickly some can forget the theivery and barbaric treatment this outfit has shown players in the past. We are talking the year 2000, not all that long ago.
Would be more profitable than bonus scamming....

Open a casino, nick $200,000. Get blacklisted.

Spend $50,000 a year on beer for 4 years.

Reopen again 4 years later as an ok place
(albeit with a major hangover).
kengam said:
Bryan, are you saying that the industry should recognize a statue of limitation on blacklisting a casino due to illegal seizure of funds?
Nope not in the least bit. Give me a few days, and I bet I can come up with a few unresolved issues. Feel free to PAB and I'll put something together.
eek said:
Would be more profitable than bonus scamming....

Open a casino, nick $200,000. Get blacklisted.

Spend $50,000 a year on beer for 4 years.

Reopen again 4 years later as an ok place
(albeit with a major hangover).

REALLY excellent idea! :lolup:
but that after-4-years-boozzzing hangover... :eek2: :D
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I think Kengam knows more about this than I do - and I'll take a guess that Ted Loh's in there as well with some useful info since he was involved at the time - but I'll also look to ferreting out some candidates.

I thought it was common knowledge that they had huge unpaid debts. The fact that time has passed changes nothing. 300K is always 300K.
deezamn said: that's where my monthly bonus money from Caribbean Sun ink a pregnant woman's belly. I guess that's a good cause?

Yep, definitely explains the drop in all sorts of bonuses at the group. Must have hired GP's pr firm..... :lolup: :lolup:

BTW, why am I Gnome ******. Makes it sound like I molest gnome's or something. I simply put Gnome Leader.........
Golden Palace, with all their crazy antics and weird Ebay purchases, has found its way into the mainstream media in a way that no other online casino has that I am aware of. When a first time player comes along, they are more likely to play at a casino that they've heard of. Wheather it be for paying tens of thousands of dollars for a partially eaten grilled-cheese sandwich, or the publicity gained from buying a walking cane with ghost included, you have to admit that their advertising dept. is very creative, and wheather silly or not, the name is getting exposure. I believe that GP, in its wisdom, has realized that a sucker is born every minute, and that they can make a very good living by getting a good share of the new online gamblers even if they only get one or two deposits from each of them before the customer moves along to someplace that is more reputable.
I may be very wrong here. My memory is vague. But when I first started learning about online gambling a few years ago, I read about the GP fiasco.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they actually do something at someone's HOUSE? Someone who "badmouthed" them on the Boards or something like that? Seems to me I remember reading something about something like that. Some kind of threat or knocking someone's trashcans over or something.

If I am wrong and no one can remember this story, perhaps I can delete this post in a few days. I certainly don't want to unfairly talk about something I don't know about. But my vague memory sure is ringing a bell on it.

Can someone verify this? If not, I would ask the Casinomeister if I can delete this post.
paul1 said:
I may be very wrong here. My memory is vague. But when I first started learning about online gambling a few years ago, I read about the GP fiasco.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they actually do something at someone's HOUSE? Someone who "badmouthed" them on the Boards or something like that? Seems to me I remember reading something about something like that. Some kind of threat or knocking someone's trashcans over or something.

If I am wrong and no one can remember this story, perhaps I can delete this post in a few days. I certainly don't want to unfairly talk about something I don't know about. But my vague memory sure is ringing a bell on it.

Can someone verify this? If not, I would ask the Casinomeister if I can delete this post.

I have all of the information on this. It included threatening phone calls and tires being slashed. The problem is who is to be believed here? The "victim" is serving a number of years in a federal prison for fraud and tax evasion :D
This thread gives me a great idea!

I'm thinking of auctioning advertising space on a certain part of my anatomy too... Ahem.

Actually, I've just realised... I'll be fine if "32RED" or "1on1" win it, but I've had it if "Sands of the Caribbean" or "Royal Vegas Online Casino" come in with a winning bid :eek2:
Slotster! said:
This thread gives me a great idea!

I'm thinking of auctioning advertising space on a certain part of my anatomy too... Ahem.

Actually, I've just realised... I'll be fine if "32RED" or "1on1" win it, but I've had it if "Sands of the Caribbean" or "Royal Vegas Online Casino" come in with a winning bid :eek2:
One fact that is beyond dispute is that Mark Francis as Security Manager and his little gang clearly acted with the approval of the owners in screwing dozens of players out of monies that were due to them. Even back then leading message boards like this one and WOL were full of very active threads from players claiming that they had been ripped off.

Many of them were known and well respected posters who would have no reason to lie, and there was the criminal background that was associated with the owners, who had previously paid a massive (a record for Canada at that time) fine for telemarketing fraud.

I wish The Original Mary was still active, because she did some fantastic public document research that exposed much of the unpalatable nature of Golden Palace associations back then.

The players never abandoned their claims, and attempts to start a boycott failed. GP effectively got away with it and despite the huge amount of bad publicity and damage to reputation they accrued they were clearly able to survive, presumably by offering more bonuses and targeting the newbie players.

Few of us around at that time will ever forget what GP did, and despite the noticeable lack of current complaints few will ever forgive. GP went on to become even more profitable and successful, yet never once did they consider doing the one thing that might have helped them retrieve something of their reputation - offering reparations to everyone they screwed back in 2000.

I don't see that happening - ever.

But the argument on rogue status is a valid one. With no apparent operational misconduct over a period of years, GP has presumably learned that screwing players is not very smart in a business sense, never mind the honesty ethic.

So you're left with five year old history associated with their name, and the bitter memories of those who suffered at their hands and still post. I suspect the minority of players who research before playing may regard that as old news that can be disregarded with safety based on current record. Others will be more sensible and more cautious, working on the theory that this leopard doesn't change it's spots.
jetset said:
I wish The Original Mary was still active, because she did some fantastic public document research that exposed much of the unpalatable nature of Golden Palace associations back then.
I have these all archived, and as I remember, there was some pretty crazy stuff. I'll take a dig into these next week. It's a weekend, and I shouldn't be bothering with this stuff :D
The original telemarketing scam that Mary connected to GP.
(Jack Stroll and Mark Francis)

Old / Expired Link

posted at WOL 15/10/2004
"The only people that hold winnings is Mark F and Anthony D, high end managers"
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casinomeister said:
I have these all archived, and as I remember, there was some pretty crazy stuff. I'll take a dig into these next week. It's a weekend, and I shouldn't be bothering with this stuff :D

Can you take the time to tell me why it looks like my title is Gnome I put in Leader, but I guess it doesn't like that? I don't want to be known as a Gnome molestor.....
I changed it to "Gnome Leader", and that's what I see.

But the guy is bent over by the way... :D
In tune with the original subject of this thread:

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Press Release Source: Plans Suit Over Advertising Space On Pregnant Woman's Belly
Monday February 21, 10:24 am ET

WILLEMSTAD, Curacao--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 21, 2005--Being dubbed the 'Battle of the Belly', is weighing its legal options and preparing a case to sue a competitor for moving in on its advertising space, a pregnant woman's belly.
While it was a twisted story from the onset, it's now taken a very different turn than what had intended. On Thursday evening February 10, 2005 at 4:05 PM EST, posted the winning bid of $8,900 on an eBay auction, and won the right to advertise on the pregnant belly of Elise Harp from Atlanta Georgia. (View auction results: Old / Expired Link)

Ms. Harp called the offices in Antigua to congratulate them on the winning bid, saying, "You have no idea how happy I am right now about the auction. This money is going to help out SO much, plus it's going to be a lot of fun advertising for you."

After hearing this news, Bob Mann,'s Marketing Director proceeded to solidify the plans for the advertisement on her belly. "I immediately called the artist from North Georgia Airbrush and set up the meeting with himself and Ms. Harp the following morning," says Mann, "then I had our promotions department FedEx Ms. Harp twenty maternity shirts with the company logo on them, just in case it was cold at night, and lastly, I had arranged several press passes to the Daytona 500 on February 20th, where we planned on getting her to show off her belly."

Here's where the story gets real interesting. Seven hours later Mr. Mann received an email from Ms. Harp with the subject, 'Auction Situation'. "I am unfortunately going to have to cancel my auction with you..." Mann reads in disbelief, "I have received an offer from another company that I simply cannot refuse..." How do you cancel an auction that someone already won...?'s contention is that Ms. Harp is bound by the agreement she had with eBay to conduct a fair auction and sell the product or service to the highest bidder, which she has failed to do. Had she decided after the fact not to sell the item or service to anyone, there would be no problem, because she has every right to change her mind, but to undermine the auction process and privately solicit an under bidder after the auction has ended is a breach of the agreement.

An additional suit is being planned against the competitor for plagiarism among other reasons. "They copied word for word, a paragraph from our press release on the matter, and then stole our idea of bringing Ms. Harp to the Daytona 500," Mann contends, "If you're going steal our ideas, at least change the words around a bit."

It remains to be seen what will come over the battle of the belly, but promises not to take this lying down.

Peak Entertainment, Willemstad
Johnny Jordane, 888-525-PEAK

So who, pray tell, "outbid" Sun Poker after the auction was over? Was it our friends at GP?

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