Alrighty- the petition's way over a million signatures, and we can definitely say that it's met the criteria needed for debate in Parliament! Huzzah!
That's of course up until the signer swarm come upon the realization that there are no processes in place that would trigger a General Election based off a digital tick, and that Labour MPs aren't likely to discuss their own P45 prospects!
Nor are constituents going to strongarm their Labour MPs into a vote of no confidence, let's be honest!
Labour are more than aware that they're unpopular, as are its MPs, bubble or not.....and frankly my dear, they don't give a damn
Only actual petition of note that could potentially effect change would be to petition ol' big ears himself, Charles, to call an Election based on the revolting mob, under the Bill of Rights 1689. Wouldn't go holding my breath for that one, either